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Nyx Carry and Support Build (in progress)

January 27, 2013 by NyxBug
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xCO2 (72) | January 23, 2013 4:32pm
NyxBug wrote:

I read that, I was just giving my 2cents about what you have so far. Your core consists of Linken's so I figured you wouldn't have published it if you didn't want anyone commenting.

I understand I was just so excited to post this guide :D
Linken's isn't too bad, but you should defiantly ditch the Manta.
NyxBug | January 23, 2013 4:16pm
I read that, I was just giving my 2cents about what you have so far. Your core consists of Linken's so I figured you wouldn't have published it if you didn't want anyone commenting.
I understand I was just so excited to post this guide :D
xCO2 (72) | January 23, 2013 4:08pm
NyxBug wrote:

It is under construction as it says on the guide. Some of the items I put there is just a suggestion so don't think you have to take these items :D.

I read that, I was just giving my 2cents about what you have so far. Your core consists of Linken's so I figured you wouldn't have published it if you didn't want anyone commenting.
NyxBug | January 23, 2013 3:23pm
It is under construction as it says on the guide. Some of the items I put there is just a suggestion so don't think you have to take these items :D. Stats are needed in even in assassin's to provide extra health and armor. As you can see in 20:34 in my second video, if i haven't purchased the ultimate orb I would have died. Also stats that I gain adds damage to my ethereal blade. The reason I get linkin's sphere is just to make nyx more tankier and allow him to assassinate without interruption. Just keep in mind that I made this guide to open eyes for people that you don't have to follow the recommended dagon guide XD.
xCO2 (72) | January 23, 2013 1:19am
Nyx doesn't need stats, he's an assassin and all his damage is siphoned through his abilities. He also spends 90% of the game after level 6 invisible, so spell block becomes null. I also don't see why you recommend a Manta, Butterfly, or a Shiva's for the same reasons with the exception of Shiva's being even more useless because you no longer have mana problems if you have a Linken's and aren't spamming Dagon.
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