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PG Games - Undying

February 24, 2016 by servergamepg
Comments: 3    |    Views: 4917    |   

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Jayen | November 11, 2015 10:13am
Ah i guess I shall just watch this space !

Yeah insane huh, i consider myself an average player. but this hero is overpowered. Hopefully he doesnt get nerfed in the next patch
UltraSuperHyper (12) | November 11, 2015 5:53am
I don't think the guy has completed his guide mate.

But 195 wins and 34 losses, that's some winrate!!
Jayen | November 11, 2015 5:21am
Dude, why the refresher as a core item? Is it for the double tombstone ? Because in my opinion, a double tombstone is not worth 5200 gold. It is also verify deficult for the undying to farm this up before the mid game, unless you are snowballing ahead.

As an avid undying player (195 wins: 34 loses), I have tried many item combinations. I would like to give my opinion if thats okay. This is what I play every game which works like a dream.

Starting items - Ward, tango's, clarity (for decay spam) and ring for protection (convert to basiclus)

Early game: boots and orb of venom (what a brilliant item, with the tombestone up, no one escapes the undying, I have got 161 tripple kills in 229 matches, and that orb has contributed a lot to that.

Core: Mana boots - undying is mana hungry, this helps to increase the pool and this helps the team. After all, undying is a support hero.

Aghanims: 6.85, allows you to steal 10 strenght on the 4s cooldown, this is lethal for the enemy supports and makes the enemy carries squishy as marshmellows. You may not be able to solo kill people, but you are the deadliest of teamfight heroes. In a good early game you can have this by 20 mins or 25 - 30 mins in a bad game.

Fun strategie: If you are snowballing with this hero, first blood, early double kills etc. Buy a damn radiance. This will help you farm to late get octorine core. I cannot begin to explain how deadly this is, perhaps i will upload a photo of a few games which this item build.
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