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Nyx Assassin Builds {Support/Ganker} Under-Construction

March 8, 2013 by xHaZE
Comments: 6    |    Views: 15342    |   

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michimatsch (26) | February 5, 2016 12:46pm
So it got necroed by this first guy? Ahahahahaahahahaha. Now that's close to the Out of date guide that was out of date the day it was released.
Better close it or delete it then.
ChiChi (47) | February 5, 2016 10:01am
Hamstertamer wrote:


It's not a new guide, it's a 3 year old guide that people are commenting on now for whatever reason.

No point arguing about aghs or whatever because that stuff didn't even exist 3 years ago. You're pretty much necroing at that point.

Gotta admit it's funny though :D
Sando (118) | February 5, 2016 9:32am
I like the guide overall, but one thing you haven't mentioned is Aghanim's Scepter, which is arguably core on him. It provides a lot of stats which are nice for padding out your hp/mana pool, but more importantly gives you a lot of utility - tons of regen, a large damage reduction, and halves the cd on Impale, and provides an AOE on his other skills.

I'd definitely recommend you try it out, and see if you want to add it to your guide.
Hamstertamer (89) | February 5, 2016 9:21am

It's not a new guide, it's a 3 year old guide that people are commenting on now for whatever reason.

No point arguing about aghs or whatever because that stuff didn't even exist 3 years ago. You're pretty much necroing at that point.
michimatsch (26) | February 5, 2016 7:52am
WHAT???? Lion does only need a Blink Dagger and maybe a Force Staff because he only scales with mobility. If you play Nyx Assassin as a support he should be 4th position because he needs some items to do the job - which of course doesn't mean that you shouldn't help out with wards when it is needed.
Nyx Assassin on the other hand scales so well with some items and this is why I have to question some item choices...
Dagon should not be seen as a luxury but more as a situational if you somehow manage to snowball early game.
And I find the lack of Aghanim's Scepter and Guardian Greaves a bit disturbing because those items are just so good. Try them out!
ChingBuillds (1) | February 5, 2016 12:24am
I think this is a wonderful build!
But I play Nyx as more of a position 5 than 4 because other supports (like lion, jakiro, abbadon) can make use of money much more than nyx so i end up sacrificing my items for the team.
Usually I start with boots, tangoes a clarity and maybe a ward.
I find i skip urn and i get mana boots first then I (might) get midas since it boosts my reliable gold and i get a **** ton of levels.
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