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Yunero just has too many mana issues to play so investing in stats for intelligence where we invested in healing ward would help mitigate those mana problems. Not being able to omnislash in and blade furry out even with full mana was just making it hard to make aggressive plays early game which is what is so appealing about jugg, the point of this build is that he's got that factor of always being able to blade furry away with the movespeed.
I always see people using juggy for his ganking potential unless they're feeding real bad to the point they can't kill anybody. I agree with
I dunno, I still think early pushing power is useful for making the most out of your ganks: kill one or two Heroes and push down their tower. Early levels in
I always see people using juggy for his ganking potential unless they're feeding real bad to the point they can't kill anybody. I agree with
I'll make a note there*
Actually, maxing
About the item build: if you're free farming I don't see why you can't use these items; you should be able to get
Leaving that aside, if you really farm for
I would assume this build is used in a game that has a lot of squishy supports to the point you can just spin them to death. Getting Healing Wards before
Basically, there are 2 ways of building jugg- the dps carry build, and the rather competitively popular build that makes him more of a semi-carry/semi-support, getting phase, drums, etc rather than battlefury or deso.
Isn't focusing on 1 aspect more important?