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Oh, it's the Juggernaut.(Going Carry)

August 27, 2013 by 99buttonz
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sulaxrox (6) | August 27, 2013 5:50pm
99buttonz wrote:

This is only your opinion.My purpose was to show people that juggernaut can be a late game carry.I tried it,it worked.

Yes but he's absolutely correct, juggernaut will not outcarry a competent hard carry, but he can make the early-mid game hell for them. Jugg is a mid game carry, farm all you want but take him late against an Anti-Mage, Faceless Void, Medusa, Alchemist, Lifestealer, spectre, etc etc etc be won't win.
By no means am I bashing your guide or perspective on the hero, I applaud you for trying out something different, I'm a firm believer in you won't know something works if you don't try it, but don't expect to win against a hard carry being piloted by a player with a pulse if you're going to try to take the game late, just take the alchemist that's been out of control in the pro scene, getting around 900+ gpm, he will out farm you, laugh off the damage, and 3 shot you late.
That being said, play juggernaut to win the mid game and end it before you encounter a hard carry like spectre or alchemist getting rampages at 45min.
Watch Navi vs LGD from last years international, that's an effective jugg strat, go hard early, push and don't give a hard carry space or time to farm.
Good guide I like the take on the hero, just remember he's a mid game carry, don't expect him to win it at the 60min mark
99buttonz | August 27, 2013 3:35pm
This is only your opinion.My purpose was to show people that juggernaut can be a late game carry.I tried it,it worked.
xCO2 (72) | August 27, 2013 2:46pm
99buttonz wrote:

All I can say to the last comment is that I was trying to introduce an another way of playing Juggernaut.
Teams can pick him for late game if they want to try something different.
And the last thing to say is that there are no "stronger" or "weaker" carries,because playing 1vs1 in a team game is funny.Players and their skill do the game,not heroes.

I disagree wholly with this. There are definite strengths and weaknesses to each hero, especially carries. Carries are not rated as good or bad but more in a sense of time. Juggernaut for example is a mid game carry and does the most as a mid game hero, whereas Spectre is a late game carry and is most effective in the late game but is handicapped in the early and mid game.

In short Spectre is a better late game carry, and teams do pick their carries around when their team needs one in the game, not to try something different.
99buttonz | August 27, 2013 10:55am
All I can say to the last comment is that I was trying to introduce an another way of playing Juggernaut.
Teams can pick him for late game if they want to try something different.
And the last thing to say is that there are no "stronger" or "weaker" carries,because playing 1vs1 in a team game is funny.Players and their skill do the game,not heroes.
Xyrus (104) | August 27, 2013 10:28am
99buttonz wrote:

So,let me explain.
Remember that we are going late carry and this build specifies on being the only one carry. Desolator is nice ,but we still need the Satanic as it gives A LOT of survivability which is very important in late game.

The problem with this is, there are plenty of Hard Carries that if played competently, will wipe the floor with Juggernaut Late Game, e.g. Anti-Mage, Alchemist, Faceless Void]], Spectre, etc.

Juggernaut is certainly a viable Hard Carry, but you want to focus on Pushing as fast as you can and winning by the Mid-Game, when he's strongest. If the opposing team don't pick a strong Hard Carry, you can afford to farm more, but as you said...
99buttonz wrote:

I was doing this guide for the people that are playing mostly in teams...

...most teams will be sensible enough to consider the Late-Game and pick a Carry that can function well then (unless they are also going for a fast win).
99buttonz wrote:

Speaking about the aghanim. As I mentioned Ghost Scepter , Ethereal Blade and Decrepify controls your ultimate.

Ethereal Form is a double edged sword though and leaves them very vulnerable to Magical Damage, and if your Team has picked well, you should have more than enough to finish them Early-Mid Game
99buttonz | August 27, 2013 9:10am
Thank you for your comments,they are very helpful for me ,because it is my first guide.
Talking about diffusal blade ,yes,it is a good item,but if played with a team it could be avoided.I was doing this guide for the people that are playing mostly in teams,where the stuns and slows are not a rare thing.Also,in mid game,where diffusal is a good item,jugg can gank whithout it because of the amazing MS.

Solo rosh.Yes,jugg can do it ,and it is very easy ,BUT,I am mentioning againg that I am speaking about "team games" where wards are not rare.

Black King Bar. It is very useful because Blade Fury only applies orb effects and you cannot attack.Speaking about the immunity from Omnislash,it is useless ,again because of the Ghost Scepter and other physical damage immunes.

If you have any more question please ask.
Cody_X | August 27, 2013 8:11am
I have a few problems with this guide, though for the most part, it is quite good.
No mention of diffusal blade? This item is actually pretty good on jugg, and again, if you end up buying a vlads, this is a good orb.
I think desolator is also very good, and should atleast be in situational.
Also, why BKB in core? with blade fury, and omnislash immunity, you shouldnt need a bkb every game.
Also, you would be suprised how easily juggernaut can solo rosh. With healing ward and manta to tank, you can solo fairly easily.
also remember that deso applies to buildings, and with manta and drum is by far the best way to push.
Other than that, this guide is good, if a bit short. I think maybe talking a bit about how to play jugg differently as a lategame carry as opposed to the semi-pusher that he usually is.
99buttonz | August 27, 2013 3:17am
So,let me explain.
Remember that we are going late carry and this build specifies on being the only one carry. Desolator is nice ,but we still need the Satanic as it gives A LOT of survivability which is very important in late game.

Speaking about the aghanim.As I mentioned Ghost Scepter , Ethereal Blade and Decrepify controls your ultimate.

The reason why I didnt pick battlefury is because maelstrom gives us a 120 dmg AoE chain nuke.With the attack speed that we get from our items it is nearly +120 dmg(cause it works a lot).So,as we can see,rushing bf is 4200g.For this amount of gold we can get the drums+yasha,and the boot.It will give us a nice amount of stats ,AS+MS and dmg.Then we can get maelstrom VERY fast and it'll give us 24 dmg+120dmg AoE nuke which will be working a lot.We won't be in a lack of mana because of the additional stats and our damage is going to be quiet similar to the damage from battlefury.

And remember ,it is only my opinion.I played with this build and as I've seen it is working very nice.
Yasutsuna (51) | August 27, 2013 2:29am
Normally people takes deso against tankier heroes and buy vlads instead.

Imo, vlads is better because the early RoB can help you with your horrible mana pool.

I wouldn't totally reject aghs because it does decent damage even in late game. Although you might not get kills, you're still able to deal damage to help your allies.

That aside, mind explaining why you would take mael instead of battlefury since battlefury also grants good mana regen which helps you.
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