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Opportunistic B*stard Playstyle

September 3, 2013 by BigBroBacon
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Teysha | September 7, 2013 2:37am
Okay. You are telling me 5 seconds to kill my enemy and 3 seconds fade time. So i can fade in my smoke. But the question is are you revealing yourself only for killing someone? Dont you need farm. You are giving up on your 1.5 seconds of fade time for +4 to all attiributes. Does it worth?
RogerThaTT (1) | September 4, 2013 10:59am
"It's all about how effective you and your lane partner work together, or how good you you can take the shots you need."
"Your opponent should be dead in 5 seconds."
"EVERYONE buys dust or wards because I'm such a threat."

Prepotent words again, third guide only this week with misconceptions about "Hey look, I play this way, I kill all the bastards and no one can stop me! And if I can do you can do too in EVERY ****ING GAME."

If happens like you said and the other team buys dust or wards, try to jump in a Lina in teamfight with 0.5 agi bonus and no diffusal yet. Just try, really.

You can get Diffusal in 20 min or less, with the help of Backstab (lvl 1)? Yes. In very single game? NO, ****ING NO.
You can be not harass in lane? Yes. In every single game? NO, ****ING NO.
You can prorogue Blink lvl 4 on Rikimaru until he reaches lvl 10 excluding the 120 bonus damage in the early game? Yes.... NO PLEASE NO, 120 WITH 5 SECONDS CD, NO PLEASE DONT DO IT.

I agree about Diffusal Blade, Madness and Basher. But this skill build, eeerh.. No.
BigBroBacon | September 4, 2013 2:34am
Wonderful points, both of you.

1- Okay, the reason I don't have much trouble farming, is because you take the opportunities afforded to you. Don't be too worried about mana if it helps you survive. It's all about how effective you and your lane partner work together, or how good you you can take the shots you need. Remember "Opportunistic Bastard" Don't be greedy or rush the farm, take what comes and take it with both hands.

2- Read the playstyle. You don't take on more than one person at a time. Your opponent should be dead in 5 seconds. You'll be gone in 8. In mid to late game, in my experience, EVERYONE buys dust or wards because I'm such a threat. In fact, in certain situations, I fight, knowing that the enemy has the area warded because I know I can take him down. Remember squishy int heroes first, and you can usually take them down in less than 5 seconds even with only 1 level of Backstab.

3- 3 seconds fade time is pretty long, sure. But that's only if you're in a team fight and you're the first to jump in, which is idiotic. Kill and fade, that's the ticket. Don't take on everyone. Trust your team to keep the others busy as well. One of my opponents said this to me, "It's a teamfight, and suddenly I'm in the middle of Smoke Screen." That's what you do. Don't engage immediately. Make sure that no one's looking for you, then smoke, kill and retreat.
Ancient Hero (17) | September 3, 2013 3:08pm
What this guy said pretty much. Backstab can be gotten at level 1 only if you hav erelative freefarm(unlikely in a pub). The fact that you have no stats towards STR and no points in blin until 4 means that you can get bursted in lane easily.
RogerThaTT (1) | September 3, 2013 3:01pm
In relation to skill build, I have some observations.

1 - I think you NEVER must add the first level in Backstab. Moreover, if you have a hero with a escape ability its more indicated to level up the escape skill. Yes, if you have a Puck or a PotM like a example, you can level up Illusory Orb or Arrow for agressives purposes, but making a analogy with Clinkz, its like going to lane and level Searing Arrow level 1. You can farm better early on? Yes, but if they have a Sven / Venge you gonna probably visit the fountain in the fastest way. I prefer Blink even if need a target, and in some cases, Smoke Screen.

2 - Rikimaru isn't a very late game carrier in my opinion. In games with long duration, the other carriers will face you, and you gonna lost the backstab damage bonus. With your skill build, backstab will be maxed only in level 13, having two greaters weaks: Early on you dont have too many damage to clean squishy heroes, doing the fact that backstab will hurt only 0.5 agi and with the arrive of the late game the heroes will not fear you anymore, resulting in no bonus damage.

3 - You need to maximize Permanent Invisibility, 3 seconds in mid-late game is enough to kill Stealth Assasin two times, they won't even care to buy wards/sentry/gem with 3 seconds.

Sorry for my english, it's not my native language ^^
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