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You should add BKB in his core items unless you're playing with a good omniknight in your team or against some particular lineup; i would also reccomend to take a look at mushi's OD build, its like bottle->brown boots->midas->power treads->meka->force staff->bkb->scythe->shiva's->refresher->BoT.
BKB is situational if the enermy does not force u to need one.Finally if you are going to buy a Mek (which is an ok pick up if the team needs it) I bealive that you should pick up the force staff first if you need the escape.
Remove the Orb effect items (Eye and Deso). My build on Outworld Devourer has only intel items.
Phase Boots doesn't seems like a good item for OD coz intel from treads can make your arcane orb more spammable. MORE INTELLIGENCE - MORE POWERFUL (Force staff as escape mechanism in case if silenced)
Anyway +1.
Please, include
In addiotion to his high INT and INT gain,
GL ;)
Sometimes I get an early point in
You didn't mention
I don't really agree with the
Perhaps it's just preference. I don't personally think Butterly is necessary on this sort of carry.
Never touch
Other than these things, I really love this guide. It's got depth whilst also maintaining my interest. Plus, you covered the hero very well. +1'd.
I love the rest of your item choices however. Plus the guide is very well written and as a great read.
Keep on, keeping on
I like to get an early point in
Depending on who i'm facing, i'll have either one of them maxed by 10, the other at 12 and then the last 2 points in
Item build i cant argue with.