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15 Votes

Pano's Guide to Dragon Knight

September 24, 2013 by Pano1g
Comments: 19    |    Views: 330772    |   

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Red Claw (1) | July 14, 2016 2:36am
Arteezy Dragon Knight 60 Armor in Epicenter Championship Team Secret VS VP
Push Strat Full Armor Dragon Knight - Push Strat Dragon Knight
Parathion | May 27, 2014 10:18am
Plz update this guide for 6.81
JuggernAlz | January 12, 2014 10:58am
EvilCookie86 wrote:

I would like to request you do a DK mid kind of guide so that i can understand him from all aspects and so that people will get a better feel for him.

+1 I could use that guide too
EvilCookie86 (1) | January 4, 2014 7:19am
I would like to request you do a DK mid kind of guide so that i can understand him from all aspects and so that people will get a better feel for him.
Yasutsuna (51) | November 18, 2013 5:41am
I remembered getting Force Staff on DK as it provides good mobility and INT for a few bursts of Q and W and I skip Soul Ring if I get it. Any opinions on this?
samukobo (28) | September 25, 2013 3:31am
Shadow Blade needs a mention, one of the most used DK items in competitive right now. The lack of Power Treads is also weird, especially for the tanky alternative build.
dynasty987 (6) | September 25, 2013 2:57am
Getting Aquila is pointless ok DK. Get a basi ring sure, but the wraith band component is just wasted money.
TenshiN (6) | April 30, 2013 10:38am
Nice guide, the explanations are quite understandable and the build itself is solid.
Btw, you can use the [ [item/hero/ability name here] ] (without the spaces), to make it look like this: Dragon Knight
Pano1g | April 30, 2013 6:30am
Ok I've prettied the guide up a bit. Let me know what you think. I still got a bit more text to write though and I need to write a section on my tanky build. I'll look into it a bit later today.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | April 29, 2013 4:48pm
El Capitano wrote:

im not sure why everyone bleats on about colours and pictures,I don't go home and read a book and say i wish it had pictures or colours im not 12 years old , good solid guide plus one from me

Are you honestly bashing people because a GUIDE (not a book) is hard to follow because their are no ways of seeking out specific points of information?

This isn't a book. Books are fun when you want to read from beginning to end. Using colors and visuals portray information that you could not with just text alone. Bolding information marks it as important to the eyes, which is not needed in books used for fun.

There has never been a textbook, that I know of, that doesn't use colors and visuals throughout it. The ones that are, are very uncommon. They are designed this way to make information easily accessible.

A regular book like Huck Finn is not the same a Between Worlds (my English Text). Information needs to be organized and accessible. Huck Finn doesn't have information, it has a story. I don't want to read a story looking at a guide.
Pano1g | April 29, 2013 7:58am
Sorry had a busy weekend, birthdays and whatnot. Colors and such coming soon!

Oh and as I mention in the guide tanky DK works out pretty well too. I just prefer the DPS-heavy strat because no one expects DK to put out that kind of damage. You'll be amazed how off-guard this build catches people. I do strongly suggest against building Treads on DK though. Drums are ok though (less ok though since the nerf) but still no substitute for Ring of Aquila (because Drums provide alot less mana regen). DK's biggest weakness in this game is movement speed and Treads give him the worst movement speed out of all other boots. Catching and sticking on your targets or escaping is alot more significant to DK than anything that the Treads provide.
Nubtrain (58) | April 28, 2013 5:57pm
sulaxrox wrote:

I'm gonna up vote this guide because a.) flashy colors and pictures don't make a guide

Although colors and pictures don't make a guide, it helps to separate content or show examples to display what you're trying to explain easier.
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