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2 Votes

Offlane Puck

June 25, 2014 by acfireNT
Comments: 6    |    Views: 33042    |   

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DioX (1) | April 30, 2017 1:10pm
nice guide but some newbies starts to read this guide and doesn't know what the items are and its purpose.

try this to format you
connor4893 (2) | June 30, 2014 8:53pm

The slight problem is that you have to walk up to your enemies. Orb can be used to lasthit and harass much more effectivley due to its range. If you had max orb, that carry would have been sitting at half health.

I do admit that having to walk up to the enemy is a down side, that's why I made the assumption that Phase Shift was used in doing so. However, a level 4 Waning Rift will do a lot more do kill low level heroes than will a level 4 Illusionary Orb; Waning Rift supplies nearly equivalent damage and a considerable silence.
Also, I'm thinking that you're critically misunderstanding something about the offlane (also called the suicide lane). Your objective as a solo offlaner (generally) is not to farm, but to survive and harass the enemy carry as much as possible. For this reason, it's unrealistic and extremely dangerous to use Illusionary Orb to last hit in the solo offlane. It should be used primarily as an escape and secondarily as a means of dynamic movement in fights.
This all boils down the the fundamental priority of an offlane Puck: survival. Not farming and not nuking. The focus has to be on survival.
Cataclysm2146 (3) | June 29, 2014 6:01pm
connor4893 wrote:


The slight problem is that you have to walk up to your enemies. Orb can be used to lasthit and harass much more effectivley due to its range. If you had max orb, that carry would have been sitting at half health.
Cataclysm2146 (3) | June 29, 2014 6:01pm
connor4893 wrote:


The slight problem is that you have to walk up to your enemies. Orb can be used to lasthit and harass much more effectivley due to its range. If you had max orb, that carry would have been sitting at half health.
connor4893 (2) | June 29, 2014 5:21pm
I have to say that I strongly disagree with your skill build. When you're offlane as Puck, you're completely dependent upon Phase Shift and Illusionary Orb to get you out of rough situations. This means that's there's no justification for leveling Illusionary Orb past level one, as only the damage increases and you're explicitly not using it as damage source. Instead, you should level Waning Rift at 4,5,and 7 to maximize the damage from that source and the length of the silence. This enables Puck to comply with any ganking opportunities without sacrificing his escape when he tries to do damage.

Think about it this way: say you're level 7 as offlane Puck against a standard hard carry and a lane support. Your mid laner comes in for a gank and isn't detected yet. As a full Illusionary Orb Puck, your only way to contribute to the gank is to throw in your Orb and then follow up with a Waning Rift (puny damage at lvl 1). From here, you've blown your Orb, so you have no way to blink out if things go south and you're completely dependent upon your skills with Phase Shift to save yourself. Instead, consider a Puck that has maxed Waning Rift. Then, instead of using Orb to initiate the fight, Puck simply walks up and Rifts, dropping 40 less damage than the maxed Orb would have done, but applying a 3 second silence. (Let's assume you used Phase shift to dodge something like a Sven stun, just to make things more interesting). So here you are, in between the (probably level 5) carry and his lane support, both of which just endured your nuke and are now taking your right clicks (you're likely taking some too). Now, your mid laner is able to walk out from behind the trees and do his thing with this 3 second window of safety. You help your midlaner do work, and then you Illusionary Orb out if things get sketchy.

I know this was long winded, but trust me. It's better to max out Waning Rift over Illusionary Orb when playing Puck offlane.
Eightfold (9) | June 25, 2014 12:23pm
Add some formatting, at the moment I just want to skip over everything. Props to you for the grammar and spelling, by the way.
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