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Paradox's pudge guide

July 25, 2013 by Parradox
Comments: 15    |    Views: 18798    |   

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DotaIce (1) | June 26, 2013 10:04pm
urn nut needed
Parradox | June 24, 2013 10:39pm
Well that was a very intense response drakon136 for my first guide. I agree with what you are saying. I haven't updated my build in a while but now i do buy one healing pot, tango ect..... As well I have been using shadow blade and now that i have checked back i wish to update this guide and continue to make it better and more complex. Please don't just bag me / the guide because it is not that good! But I wish people to post constructive criticism and help me make it the best it can be(cause im no pro).
drakon136 (3) | May 9, 2013 9:40am
In my opinion, this is a very poor guide. The skill build is quite bad; as with the others, I suggest taking Rot at level 1, while skipping Flesh Heap until Meat Hook and Rot are maxed.

As for the items, I prefer to start with two Gauntlets, one Healing Salve, one Tango, and two Iron Branches. This, along with the starting level in Rot, makes last hitting much easier, and you can build an Urn of Shadows and Magic Wand later.
I also think that you should rush your Bottle immediately. It will give you plenty of sustain early on, which you need with the point in Rot. Also, never start with a Bottle on Pudge. There is almost no reason to.

As for the counters section, it's mostly good. But, I see a couple problems with it.
- No mention of Lifestealer, Pudge's biggest counter. The only thing Pudge can do to Lifestealer is hold him down for a few seconds, then die.
- You didn't even bother to check the name of one of the counters, Outworld Devourer.

As I said before, this is a pretty poor guide. -1
Sirpolar | May 9, 2013 7:34am
Don,t get a level 1 Meat Hook, Rot offers so much more, self-denial, last hitting power. Max Rot before leveling Flesh Heap.Also, have you considered a Shadow Blade as situational to replace a force staff?
Parradox | March 17, 2013 6:39pm
Thanks so much Hydriss i just made my account and i wasn't sure how i would go about formatting this guide. :)
Parradox | March 17, 2013 6:39pm
Thanks so much Hydriss i just made my account and i wasn't sure how i would go about formatting this guide. :)
hydriss (1) | March 16, 2013 4:17am
Hey :) I thought i'd just give you this link on how to format guides, because at the moment anyone looking at those walls of text is just going to completely ignore it. Try adding paragraphs and some links, images possibly a video etc.

This helps the reader to easily scan through your guide and not have to have mountains of block text to read.

So check this link for a great guide on formatting. I used it on my Lich guide here if you want to see a live example.
Dukermons | March 14, 2013 8:30am
Build 2 Starting item....Bottle.

Parradox | March 13, 2013 7:46pm
By the way guys i have just changed my offensive build (build 2) skill build for you guys to view. Hope you guys like it post your opinions.
Parradox | March 13, 2013 5:21pm
Thanks for your advise i totally agree with what you are saying i don't play very much pudge games with an urn i just bought it on him and did really well. Plus my second build is my mid build. Plus if i get a bottle first leveling up rot to two is good because it won't despell it meaning you can trick people into false suicide. Bracers on pudge i really like cause i can get tanky very quickly. After about two which takes me around 4-5 mins in mid lane i have over 1000 health making me a very hard character to kill in mid because most squishy intelligence go mid. But if you do want to rush the urn just turn those two gauntlets of strength into your urn i will change it for you.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 13, 2013 4:31pm
Oh and I just noticed you had a 2nd build... with a bottle starting item...

Never get a bottle start. It is all your gold and you are a melee hero. You will get harassed out of lane so fast it isn't funny. You have no last hitting power and no effective way to push the lane without risking your own life to obtain runes. If you lane against any ranged hero or a melee hero that is competent, that bottle is going to hurt you, and contributes nothing to your starting game.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 13, 2013 4:28pm
I was always under the impression that flesh heap was low priority vs Rot, since it is retroactive and you will start to gank at the level 6 mark (meaning you want more rot than magic resistence, which is worthless early game anyway)

You should not be building bracers on Pudge. That I strongly disagree with. It is 400 more gold for +3 to all stats. With your starting items a fast urn would be much more suitable, giving you more lasting power, mana regen, and even damage to a small extent. And unlike bracers, is 1 item slot and gives far more utility.

As a "late game" item, it is worthless.

Bottle is core on pudge. He needs the mana regen from the bottle and the HP regen to sustain his hook rots without having to go back to base. Rune control is also big, since pudge is THE ganking hero. Double gamage, regen, haste, illusion are all pretty nice to have. Invisibility, however, amazing for pudge to allow for easy hooks in plane sight.

Late game you will likely want armor items more than Heart. Every point of armor is basically 6% more HP vs physical damage, meaning that after all those charges of flesh heap have gone off and you have 2000 HP, your 1400 gold on +10 armor > hearts 1100 (ish) Hp cost wise. (since you will probably still have an urn which will of course sustain you just as well... especially if you also have a bottle)
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