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52 Votes

Nyx Assassin - Burst Buggy(Easier to look at 2/27/13)

June 1, 2013 by jstansberry
Comments: 32    |    Views: 677922    |   

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Pixblade | June 23, 2016 12:20am
Holy hoax! I finaly understand Nyxyboy! This guide realy saved my life(DotA killing spree). One wuestion tho: isn't an aghanim required to let spiked carpage stun your foes?
Harmless Elephant Tails | March 19, 2015 8:04pm
AWESOME GUIDE! This really helped my play with Nyx. Some of the items I never would have thought of building on him, but they worked!
B.T.W. could you make a steam guide version of this so we could Use it in-game?
That would be GREATLY appreciated! 10/10 would rate again.
lethal_bear | September 12, 2014 2:31am
In response to your confusion to eye of skadi:
Skadi is a nice luxury with good stats all round. The slow works on magic immune targets. This helps Nyx contribute with the team in taking down a carry that Nyx would otherwise be useless against. Also, in the late game there may be many heroes that could survive your nuke combo and the slow helps you and your allies to catch up and finish off the target.
Skyf | April 9, 2014 3:38am
Nice guide! Gotta say, Huskar isn't that much of a foe. You can use spikedd carapace when he life-breaks you or if he throws buring spears (=free stun). AND Nyx's ultimate is physical damage, so you can sneak up to an low-health-extreme-attackspeed-rampage Huskar, and you might kill him in 1 strike
1Kai1 | December 30, 2013 4:16am
as a not which so few consider, and i have done this effectively in game so i know, Daedalus crits can proc on your base damage when coming out of vendetta then vendetta bonus stacks on that, so you can deal 1000+ damage on that, just something to think on, as that is how i play Nyx, and it works for me.
Thenickrick (1) | December 5, 2013 8:51am
Good guide. (+1) Just curious as to why you put drums on a hero who seems so weak in right click. Is the 5%(10 active) move speed really worth the cost? Also could tranquils be considered in mid or other lane taking harass, as they also provide good speed boost, and synergize well with vendetta. I'm not on my computer or I would test move speed. All just theory crafting though. Also Dagon should most definitely be upgraded as it is low cd and can half a squishy's health, even late game.
Don't upgrade dagon at all Eblade is the best option for me because it gives stats and amplifies not only your damage but everyone's damage
Rushing Eblade is pointless as his stat gain is pretty bad, even his agility. (Sorry if I formatted the quote wrong, my first post!)
Yafi | November 28, 2013 9:00am
I think u should add Desolator as an item for Nyx as it will increase the damage of Vendatta
mizk | September 19, 2013 11:58pm
Realy nice guide men , its realy deadly :D
origin_xs | August 21, 2013 7:33am
also the importance of a ghost sceptre mid game -stats and protection against right click damage
origin_xs | August 20, 2013 2:09pm
blink dagger ia always a good item on nyx as it lets u initiate and chase fleeing heroes and ethereal blade should be prefereed over upgrading your dagon,also drums and a force staff are good items for nyx if noone in your team has got one
InvisibleTreeMan | June 6, 2013 5:26pm
"Weak against Centaur"


Nyx puts on Spiked Carapace and auto attacks Centaur for an easy stun. You are never supposed to pick a Centaur if Nyx is on the other team.
Nubtrain (58) | April 27, 2013 6:12am
Jejmaze wrote:

I really don't think upgrading Dagon to level 5 is worth it. Going from level 1 to 5 costs 5200 Gold, about as much as a Scythe of Vyse. The 3.5 second disable is far superior to Dagon's 400 (300 after magic resist) extra magic damage. Also you can probably deal more than 300 damage with just your basic attacks during those 3.5 secodns.

If you're in a good advantage, it's fine. Don't go lvl 5 dagon if you're not in a good advantage.
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