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Extra damage and luck,
wrecks heroes up.
Melee support is difficult - you've got to have a decent ranged carry or be able to put a kill lane together - otherwise you just get harassed to death. However,
It is hard to justify a melee support in general though, which is the biggest concern for both. I personally think that melee supports are best when you are playing greedily, running League of Legends-style lanes with a dual lane, jungler, mid, and offlane. Then it just comes down, for me anyway, whether the team has good bloodlust targets and if the enemy team has tanky heroes my team can't deal with.
If neither of these are true, and often times they aren't, I wouldn't pick either. Still i think Bloodlust is OOrge Magi's selling point.
Hellfire Blast is a better stun than
Yeah agree