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5 Votes

Outworld Devourer The Harbinger

March 10, 2013 by Thaneos
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Starbucks 64 (3) | March 13, 2013 8:54pm
Ok you never ever EVER max orb first. Here is why. Each lvl in orb after the first only increases damage to Heros by 1%. At early game, at lvl 7 you will only be getting about twelve extra damage from a 100 mana spell if you put more then one point into it. The reason you get your passive and imprisonment is because it helps you in the laning phase, it helps you:
1. Ruin last hits for opposing farmers by spamming when they are about to last hit..
2. Make last hitting easier by stealing int
3. Take away mana from heavy early game nukers.
If you bother to actually do the math, orb is only effective in later levels, so getting it early is practically worthless.

Also add mek to the list, it's a cost effective item that can keep do alive and can even give him mana back via is aura.

This is a very common mistake do players make, and I hope the people who read this not make the same mistake again.
Nintex | March 11, 2013 7:31am
Played with this build today on a pub, I myself went straight for orchid rather than force staff, gave me a huge advantage in ganks. Also Refresher orb after Orchid just made me invincible. Team fights were basically as soon as I got in there, double ulti and 5 people dead and me sitting on Rampage. :P
Thaneos (1) | March 10, 2013 1:59pm
No Bear No wrote:

YOu didn't mention tranquil, ive seen some people use it. Also what do I do for health regen? is my only option Veil of Discord?

Normally you will be in the back or trying to be at least trying to avid taking damage, but sometimes you can't help it which is why I always try to build a Rod of Atos for that little bit of extra health.

If you find you are getting hit a lot the try a Linken's Sphere or a Refresher Orb both have their advantages. I added both to item list also.
Thaneos (1) | March 10, 2013 1:56pm
xCO2 wrote:

I like that you only have one Null Talisman, I don't like stacking them, it just postpones your Force Staff which you really need to be safe enough to go off and farm by yourself if the enemy has a pushing strat or a global strat like N'aix bombs with Wisp / Prophet / Ect...

In terms of the skill build, I mean it really varies depending on the type of lane you're going and if you have a lane partner, or if you're solo mid. No matter what though, I like to take an Astral Imprisonment at level one so I have some defensive capability. Even if you have a laning partner they shouldn't be using all their mana at level one. It also helps if your team is going to set up first blood and such, like if you have a Lina or a Leshrac.

For Luxury/Situationals, some more options could be Refresher, Linken's, or an MKB. Refresher brings a little bit of damage with it, some Int, and if you get a few unlucky Essences that don't proc the regen will help, but its more of a last luxury item because you need a lot of flat Int to make use of it, and you'd need your Scythe of Vyse first. Linken's will bring some all around useful stats for more offensive capabilities and survivability, as well as a counter for Beast Master / Pudge / Doom. Then finally, MKB for some offensive capability and a way to chase, its the direct counter for Phantom Assasin and other like heroes who'll carry a Butterfly. Just some extras to consider.

I agree one Nulls Talisman early game is enough I feel. Added Linken's Sphere and Refresher Orb

Thaneos (1) | March 10, 2013 1:43pm

Usually it's a good idea to max either Astral Imprisonment or Essence Aura first because the intelligence you steal gives you more last-hitting power and better lane control. Also, maxing Arcane Orb first is less useful as you won't be able to spam it in the early game and because it adds a very small portion of damage to your autoattack. That's why I prefer to max the Imprisonment first.

Yea the skill choices are just personal preference for me I like have a little extra damage from Arcane Orb early despite not being able to spam it early because lets be honest name one hero that can really spam anything early... it's just for harassing purposes :D
No Bear No | March 9, 2013 7:35pm
YOu didn't mention tranquil, ive seen some people use it. Also what do I do for health regen? is my only option Veil of Discord?
xCO2 (72) | March 8, 2013 4:04pm
I like that you only have one Null Talisman, I don't like stacking them, it just postpones your Force Staff which you really need to be safe enough to go off and farm by yourself if the enemy has a pushing strat or a global strat like N'aix bombs with Wisp / Prophet / Ect...

In terms of the skill build, I mean it really varies depending on the type of lane you're going and if you have a lane partner, or if you're solo mid. No matter what though, I like to take an Astral Imprisonment at level one so I have some defensive capability. Even if you have a laning partner they shouldn't be using all their mana at level one. It also helps if your team is going to set up first blood and such, like if you have a Lina or a Leshrac.

For Luxury/Situationals, some more options could be Refresher, Linken's, or an MKB. Refresher brings a little bit of damage with it, some Int, and if you get a few unlucky Essences that don't proc the regen will help, but its more of a last luxury item because you need a lot of flat Int to make use of it, and you'd need your Scythe of Vyse first. Linken's will bring some all around useful stats for more offensive capabilities and survivability, as well as a counter for Beast Master / Pudge / Doom. Then finally, MKB for some offensive capability and a way to chase, its the direct counter for Phantom Assasin and other like heroes who'll carry a Butterfly. Just some extras to consider.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 8, 2013 1:19pm

Exactly. I feel 1 point in Astral Imprisonment early is better than maxing it out right, and personally rather have the damage from Arcane Orb first. This is how I play him and it works well for me.

It's up to the player to decided what he wants to max skill wise first and everyone will have varying opinions on the subject. Not everyone will agree, but then what works for some people won't necessarily work for others, because everyone has a different play style and as I've said before nothing is ever set in stone.

Thanks for the comment.

Usually it's a good idea to max either Astral Imprisonment or Essence Aura first because the intelligence you steal gives you more last-hitting power and better lane control. Also, maxing Arcane Orb first is less useful as you won't be able to spam it in the early game and because it adds a very small portion of damage to your autoattack. That's why I prefer to max the Imprisonment first.
Thaneos (1) | March 8, 2013 11:53am
Yoda wrote:

NOO i never said remove agh's :S but i dont consider it a core. Well this is your build anw not mine you can freely change it :)

Lol no I didn't remove it I just changed things a little :P
Thaneos (1) | March 8, 2013 11:52am
Kingkiron wrote:

Your skill build is really un-orthodox. Most max astral imprisonment first, but I've been questioning the reasoning behind this forever. Sure its nice to steal lots of intellect. But how many times do you really get to steal intellect before a team fight. And having a stronger right click earlier would help out before the team fight phase.

One thing I cannot agree upon though is getting scepter. Its nearly worthless on OD and Sycthe of Vyse is his most important item.

Exactly. I feel 1 point in Astral Imprisonment early is better than maxing it out right, and personally rather have the damage from Arcane Orb first. This is how I play him and it works well for me.

It's up to the player to decided what he wants to max skill wise first and everyone will have varying opinions on the subject. Not everyone will agree, but then what works for some people won't necessarily work for others, because everyone has a different play style and as I've said before nothing is ever set in stone.

Thanks for the comment.
Kingkiron | March 8, 2013 11:49am
And yea, A good pugna can ruin OD. As long as he places his wards in hard to reach places.
Yoda (9) | March 8, 2013 11:47am

I will however leave Agh's because some might think it's the best item for him I still feel personally that it has it's usefulness.

NOO i never said remove agh's :S but i dont consider it a core. Well this is your build anw not mine you can freely change it :)
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