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You talk a lot about "over powered early game" what you are playing is a support nuker. I like the skill and item build but I am wondering why you make no note of his tri lane power.
PS: Triple twigs is best starting items :)
It worked for me when I changed it. Make sure you save AND publish. If it still doesn't work, PM me what you want it changed to.
ty for your time and thx for the effort.
Ahem Ahem....who told you to put your nuke right in the middle of all of them?
Any good skywrath player would just put in underneath 1 enemy for max damage, or 2 it they are really low on hp.
Well since magnus put them all as close together as possible, you just said he combo's with magus if you know A. Know something not stated in the guide (the purpose of a guide you should not leave any information up for assumtion unless stated in the introduction that you are going to make certain assumptions) and B. play the ability on hard mode- aiming for a specific hero in a pile of heroes and hoping it's the only one caught in the AOE.
No matter what age you are, it's unacceptable. While you probably don't mean to be homophobic, *** is a term of abuse directed against gay people and having it around makes it clear that they're unwelcome. Gay folks have enough to deal with without having people casually direct slurs them while they're just trying to learn a game.
Changed it but for some reason it doesnt happen :S
Don't say "***", it makes you look ignorant and juvenile. It seems cool and normal to be homophobic on the internet and you're 16 years old but eventually you will grow up and be ashamed of yourself.
I am 21 buddy no I am not being homophobic but w/e imma change it
Don't say "***", it makes you look ignorant and juvenile. It seems cool and normal to be homophobic on the internet and you're 16 years old but eventually you will grow up and be ashamed of yourself.
Tho it is inappropriate, it's not THAT big of a deal, I don't think that he will regret it when he grows up, since this is still a word, a rude word, but a word :p I agree that it is better to change it since a lot of people might take it as an insult.
Anw I'm gonna say this with the least words possible: Your guide is ugly. (Just space a little the paragraphs, more green or red, few pictures and you're ready to go)
I don't think he combos that well with
Ahem Ahem....who told you to put your nuke right in the middle of all of them?
Any good skywrath player would just put in underneath 1 enemy for max damage, or 2 it they are really low on hp.