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Relying on the ultimate is a bad strategy to play a carry IMO.
I prefer to get
This way you get a tremendous amount of intel to deal very high damage with your ulti, but your auto-attacks with orb deal extreme damage.
This is how you play a carry for me.
astral, essence, astral, essence, astral, essence, astral, essence, arcane, sanity, sanity, arcane, arcane, arcane
I didnt notice the skill build tab 2, 3, so some of the things i say make no sense. and im sorry for that. But it dosnt change that i disagree with the orb build a 100% of the times. read on to know why!
IMO i think ur missing alot of stuff. like. diffrent skillbuilds. Like against what kind of hero is you skillbuild good against and when is it better of maxing maybe "ASTRAL IMPRISONMENT".
Same with item build. You give new player one item build to work with but you dont say when its good or bad. I think a guied should atlest explane diffrent items build for people to work with.
That you go deeper with like bkb, shivas and some more. the popular once atlest.
TP scroll! in item build ur saying that people dont need a tp(after u finish ur force staff). and imo that is a mistake.
So imo if ur gona have bootle, magic stick, tread and forcestaff and a null talisman, i think its better just going for 1 null talisman and always have a spot for tp scroll.
If ur upp aginst a heavy magic dmg linip then i think ur build is week and u will drop very fast. Becuse of your low hp pool. your first hp item is tread, and when u reach 1000 hp you want them to change them to int(i can have heard wrong) and ur second hp item is refersher (and ofc the null(which i think should still be keept down too one so u can have a tp scroll)). So now a BKB would have been better. You get hp and magic dmg cant hit u (ofc some ultis can still, but if they want to know that they can check out a guied about bkb).
And when is the refresher build bad? i dotn relly fansy it so much but its good aginst low int heros. i dont think u mention it. and if u did im sorry. and bad aginst high int heros. so if the enemy team has alot of int heros. becuse refersher build is almost only on your ulti. very little on forcestaff. alitle more if u get hex, shivas.
Agha? it gives you a 100 range extra. its okej nothing big. and remember its not aoe. and multiplayer +1. if u have 20 more in u deal 20 more dmg.
But OD often has alot more int and you have the posebillytiy of hitting 5 heros and deadling more to everyone is not that bad. And the item also gives hp and mana.
But then hex gives 35 int. The ulti takes ur int minus enemys int times 10. so hex boosts dmg with 350 dmg.
Agha gives 100 range to your ulti. 390 hp, 280 mana. 10 int 100 dmg to ulti.
Agha gives 455 mana(orb deals more dmg) 190 hp. and 150% mana regen. 35 int 350 dmg to ulti. plus the ability to hex.
And its behind this i think going agha is not that good. if they have high physical dmg maybe shivas insted of hex. shivas gives 15 armor, 30 int, and an ability that is slows unit attack speed and moments speed in a 1000 aoe.
Did u mention u can hit ulti if people are in "ASTRAL IMPRISONMENT". if u did sorry again.
One off the thing i disagree the most with is maxing orb early. Becuse orb scale sooooo bad. I understand geting it early one lvl. But its much better to max "ASTRAL IMPRISONMENT" or "ESSENCE AURA" early so u can spam your orb or imprisonment early alitle more. Becuse face it, 1 dmg per 100 mana early game. Is not something big. Ur run around with maybe 600-800 mana and dealing maybe 2 more dmg per 100 mana aint gona do anything. plus is basted on your current mana not your max. So if u dont max "ESSENCE AURA" ur probly more often gona run around with lower mana pool then max and then its not gona deal maximum dmg.
And thats why i think maxing "ASTRAL IMPRISONMENT" is os much better. U cirpple the other guys mana pool with 10 int and dmg if it is an int hero your aginst. Gives yourself more dmg and bigger mana pool, lower cooldown, it stacks. and it last 60 sec. Read what "suttles" typed its alitle mean, but the truth. And u will understand the weekness of going orb. becuse spamming orb early is useless. So when i read it i can't realy understand how this got so big.
Orb first is a joke.
OD doesn't win lane with orb, he wins it with Astral. You use astral to deny their exp and gold, while making you even stronger by giving you intelligence(Int is mana and autoattack damage). Oh, and astral makes them lose mana, so it can really cripple some people. 10 int is a lot, and it stacks. Orb is based on a percentage of your mana. Considering it cost 100 mana to use the orb, you will easily run out of mana. You should have level 3 Aura before you EVER get your orb, as your Aura gives you mana back.
You noticed what his Aura and Astral do for his Orb? Astral not only gives auto-attack damage, but now it gives your Orb more mana to do even MORE damage. Your aura keeps your mana up so your damage on your orb stays strong, due to the fact it has a random chance of giving you mana.
I know you will get your friends to send me death threats since you can't take criticism, but I'm sorry for being right.
(Your int vampire guide is how you should skill build OD)
problem with going astral mode.. is that if you go mid.. your chances of ganking is 0 (zero)
since u dont have any dps build up for that,
secondly your opponent will probably gank since lanning with u is inconvenient then it will make other lanes harder since you only have astral meaning u teleporting on other lanes to help on gank will do no good or just be waste of time.....
what OD needs is a good team that will carry OD throughout the game, until OD can secure items..
as much as possible be invisible throughout the game... which is so hard to do especially when they have invi heroes aka (nerub, bh, clinks, slark)
Last of all.. OD's Ult needs a BUFF..... it barely damages most heroes nowadays because of these updates on maps, they also tweak most of the heroes.. leaving OD in a bad spot for his ULT..
I understand a lot of players will say OD is OP when late.. but normally OD is being carried by his team so that he can get items, not necessarily OD is carrying the game...
If u want to learn OD.. you need to learn to die alot ( LIKE ALOT ALOT) and you will realize that OD is weak right now and needs a buff....
Im a devoted OD player and right now it has become really hard to play OD in high level (20+) in DOTA2....
because of items and buffs that has been added on certains players.
but just keep hoping the will finally BUFF the OD sooner or Later.