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Offlane for Dummies v0.9

April 11, 2016 by Kchead
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Offlane for Dummies v0.9

April 11, 2016

Autor and introduction

Hello my friends, this is my first Guide ;)
First things first : THIS is a guide for offlane beginners/amateur player , i have a lot of tipps to share and it cant hurt to hear them i guess.
I`m a decend 3-4k player with like 4k games. Some of you may think why isnt this guy a top 5k player with that amount of games?
The answer is easy , i dont spam heroes , i dont give a **** about playing tired or ill and i only play ranked (allmost ap sometimes cm) and i play random a lot. And i try almost every fun build , i have ever seen. Slasher`s way ftw btw.
But the thing what i learnd out of that style of playing is, that if you are brave enough, you can always rule the offlane !! You just DONT HAVE TO FEED.

("I`m at work so i cant make any screenshots, but ill fix that later , also i will work on this guide in the next few days so dont flame around guys ;) ")

Gameplay - Tipps

! Dont ever die on an enemy dual lane ! and try not to die on a 3 lane. If you die 1 time because of a rotation from the mid **** it, that is ok`ish. Your mid should have out of that free farm or a gank on an other hero. Also your carry dont have to deal with the enemy mid, whats a good thing ! But if you can avoid to get killed on a mid rotation and there are 4 heroes on your lane just smile and be lucky and even when you get killed type "haahahaha" on your chat. There is nothing better , than get a 4 hero rotation on your lane and you just dont give a ****.

* If you have to die , kill the enemy carry first.
* Dont trade kills with the supports unless you rly have to ,if you get 1 kill out of it and you feed the enemy carry : you failed your team.
* Be patient, you are the guy who has to wait a lot. See your chance get it and if you have to get the **** out - repeat that step.
* There is always something todo on the offlane !!
* Don`t tower hug!

- If you have to stand on your tower ("for longer than a few seconds without any xp or lh") you do something wrong. Normally you can stack the nearst camp , try to get a rune , gank mid, harras a support or at least try to get some XP and even if it is just a little, you got something.

Always and really always you can block your own creeps. Get back, block your creeps and after doing that 2-3 times the enemy creeplane is at your tower or river and wuhu at least 5 creeps worth of xp.


Always almost, you play heroes on this lane, who doesnt need a lot of farm ,but have a huge kill potenzial with lvl 6 or earlier. Even when the enemies play there 3 lane perfect, you should be able to, at least get the same lvl than the enemy supports. Ok, if the enemy 3 lane plays perfect you should get nothing ,but that almost never happens. Always think that with every lvl you make , every item you build you help your team. The worst thing that can happen is that you get out of the lane and your team has no 3rd core, but a a 3rd support.

The Jungle

Hello and welcome to your backup plan. If the lane doesnt work out for you , ask the supporter to stack a few camps . (They should do that anyway but yeah :) )
Normally with a few lvl you can get into your jungle and farm your core Item / Items. But remember you have to get up your lane and this is not a cool thing. No harrasment on the enemy Carry means freefarm and the enemy team is able to gank with there supports , because they dont have to give a s*** on the lane anymore.
But it can be worth when you jsut need a little xp or gold for maybe your blink and farm it save. I guess good examples for this are natures and tidehunter. Bought are rly good jungler and get out of the woods with a big impact possibility.


You have to choose out of a few options:
- block the small camp
- block the big camp (what can hurt yourself more than it helps)
- get nice vision / but get your ward dewarded
- get good vision - block the small camp - and dont get dewarded ;)
the last option does not work in high Mmr`s anymore and with the option to see the campspots in this patch it`s very easy to deward.
Anyway if the supports dont buy you a ward - get one by yourself. It will help you alot and it can easy depend if you loose the game or win it , just because you got the 1 lvl more out of it. Or the enemy supports buy a sentry ward and cant use them do block a camp or use it on the lane or on an invis hero in your team. Its 75 gold and thats 1 lasthit + a few seconds. You can affort that dont have to cry around because the supprots didnt buy you one.
Same with dust`s and sentries in the midgame if the supps dont want to buy them , go for it. Why not you are normally the guy who dont give a **** about that bit of gold. (depends on your Hero for sure but thats normally always worth it.


When you get kill potential go and buy the **** a tp. when your carry gets Tower dived or your mid is close to get killed go there and make a double kill, but always remember the 75 manacost. You should think about that before you use a spell on the offlane to harras a support a bit. (thats probably not worth it).

The End

Remember that it is easy to have some overall rules but it always depends on the heroes how to play the lane. A darkseer is completly diffrent to play than an enchantress or beastmaster. But still if you listen to the few rules i told you ,you will be fine or at least dont be that guy who f***t up the game.

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