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15 Votes

Nyx- Anewb's guide

July 31, 2012 by citizen#263828
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monkeyman | November 1, 2012 2:54pm
Best guide EVER!!! At leas it's funny to read comparing to those wise-*** super serious manuals from 11 yo kids, whose whole life is made of Dota and cheetos. And lore IS priceless. Will accept Jesus now.
Skaimi (1) | September 9, 2012 6:13pm
Glayde wrote:

All Nyx really needs is a level 5 Dagon and boots. At level 16, you have basically a 1700 damage nuke. (Ult, dagon, spike, mana burn) And I'd prefer an Etheral Blade on Nyx over Desolator anyday.

that is exactly what i do in my guide on nyx.
donnk | September 5, 2012 1:19pm

Nice guide, extra points for the humour

I suppose if you happen to lane against Earthshaker you could just spam manaburn on his *** every chance you get (while being cautious)? Then again I've not faced a really good ES yet, so maybe I don't know your pain, lol
Glayde (13) | August 12, 2012 5:48am
All Nyx really needs is a level 5 Dagon and boots. At level 16, you have basically a 1700 damage nuke. (Ult, dagon, spike, mana burn) And I'd prefer an Etheral Blade on Nyx over Desolator anyday.
ERMAC__#172623 (7) | August 1, 2012 7:28pm
Great F8 wrote:

Desolator on Nyx Assassin isn't a build suited for every game but rather against lineups with tanky heroes (1000+ HP, can't be 100% nuke combo'd to death) who you would like to solo gank. The -6 Armor Unique Attack Modifier greatly enhances the damage dealt by Vendetta and your autoattacks (in a solo gank, you can land 2-3 autos post Impale). Power Treads are recommended alongside Desolator if you follow this build.

Honestly I wouldn't bother to try and solo gank tanky heroes. If you need to kill a tank get a buddy. Nyx should be targeting squishy early game carries or intel nukers. Going for tides and axe's isn't the best Idea. You could, but why? Otherwise I agree with the writer said on Deso.

Not my favorite item on this guy.
Great F8 (3) | August 1, 2012 7:03pm

Deso is not a good item for Nyx, or most heroes IMO. Necro I agree with, but I thought he put it up there already. I skipped over some of it.

Desolator on Nyx Assassin isn't a build suited for every game but rather against lineups with tanky heroes (1000+ HP, can't be 100% nuke combo'd to death) who you would like to solo gank. The -6 Armor Unique Attack Modifier greatly enhances the damage dealt by Vendetta and your autoattacks (in a solo gank, you can land 2-3 autos post Impale). Power Treads are recommended alongside Desolator if you follow this build.


Necro, i'll submit, is a decent stealth counter-- however i still advise against it for low tier play, and that is the tier of play this guide was intended for as stated in the introduction. Desolator on the other hand is not a realistic item on NA for the following reasons: Dagon, a major gold sink, is absolutely required on this hero. I consider this a fault of NA's design that has existed since Scarabs were removed. Since this is the case, the best synergy with Dagon is Ethereal Blade-- an item that increases the damage output of 2/3 direct damage spells, while providing a decent direct damage effect of it's own.

The only benefit desolator offers is to Vendetta, and even then, NA is not an auto attacker. He's a glass canon. To make a Desolator build feasible would require Vanguard-- and why the **** would you bother building that? where would your Mana regen be? you wouldn't have the Mana available for a full rotation by cashing out on those two items.

Bottle together with Power Treads (drink on AGI for more HP/Mana, cast on INT for less Mana consumption) and Magic Stick should do the trick as far as mana problems are concerned. Desolator requires more farm than Dagon so going mid is probably a must.


I'm going to run a rest of 10 pug all pick matches in which I'll rush vanguard/desolator and submit the outcome. Although I disagree with you, thanks for the proposal.

Don't get Vanguard, waste of gold on this hero. Desolator doesn't alter your mode of operation to the point where a Vanguard would be necessary.
ERMAC__#172623 (7) | August 1, 2012 6:50pm
Great F8 wrote:

Desolator and Necronomicon beg to differ.

Deso is not a good item for Nyx, or most heroes IMO. Necro I agree with, but I thought he put it up there already. I skipped over some of it.
citizen#263828 | August 1, 2012 6:38pm
I'm going to run a rest of 10 pug all pick matches in which I'll rush vanguard/desolator and submit the outcome. Although I disagree with you, thanks for the proposal.
citizen#263828 | August 1, 2012 6:36pm
Necro, i'll submit, is a decent stealth counter-- however i still advise against it for low tier play, and that is the tier of play this guide was intended for as stated in the introduction. Desolator on the other hand is not a realistic item on NA for the following reasons: Dagon, a major gold sink, is absolutely required on this hero. I consider this a fault of NA's design that has existed since Scarabs were removed. Since this is the case, the best synergy with Dagon is Ethereal Blade-- an item that increases the damage output of 2/3 direct damage spells, while providing a decent direct damage effect of it's own.

The only benefit desolator offers is to Vendetta, and even then, NA is not an auto attacker. He's a glass canon. To make a Desolator build feasible would require Vanguard-- and why the **** would you bother building that? where would your Mana regen be? you wouldn't have the Mana available for a full rotation by cashing out on those two items.
Great F8 (3) | August 1, 2012 5:35pm

Well, other than that, skill and item build is fairly solid. No other items Nyx can really go for aside from "maybe" Shivas.

Desolator and Necronomicon beg to differ.
ERMAC__#172623 (7) | August 1, 2012 4:59pm
Well, other than that, skill and item build is fairly solid. No other items Nyx can really go for aside from "maybe" Shivas. I'll give this a +1.
citizen#263828 | August 1, 2012 4:31pm
Agreed. Will reflect that change sometime soon, I always max Impale first.
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