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11 Votes

One-Shot Kunkka

February 27, 2012 by Seiryu
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Lenn | May 29, 2013 2:39am
I find that building an armlet benefits Kunkka greatly, as he gains an additional 50 damage as well as a sizable amount of HP and some attack speed. I would suggest the following build:

Phase Boots
Shadow Blade
Armlet of Mordiggian
(Additional gold is used to purchase rapiers)

The use of armlet toggle also allows you to survive 1v1s extremely easily as you can simply toggle between their attacks. If necessary a heart can be built to counter the HP loss from armlet.

I find the first four items listed to be my "core" and rapiers to be situational items. If you are able to steal/farm two rapiers, I would suggest trading phase for BoT as you will not be able to hold a TP scroll.

I find armlet easier to build before shadowblade earlier on as it provides the HP regen to sustain you in lane as well as providing its active benefits.
dEta | February 9, 2013 9:44am
Pretty good standard build only thing that stands out is the shadow blade. they changed it so shadow blades extra damage does not get multiplied by crits, none the less it is still a good item to have if you are constantly getting in some tough situations.
Tad30s | December 25, 2012 7:48am
Depending on your lane partner (yes, partner. Leave mid to Drow / Zeus / Whatever) i'd say shield is inferior to picking more healing, and replacing one gg branch with ogre gauntlets. Kunkka's harassment is absolute, and you can get easy first blood. A few tides and you're open for ganking as soon as level 2.

Also, one tango against foes like Veno just asks for trouble. Simply put, whenever an enemy has only one tango, and i have -ANY- potential to harass, he'll have to use a courier or flee, losing the lane. You might argue that it depends on the lane partner, or that you'd hug the tower.. But creep pulling and blocking wins that one.

Lastly : Setting the dota_range_finder at 600 will let you know where the tide will still score.
I would also argue about the usefulness of vanguard early, but that depends on the lanes, enemies, your partner.. everything, really.

Otherwise a good guide. Kudos.
Garzvaar (2) | December 13, 2012 6:29pm
Garzvaar wrote:

This was a game I had using a slight variation of this build. I'd say it went rather well, I chose Phase Boots instead of Power Treads because the damage and move speed are amazing in tandem when you are about to Tidebringer crit some *****es. I chose to also skip the Vanguard and replace it with a Battle Fury this was my choice and i feel it helped because of the included cleave and mana regen. So instead of starting with a Stout Shield I replaced this with a Quelling Blade

Believe it or not we were losing this game really hard. I think the pivotal moment was when they had just won a teamfight just outside our mid rax, i hadn't died and was Shadow Bladed we had traded one for four in the fight and the opposition was wailing on our tier 4 towers. So being Kunkka i meandered up to the drow at the back, crit for 1.5k on 4 and got an ultra kill :)


Oh and to the author +1 for an AMAZIZNG guide!

If you want you can replace your video with some clips from the game I posted before, people might be a little confused since I think that is a HoN video? I'm not entriely sure, but at least a Dota 2 point of reference will be good for people :D I suggest also replacing the Vanguard with a Battle Fury it increases the cleave damage and really helps with mana regen!
Garzvaar (2) | December 13, 2012 6:26pm

This was a game I had using a slight variation of this build. I'd say it went rather well, I chose Phase Boots instead of Power Treads because the damage and move speed are amazing in tandem when you are about to Tidebringer crit some *****es. I chose to also skip the Vanguard and replace it with a Battle Fury this was my choice and i feel it helped because of the included cleave and mana regen. So instead of starting with a Stout Shield I replaced this with a Quelling Blade

Believe it or not we were losing this game really hard. I think the pivotal moment was when they had just won a teamfight just outside our mid rax, i hadn't died and was Shadow Bladed we had traded one for four in the fight and the opposition was wailing on our tier 4 towers. So being Kunkka i meandered up to the drow at the back, crit for 1.5k on 4 and got an ultra kill :)

Bucfan | November 6, 2012 6:43pm
Hahahahah dude thats awesome but before i try this would you mind trying it out on kunkka? If the answer is yes could you post them? Thanks, this sounds like a lot of fun!
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