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4 Votes

Only the Wise Survive

September 10, 2015 by cpfran6
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cpfran6 (3) | September 21, 2015 7:30pm
Sanvitch wrote:

I don't think you need to skill Vacuum at 4 - Level 1 Vacuum is a really trashy skill, whereas Level 2 Surge actually gives some important value because the extra 1.5s and the cooldown reduction lets you be a little more aggresive in lane. (Vacuum does not help you in lane one bit). Tho apparently it's the most common build on DOTABuff which baffles me a little.

I'd mention putting Ion Shell on the second melee creep in lane is best because it means the creep stays undamaged for longer; Likewise multiple Ion Shell's on the first wave lets you be really aggresive and get a garunteed level 2 and potentially 3 (Since you run in with the creep wave, the enemy can't harass you withou drawing the aggro of Ion shell creeps, and you force the wave under tower so it flips back towards you quickly.)

Spirit Breaker is probably the most notable Ion Shell partner you've not mentioned, because it's disgusting.

Shiva's is probably missing from suggested items, because it has great synergy on a hero who jumps into the thick of things and group enemies together.

Thanks man! I appreciate the feedback. I Dont like the buuld-up for shiva on Dark Seer, it's only a very late game situational item in my opinion. I skill Vacuum so I can manipulate their heroes, you can often surprise people, especially in the higher tiers with a Vacuum to low or high ground or onto cliffs. It is also situational, and sometimes the extra point in Surge is better against a tough trilane.
Sanvitch (18) | September 18, 2015 7:41am
I don't think you need to skill Vacuum at 4 - Level 1 Vacuum is a really trashy skill, whereas Level 2 Surge actually gives some important value because the extra 1.5s and the cooldown reduction lets you be a little more aggresive in lane. (Vacuum does not help you in lane one bit). Tho apparently it's the most common build on DOTABuff which baffles me a little.

I'd mention putting Ion Shell on the second melee creep in lane is best because it means the creep stays undamaged for longer; Likewise multiple Ion Shell's on the first wave lets you be really aggresive and get a garunteed level 2 and potentially 3 (Since you run in with the creep wave, the enemy can't harass you withou drawing the aggro of Ion shell creeps, and you force the wave under tower so it flips back towards you quickly.)

Spirit Breaker is probably the most notable Ion Shell partner you've not mentioned, because it's disgusting.

Shiva's is probably missing from suggested items, because it has great synergy on a hero who jumps into the thick of things and group enemies together.
cpfran6 (3) | September 8, 2015 4:23pm
Califocus wrote:

This is a good guide however the description for surge is written the same as ion shell.
I must have screwed up on the copy from files. FIXED
Califocus (1) | September 6, 2015 1:25am
This is a good guide however the description for surge is written the same as ion shell.
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