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Old School Bottle Jugg

June 30, 2013 by Adovid
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Adovid | June 30, 2013 2:44pm
Healing ward was useful for pushing as Peppo said but I think everyone is right that Yunero just cannot afford it without having real problems with mana. The original build was a jungle build for allstars and which is why I decided maybe its original incarnation won't fit in current meta.

Yunero just has too many mana issues to play so investing in stats for intelligence where we invested in healing ward would help mitigate those mana problems. Not being able to omnislash in and blade furry out even with full mana was just making it hard to make aggressive plays early game which is what is so appealing about jugg, the point of this build is that he's got that factor of always being able to blade furry away with the movespeed.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 19, 2013 4:27am
Yasutsuna wrote:


I always see people using juggy for his ganking potential unless they're feeding real bad to the point they can't kill anybody. I agree with Drum of Endurance and Yasha since it does increase his AGI gain and survival. I don't really get upping Healing Ward first unless you're going for semi-support. But, this guide is heading to ganking, not semi-support.

I dunno, I still think early pushing power is useful for making the most out of your ganks: kill one or two Heroes and push down their tower. Early levels in Blade Dance aren't that strong since you will start building damage items after level 11, usually.
Yasutsuna (51) | June 18, 2013 7:47pm

I always see people using juggy for his ganking potential unless they're feeding real bad to the point they can't kill anybody. I agree with Drum of Endurance and Yasha since it does increase his AGI gain and survival. I don't really get upping Healing Ward first unless you're going for semi-support. But, this guide is heading to ganking, not semi-support.
Adovid | June 18, 2013 2:01pm
No you don't get lots of Observer Wards. You only get 1 or 2 to control runes for stacking Bottle if no one else does.

I'll make a note there*
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 18, 2013 11:30am
Yasutsuna wrote:
If you want to get a single level of Healing Ward I can't argue that, but maxing ward before critical? Just, no.

Actually, maxing Healing Ward before Blade Dance is the standard tournament build for Juggernaut: you pick him for his pushing power, so a maxed-out Ward at level 9-10 is compulsory. I also don't like Battle Fury on him, since he doesn't work that well as a late game carry: I used to build Drum of Endurance and Yasha on him (which is the common item set for a dual/trilane Jug), but when mid laning Aghanim's Scepter definitely has a higher priority due to you being a side carry.

About the item build: if you're free farming I don't see why you can't use these items; you should be able to get Bottle and Boots of Travel by 10 minutes, after which you can TP anywhere and get some kills and even towers thanks to your Healing Ward. There are still some competitive players who like early BoTs on Heroes like Gyrocopter, so I don't think it reduces your early damage output so much. Wards and Hood are pretty weird, though.
Yasutsuna (51) | June 18, 2013 7:42am
Rushing Boots of Travel? You do realize that juggy need a hell lot of farm to be effective? Which is one of the reason why Battle Fury comes first.

Leaving that aside, if you really farm for Boots of Travel after getting Bottle + Boots of Speed, you'll be way behind in your attacking power, making you nearly useless, especially against tankier heroes since Omnislash damage is directed from your physical attack. If you are playing against Luna and most supports, you can get away with this build. On the other hand, if your enemies are tanky and/or have a escape mechanism like Blink, you will not be able to kill them and thus, leading to your downfall later.

I would assume this build is used in a game that has a lot of squishy supports to the point you can just spin them to death. Getting Healing Wards before Blade Dance is also no ideal, since damage like I have said before previously. If you want to get a single level of Healing Ward I can't argue that, but maxing ward before critical? Just, no.
samukobo (28) | June 18, 2013 6:21am
I read the guide, still don't understand how Boots of Travel rush is worth it, why you have wards in situational, why you get desolator last and why you have both scepter and Desolator in one build.

Basically, there are 2 ways of building jugg- the dps carry build, and the rather competitively popular build that makes him more of a semi-carry/semi-support, getting phase, drums, etc rather than battlefury or deso.

Isn't focusing on 1 aspect more important?
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