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14 Votes

Outworld Devourer: An Outworldly Adventure

November 5, 2014 by BlueBrick
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vincenttantio | March 15, 2016 4:52am
Excellent guide, 4 round never lose use this guide. Recommended for those who want to learn OD. Average kills/death 20+/<10
ThePipersSon (2) | November 12, 2014 2:33am
GZA91 wrote:

You should add BKB in his core items unless you're playing with a good omniknight in your team or against some particular lineup; i would also reccomend to take a look at mushi's OD build, its like bottle->brown boots->midas->power treads->meka->force staff->bkb->scythe->shiva's->refresher->BoT.

BKB is situational if the enermy does not force u to need one.Finally if you are going to buy a Mek (which is an ok pick up if the team needs it) I bealive that you should pick up the force staff first if you need the escape.
GZA91 | November 12, 2014 2:15am
You should add BKB in his core items unless you're playing with a good omniknight in your team or against some particular lineup; i would also reccomend to take a look at mushi's OD build, its like bottle->brown boots->midas->power treads->meka->force staff->bkb->scythe->shiva's->refresher->BoT.
BlueBrick | November 10, 2014 7:03am
Thanks for all the comments guys! I know, i forgot that Desolator and skadi had orb effects. But I already changed it, are you guys still seeing it?
The Bluerage | November 7, 2014 9:44am
Nice guide!
Remove the Orb effect items (Eye and Deso). My build on Outworld Devourer has only intel items.

Phase Boots doesn't seems like a good item for OD coz intel from treads can make your arcane orb more spammable. MORE INTELLIGENCE - MORE POWERFUL (Force staff as escape mechanism in case if silenced)

Anyway +1.
MeatWaad (1) | November 6, 2014 4:59am
Hi, very nice guide +1

Please, include Pugna and his Nether Ward in your foes.
In addiotion to his high INT and INT gain, Arcane Orb would be suicidal if Pugna places a hidden ward and you start to spam it, besides 1600 range is 3x times your attack range.

GL ;)
ThePipersSon (2) | November 5, 2014 9:21pm
I know that Saadi is mainly a stat item but the conflict of unique attack modifiers means that it's a bad item in my option. You are better building a Intel item
jamesShajam (5) | November 5, 2014 2:08pm
Skadi is ok, no deso pls. Add in the mek and the items are pretty much complete, I like necro but that's just my preference.
ThePipersSon (2) | November 5, 2014 1:30pm
The rule of thumb for building OD is more Intel the better with one exception a BKB if needed. Also u said to pick boots between phases and treads as the damage from phases in not that helpful I belive that threads are the better pick up as they give u attack speed and Intel and strength early gave if u need more HP.
SemiViral | November 5, 2014 10:55am
Being an avid fan of Outworld Devourer (he's one of my favourite heroes to play), I've noticed that Arcane Orb is relatively useless until you've got some sort of mana to back it up. I typically go something like this: Essence Aura -> Astral Imprisonment -> Arcane Orb.
Sometimes I get an early point in Arcane Orb if I'm getting heavily harassed, but it's pretty much useless until you can spam-cast it without having to worry about the mana cost (which is killer in the early game). Plus, with a higher level of Astral Imprisonment, you'll have those low int-gain heroes crying hard when you cast Sanity's Eclipse.

You didn't mention Force Staff in the guide. I feel like this is core. I usually go Power Treads into Force Staff simply because it's such a good item. It gives you some regen which you could seriously use, that +10 intelligence the early game honestly put you ahead, and not to mention the active which is so awesome. I like to play Outworld Devourer as a utility hero. I get Shiva's Guard, Force Staff, Scythe of Vyse, Rod of Atos, and sometimes Mekansm if I'm doing really well (and no one's picked it up already). This is a lot of active items, but if you use them correctly, you can be a massive nuisance in teamfights. For this hero, the more utility the better in my opinion, given that he can support the mana costs of almost anything.

I don't really agree with the Butterfly pick-up. He's a carry, this is true, but he shouldn't be in the thick of things necessarily. If you're having a really hard game and are up against someone like Phantom Assassin or some other heavy right-clicker, it could be useful, but if they're seriously becoming a problem, they're likely going to be able to farm up that 5400 gold for Monkey King Bar. I simply feel that the more intelligence you can stack the better, and more utility for this guy is just better (if you can manage a lot of actives).
Perhaps it's just preference. I don't personally think Butterly is necessary on this sort of carry.

Never touch Aghanim's Scepter with this hero.

Other than these things, I really love this guide. It's got depth whilst also maintaining my interest. Plus, you covered the hero very well. +1'd.
BKvoiceover (12) | November 5, 2014 9:00am
Great guide altogether, however I would not recommend getting an Aghanim's Scepter on Outworld Devourer. The buff it gives to your ultimate is so underwhelming that it is pretty much never worth getting.

I love the rest of your item choices however. Plus the guide is very well written and as a great read.

Keep on, keeping on


Romark14 (7) | November 5, 2014 6:01am
Nice guide. I love OD as well, though i tend to concentrate on my support play so i rarely get to 'mid or feed' with him.

I like to get an early point in Arcane Orb to help with last hitting, but i tend to leave it after that. I find the extra time/Int from Astral Imprisonment and regen from Essence Aura help out a lot more early/mid game.

Depending on who i'm facing, i'll have either one of them maxed by 10, the other at 12 and then the last 2 points in Arcane Orb.

Item build i cant argue with. Force Staff is very good though. Stat's and mobility, what's not to like?

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