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10 Votes


July 15, 2020 by Nawafir
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DioX (1) | May 8, 2017 7:06pm
so that's why my sniper hero alies keeps following me and dies because of fail ganks. their actually going for this guide
masaaki14 (11) | May 8, 2017 11:43pm
it's not the writer's fault people are still following this guide after numerous patches. stop complaining about other people without basis.
Tigerre (4) | October 7, 2014 11:13pm
Due to the new update, getting MoM is almost entirely useless :D

I have tested out a couple of builds working around the middle lane and have come to the conclusion that maxing out Shrapnel first then take a point in Take Aim at lvl 2 if it's a harder lane or lvl 4 if it's an easier lane, get Headshot at whichever level you didn't get Take Aim. After maxing out Shrapnel, start to gank and push (So around the 6-8 min mark if you're mid, though I have managed lvl 7 by about 5-6 mins if I get absolute EXP as the other player didn't deny). The reason I say this is I have found that it works well in most lanes, say you're against a hero that's hard to lane against, say Lina, you could try to out-range her, but Shrapnel will let you harass, last hit and damage the tower if possible (Just max out Take Aim second and Headshot first). For skill build I have lately been going Bottle rush- Bottle- Phase Boots- Blink Dagger- Black King Bar-Damage and survivability items. I get BkB just so I can fight, I get the Phases for the mobility and +24 damage, blink is obvious and damage+Survivability items allow you to do more, I find Headshot to be useful, but you don't need it proccing constantly for damage out-put :D

I think this is a great guide and I am still thinking about how I'd put it to good use :D
TheSofa (54) | August 30, 2014 4:13pm
Dimonychan wrote:

I was. I didn't play Sniper that much to test all that builds yet and I play quite low-level games(i didn't even get Blink against these scrubs though 4/5 heroes in their team get close and rek me), so it will not apply to something like 4k+ but here it works. I think the most optimal build is Boots=>Blink=>MoM=>BoT=>Mjollnir=>MKB=>whatever you want.

I... wow.
ACkun | August 30, 2014 2:26pm

Nah I'm just kidding. Good guide. Can't wait to try it out. I'll send you some chocolate chip cookies if it works.
Dimonychan (43) | August 29, 2014 11:18pm
TheSofa wrote:

Is 2x Mjollnir legit? That AND AC + MoM? You must be bashing like a maniac.

I was. I didn't play Sniper that much to test all that builds yet and I play quite low-level games(i didn't even get Blink against these scrubs though 4/5 heroes in their team get close and rek me), so it will not apply to something like 4k+ but here it works. I think the most optimal build is Boots=>Blink=>MoM=>BoT=>Mjollnir=>MKB=>whatever you want.
TheSofa (54) | August 29, 2014 2:10pm
Dimonychan wrote:

Thing is, if you catch Sniper, he is dead no matter how fat you will try to make him(well, maybe Sniper who is that fat will survive, but it costs many $), unless ridiculously fed, so obvious solution is extreme mobility and damage so you kill them before they catch you.

Is 2x Mjollnir legit? That AND AC + MoM? You must be bashing like a maniac.
Nawafir | August 19, 2014 5:45pm
Timminatorr wrote:

90% of all enemies are foes, so its kind of hard to make a list.

Indeed, but I COULD make a list of certain skills you need to look out for, friendly or not.
Timminatorr (57) | August 19, 2014 9:57am

Allies and foes pls.

Great guide +0.75 (+1 if u add Allies and Foes)

90% of all enemies are foes, so its kind of hard to make a list.
Zeth_Foherein | August 19, 2014 8:03am
Allies and foes pls.

Great guide +0.75 (+1 if u add Allies and Foes)
Dimonychan (43) | August 19, 2014 12:46am
Tigerre wrote:

You missed something very key for Sniper's ult, IT HAS A FRICKEN MINI-STUN!
It makes it even better.
What else does it do?

It also gives vision of the enemy. Shrapnel gives vision as well :P

If going for Bottle you want to max out Shrapnel faster than that, otherwise it's not worth getting.

Getting Wraith Band at the start with a couple of tangoes, or a Wraith Band and a Tango allows for easier last hitting, I do it all the time.

Sniper's not a ganker, he is a hard carry. So I'd recommend saying that this is a ganking build made for mid so people don't get confused.

He still does well in mid though :D

P.S MoM is a poor choice on Sniper as he can't afford the extra damage, though I do like the idea of getting it with Blink, though Blink should probs be gotten first for the mobility, and you should also get Wards so you can hide in the trees or play with a Riki (That's right, Riki actually is a helpful hero :D)

+1 from me!

Thing is, if you catch Sniper, he is dead no matter how fat you will try to make him(well, maybe Sniper who is that fat will survive, but it costs many $), unless ridiculously fed, so obvious solution is extreme mobility and damage so you kill them before they catch you.

And he is not such a hardcarry, as he is easily countered by Black King Bar and Shadow Blade/ Blink Dagger. On contrary, he quite can fight 1 vs 1 with boots+MoM+maybe Maelstrom, not against burst nukers of course - you just activate MoM and shoot, say Crystal Maiden, and there's nothing she can do about that. Then you farm lane/jungle a bit and GTFO to get another victim shot down by old man with a rifle, hehehe.
Tigerre (4) | August 18, 2014 7:06pm
You missed something very key for Sniper's ult, IT HAS A FRICKEN MINI-STUN!
It makes it even better.
What else does it do?

It also gives vision of the enemy. Shrapnel gives vision as well :P

If going for Bottle you want to max out Shrapnel faster than that, otherwise it's not worth getting.

Getting Wraith Band at the start with a couple of tangoes, or a Wraith Band and a Tango allows for easier last hitting, I do it all the time.

Sniper's not a ganker, he is a hard carry. So I'd recommend saying that this is a ganking build made for mid so people don't get confused.

He still does well in mid though :D

P.S MoM is a poor choice on Sniper as he can't afford the extra damage, though I do like the idea of getting it with Blink, though Blink should probs be gotten first for the mobility, and you should also get Wards so you can hide in the trees or play with a Riki (That's right, Riki actually is a helpful hero :D)

+1 from me!
TheSofa (54) | August 18, 2014 6:12pm
Nawafir wrote:

I will leave it like that, more funny that way

Yay, someone who doesn't hate my humour!
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