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Sages Mask
Carity (x5)
And make into Soul Ring, Magic Wand
Ring of Regen
Clarity (x4)
And make too into Soul Ring, Magic Wand
Better than BoT are Arcanes (Early) in late you can buy BoTs
I dont know why you should buy Helm but OK...
Refresher, Sheepstick, Shadow Blade, Bloodstone, Linkens are good
Force staff should be situational, with b.dagger, necronomicon, bkb and ghost scepter
Add some Friends/Foes category and more (You can look in other guides)
This guide is NOT COMPLETED i think, but is on good way, im voting UP, but not putting into favourites
I hope you readed this and hope you will change those thinks
Bye, GLHF!