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Ogre Magi - Support

October 2, 2012 by catch22
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Stank (2) | January 2, 2013 3:45pm
Hades4u wrote:

Add bold text and some color, it will make your guide easier to read.

Also, Aghanim's Scepter is not worth for Ogre Magi support build, the Unrefined Fireblast costs way too much mana.

Aghanim's Scepter is 4200 gold, that is 4200 gold out of 5675 gold, with which you can get a Scythe of Vyse, which is a great item for your team.

I agree that you should get more items to help your team out, but Scythe is not the answer. As someone else stated good luck getting that much money as a support ogre. Build cheaper items like Veil, Pipe, Drums or even Vlads, and of course wards.

EDIT: Unless you do somehow get a ****-ton of money or its just luxury late game, then of course Scythe is probably the best items for Ogre.
catch22 | October 4, 2012 2:16pm
That's fine. But keep in mind Bloodlust is flatly better after Multi Cast. I'm not sure the advice is sound that it's better for chasing or escaping early game, since it gives less movement bonus than Ignite does debuff -- the only case would be you being outnumbered for early gank. I did note in the guide I take it early (level 4) sometimes, but that would depend solely on if I have a good laning partner where the slow and damage Ignite offers is completely mitigated by that hero (a drow ranger, for example) or the tempo of the game might demand it (you are being actively engaged and outnumbered). It's a rare case, but not a general rule of thumb.

Otherwise, it's nominal until it's more readily available due to cooldown reduction and the chance it hits you and a teammate. And it's much better after boots and/or attack speed modifying item as the bonus is percentage based. All of these things are more optimized late-lane phase and mid-game, hence why, in general, it's delayed until then.

As for boots, most people use Arcane Boots earlier on for low mana and then disassemble it for Bloodstone later on. In which case you can turn your boots into Boots of Travel or yeah, Power Treads if you're wanting to be more carry-ish on a budget. In my next guide, I recommend Power Treads for carry and initiator/tank builds. I will continue to streamline this guide so it's more readable -- it was kind of a brain dump :)

Thanks for your feedback.
Dr Kramshaw (1) | October 4, 2012 11:45am
I play OG fairly similarly as a support/ganker hybrid with most of the emphasis on support, and I tend to disagree with your build of Ignite over Bloodlust. Bloodlust is good for escaping or chasing and you can cast it on yourself or allies. You can make saves on your teammates repeatedly simply by giving them a quick buff. Alternatively you can use it to turn the tables and buff them to chase and secure that kill that they otherwise might lose (then they can turn around quickly and leave as well). The slow is not that good and the mana cost increases compared to Bloodlust.

Don't necessarily disagree with Arcane Boots but Power Treads kept on int are pretty solid, it lets you attack faster with more damage with a bigger mana pool which is great when coupled with Bloodlust. You can easily spam your skills building from these boots.

I know that OG is getting buffed (yay!) in the new update and I expect that might change some things.
jaslam (21) | October 3, 2012 3:30am
Haha I love this magi debate - personally --
If you can get a Scythe of Vyse get it - but good luck saving 2700 then 2100 for the components.
whereas with Aghanim's Scepter you can build it in parts, and it still gives you another disable like hex + the fact it can multi cast and has damage (and soon to be spammable with a 10 sec cd)

Don't forget fireblast also cd faster with every level of multicast. I wouldn't be surprised if Magi soons finds himself a mid/ganker (bottle/rune *****) with rush aganims as a build. Solid tank, great disables and by being mid, faster levels.

Magi's limitation will be mana regen - so a simple arcane boots, aghanims, bloodstone (then probably travel after you break arcane) would be a solid build.. SOLID.. 6.75, mid magi will have the same gank potential as tiny/balanar and others..
catch22 | October 2, 2012 4:58pm
I'm not sure about the mana cost, but the cast duration is 10seconds instead of 20 seconds according to the list I referenced. If the mana is indeed reduced, then that really does solidify Aghanim's Scepter as a core item, hands down.

That said, in either case, I still prefer Aghanim's Scepter over Scythe of Vyse. The chance to Multicast on two stuns is superior, and the extra gold you save from the Scythe goes to Bloodstone, which really puts the mana issue to rest.

End game is fast and hard, the disable potential is roughly the same, so it comes down to boom boom. This is the way I play Ogre Magi, though.
wilddeonpwn (102) | October 2, 2012 3:52pm
Also, Aghanim's Scepter is not worth for Ogre Magi support build, the Unrefined Fireblast costs way too much mana.

In the 6.75 patch,the mana cost is halved, making it a hell good skill on this homie.

Yes, add some color and highlights, scyth if vase is a good item, especially as a support
catch22 | October 2, 2012 3:34pm
Thanks for the feedback, this is my first guide. I'll look into making links in the fashion you use them for easier to read.

I figured I'd get the Scythe argument -- and it's a totally acceptable late game option. I have some thoughts on it, so I will update with that and the cosmetic changes. Like I said, my first article! Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions.
DirtGrub (13) | October 2, 2012 12:44pm
Hades4u wrote:

Add bold text and some color, it will make your guide easier to read.

Also, Aghanim's Scepter is not worth for Ogre Magi support build, the Unrefined Fireblast costs way too much mana.

Aghanim's Scepter is 4200 gold, that is 4200 gold out of 5675 gold, with which you can get a Scythe of Vyse, which is a great item for your team.

Agreed. If you are supporting, the hex is too good to pass up. Plus you have euls too, so you are a teamfight controller. No one escapes the magi :/
Hades4u (296) | October 2, 2012 12:29pm
Add bold text and some color, it will make your guide easier to read.

Also, Aghanim's Scepter is not worth for Ogre Magi support build, the Unrefined Fireblast costs way too much mana.

Aghanim's Scepter is 4200 gold, that is 4200 gold out of 5675 gold, with which you can get a Scythe of Vyse, which is a great item for your team.
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