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8 Votes

[OUTDATED] Steve Irwin's Guide to Grizzly Bear

July 19, 2015 by Unscathed
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ChiChi (47) | July 20, 2015 6:26pm
No prob mate. Why don't you update it? It's too nice a guide to be left outdated.
Unscathed (47) | July 19, 2015 4:18pm
Sorry for late response, but thanks, ChiChi!

Regarding the outdated thing, jungling ursa is still doable. Other than the jungling the techniques+starting items the guide is outdated.
ChiChi (47) | March 12, 2015 4:27pm
"National Geographic's Documenter to: Ursa" - ahah nice titles man!

+1, because it is clear and summarized but complete!
Unscathed (47) | September 2, 2014 3:34am
1. You dont need max speed. You have blink
2. It is a crowd control utility, getting euls for just ganking is bad imo
3. Gets me out? What do you mean? The bonus speed? Thats it?
4. If you want to interrupt channeling Basher is overall better
FleetAU (16) | September 1, 2014 7:20pm
Ok kids, you can top all the stupid suggestions now, I mean really euls. Come on now. The only place that would work is low prio or something and to be fair I can buy mask of madness and 4 battle fury's in low prio, doesn't mean its a good idea
Elbinac | September 1, 2014 6:23pm
Eul's also gives you a disable and you can kill one target while the other is still in the air.
Eul's+phase boots+sange and yasha makes your phase boot active into 522 move speed.
It has strong utility.
Blink gets you in, sure, but rarely gets you back out.
Blink also doesn't interrupt tp scrolls and channeling.

I'm not suggesting blink is bad, I love blink, I'm saying TRY it.
It really does work.
Unscathed (47) | September 1, 2014 3:55am
Added some things, removed some things, made the Gank build more versatile, etc...
P.S no euls here. blink is enough for him, and his mana problems arent that big too make eul necessary. if you have mana proba, basilius or vlads is enough.
Elbinac | August 31, 2014 9:57pm
I'd suggest giving Eul's a try.
You can float a target at a decent range, run up and activate overpower/enrage, and be ready to Earthshock the moment they land.
Very useful for roaming gank, and completely solves any mana issue.
FleetAU (16) | August 31, 2014 8:25pm
I mean no offense in saying this, but some of the comments on this guide...lack thought.

I'm not sure about leaving out his ulti at lvl 6, ursa is an early/mid game hero and isn't going to be sitting around farming the jungle during that time.

Ursa's fast attack thingy does get used when missed via backtrack

"Always get orb of venom" NO, that's not all that smart at all, its situational as it delays your core

As for the Rod of atos that sounds pretty stupid to me, you have a blink dagger and an aoe slow, the stats it gives you are not good enough for ursa in comparison to the cost, there is pretty much no reason to get it.

Desolator is not a late game item, its mid game. By the time it gets late you will need to be selling that for bigger damage items, probably mkb

I'm not a fan of this quick satanic idea, especially considering you leave ulti until 11. basically useless at that stage. far better off getting deso+skull basher and wrecking everyone.

Also unless the enemy has no stuns, no one is building halberd or sheep-stick, there are no slows or disables BKB is core on every ursa build,

Those are the main issues I have here anyway
Unscathed (47) | August 31, 2014 4:40pm
Added halberd, mjollnir(no butterfly), and Shadow Shaman in hunting mates. I would like to thank you all for the feedbacks, it means quite a lot to me.

P.S its not like i forgot shadow shaman, i just think he is too offense based and not a good support in things other than kills. Plus, i would like to add more special mention heroes like phoenix so it would be more interesting.
FyreStryke | August 31, 2014 11:04am
You have to add Shadow Shaman to your Hunting Mates list. Seriously, I don't know how you forgot about him. Shackles holds people in place for FIVE SECONDS. Hex turns them into a farm animal(mmmm Chicken) for 3 seconds. His abilities as a ganking/laning partner are too good to skip over.
Cuttleboss (28) | August 31, 2014 10:40am
Nice guide. I like the insights into how exactly to jungle Ursa. Good guidelines, good item choices. I'd say this is a good first guide.

Also, have you tried Mjollnir, Halberd, or Butterfly on the hero? It seems like they all could be useful. Mjollnir synergizes well with everyone wanting to kill the Tanky Ursa, and gives him decent push power and boosts his damage when he's not "Overpowered". Halberd and Butterfly are nice because Evasion is a useful thing. Halberd adds a good amount of health, and Butterfly, like Mjollnir, gives Ursa some DPS outside of his "OP" period.
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