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35 Votes

Nyx Assassin - The element of SURPRISE

November 14, 2012 by Skaimi
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Zipp_y | May 30, 2013 3:19am
do you get dagon first then ethereal or do you max dagon then get ethereal? +100 from me because Nyx is my favorite hero :D Also never thought about ethereal blade, can you shift queue the entire combo?
Zipp_y | May 30, 2013 3:16am
though the real value is not something like 20% or something, i dont really care as long as im pawning
Zipp_y | May 30, 2013 3:14am
magic damage bro, 25% magic res, though it would still eat through squishies, plus pubs are too lazy to buy hood, so usually damage stays the same.
ziwa93 | April 25, 2013 1:34pm

after the level 5 dagon you will be able to do (525+800+280) 1.5k burst damage, so im going to add a refersher for the luxuary as it gives the much useful mana regen

well,it's not pure 1/5 burst,,u forgot about dmg reduction?
xCO2 (72) | February 23, 2013 8:03am
Zipp_y wrote:

Can you pick up Perseverance on Nyx after Dagon?

You do not need a Battlefury, Bloodstone, and usually won't need a Linken's.

@Your previous question: No, Nyx does not need lifesteal, he's a caster not an auto-attacker.
Zipp_y | February 23, 2013 7:02am
Can you pick up Perseverance on Nyx after Dagon?
Zipp_y | February 23, 2013 7:00am
Thx for the guide! I just played Nyx Assasin and totally pawned the other team! One question though, does Nyx need lifesteal?
mike1808 | December 13, 2012 4:48am
I will sugest if you are going mid at making fast bottle items build (3xbranches 1xheal) you can lvlup 1st manaburn against heroes like QoP, Invoker, Batrider (very risky, if he gets 2nd lvl before then u, u will die) and other heroes, so they wont be able to harass you with skill at line.
borodin (5) | August 29, 2012 2:01am
Build is ok but I really dont know why only one pack of tangoes and of you dont want to make something long just write something short like items abilities and some build explanations and stuff.
seank888 | August 25, 2012 3:00am

What are these luxury items?!? Nyx is a support late game, absolutely not a carry! Luxury items for Nyx should be tanking items, to extend his duration in TF.

For the skills, depending of the lane, I would max Mana burn before Impale, as the CD reduction allows to spam it at lvl 4. Additionally it disables nuker supports such as lich, zeus, CM, etc.

While nyx does get a bit more support-y in late game he still takes out the other teams supports in teamfights which is great since they usually carry the items like a mech which are very beneficial in a teamfight.

Mana burn seems like it might be nice in lane but it cost WAY too much for nyx to spam early game and doesn't become spammable until lvl 4, and maxing it over impale seriously reduces your ganking potential when you hit lvl 6/7 because you don't have the extra damage and stun. You should get 1 lvl in it as it can finish off heroes running away and since a lot of the supports you will be taking out are int based it is pretty effective, but more levels don't decrease the cd enough to be worth it and increase the mana cost too much.

Also, there isn't much point in nyx tanking through a teamfight. If you survive but your team doesn't, you may be able to pick off 1 or 2 heroes running away, but you should manage to do that anyways since nyx's teamfight strategy is generally: Take out squishy support, try to land impale on as many heroes as possible, wait for fight to end because you are basically useless otherwise in a teamfight, then pick off heroes. You don't want to be tanking damage very much.
BiggBootyBitch | August 18, 2012 2:29am
I've seen a couple of games where NA went straight for MKB instead of Dagon. What is really the purpose behind that?
KarlHungus01 | August 9, 2012 9:27am
Overall the Wand, Arcane Boots, Dagon build is good, but I'd put also either Urn and/or Bottle as core too, since Nyx will be roaming so much after Level 6 or 7.

I also really like Force Staff on Nyx as Force can enable you to land your Impale on an escaping hero from really far away, as well as giving you good positioning/escape in teamfights after your Vendetta + Impale + Carapace + Dagon + Mana Burn combo is done.
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