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Ogre Magi - Two Heads are Better than One

May 15, 2014 by Sando
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Altair_daisy | April 8, 2017 1:26am
Hey guys. I know I'm a noob, as I've only had like 21 matches. However, I think Agh sceptre is pretty good on this guy. I was once targeted, being a support hero, but unrefined blast saved me cause you can basically have 2 fireblast skills. In explanation, cast the normal blast, cast the unrefined while the normal one is in cool down, before you know it, you just super nuked the poor guy if you're lucky (if he's not so 'immortal'). Also, I think its great because 60% of your mana can be as low as 5MP, meaning you can cast it when you don't have enough mana for the normal blast! And basically you can always cast a fireblast. This is good for post ganks, failed or successful, and those naughty heros that try to escape, while you have not enough mana for anything else. Thank you ^_^
meister2812 | December 12, 2015 2:19am
maaaaaaan... the hell u no put some dagon with him?? seriously, dagon makes u deal more damage and somehow very useful for semi carry ogre magi... just like when i fireblast a well farmed bounty hunter and give him dagon and ignite, fireblast and dagon may left him some little hp, he will happilly escape with his invi, but he'll be dead by damage over time from ignite... i more prefer a dagon than aghanim for unrefined fireblast, coz u can buy dagon from level one that costs around 2k and upgrade it with total around 5k for the max lvl, while agha needs around 4k to get the unrefined fireblast... or mekanz, it just give some armor and regen for supprting team, 800 damage will be more usefull and it grants ur team some kills... or maybe i mean it grants YOU some kills >:D
KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 19, 2015 3:53am
Skumtron | February 19, 2015 3:50am
Ogre Magi works great with Shadow Demon too.

Extra damage and luck,
wrecks heroes up.
chart395 (1) | May 11, 2014 3:59pm
although early game he is not great in teamfights, i would argue that late game, if he has aghanims scepter and a bloodstone makes him very dominant in team fights, if he can get off bloodlust before the fight, cast a fireblast onto one hero, unrefined fireblast onto another, and then potentially hit the whole team with ignite, at which point you can cast another bloodlust, then with your cooldown times being very low, you can almost instantly repeat the process as you have so much mana, if this combo gets done well, you will almost guaranteed win almost any teamfight if you have a semi-competent team . otherwise, thanks for the tutorial, really useful :)
chart395 (1) | May 11, 2014 3:59pm
although early game he is not great in teamfights, i would argue that late game, if he has aghanims scepter and a bloodstone makes him very dominant in team fights, if he can get off bloodlust before the fight, cast a fireblast onto one hero, unrefined fireblast onto another, and then potentially hit the whole team with ignite, at which point you can cast another bloodlust, then with your cooldown times being very low, you can almost instantly repeat the process as you have so much mana, if this combo gets done well, you will almost guaranteed win almost any teamfight if you have a semi-competent team . otherwise, thanks for the tutorial, really useful :)
Sando (118) | September 23, 2013 11:40am
I'd never really thought of SK as a support, but the lifesteal aura, stun and mortal strike active kinda make sense. Guess it would all be about getting enough mana / regeneration on him to be able to keep using them and still have enough for Reincarnation. Thinking a Arcane Boots and Blademail type build?

Melee support is difficult - you've got to have a decent ranged carry or be able to put a kill lane together - otherwise you just get harassed to death. However, Ogre Magi is useful in this role with his dual stun/slow/nukes - he's like a tanky Crystal Maiden in that sense. Ok so you lose the mana aura and ultimate...but late game Bloodlust is probably worth more and his stat gain is much better. Multi-cast can also net you some unexpected kills.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | September 23, 2013 9:04am
Before 6.78, I would have thought of SK support as a joke. With the addition of Mortal Strike, though, as a melee support he really helps against heroes like Alchemist and Dragon Knight in terms of simply taking them down if your team lacks the ability to take lifestealer do to a ban or enemy pick (enemy pick is most applicable).

It is hard to justify a melee support in general though, which is the biggest concern for both. I personally think that melee supports are best when you are playing greedily, running League of Legends-style lanes with a dual lane, jungler, mid, and offlane. Then it just comes down, for me anyway, whether the team has good bloodlust targets and if the enemy team has tanky heroes my team can't deal with.

If neither of these are true, and often times they aren't, I wouldn't pick either. Still i think Bloodlust is OOrge Magi's selling point.
Sando (118) | September 23, 2013 1:34am
Horses for courses really - Ogre is pretty much a support nuker and SK is a tanky carry (mostly).

Hellfire Blast is a better stun than Fireblast, but it costs 140 mana for a hero with 13 starting intel and +1.6 growth per level. Fireblast on the other hand starts at 75 mana for a hero with 17 / +2.4 level intel.

Ignite is a bit weak on the slow front, but it does a lot of damage, and is a constant slow (it doesn't start very high and decrease like many others) for up to 7 seconds.

Yeah agree Bloodlust is his only real "lategame" skill, and is a very handy buff, especially for melee heroes who need to chase down enemy heroes. If you're playing SK as a support I can kinda see where you're going - it's just a bit unusual.
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