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Numbers-Roles (explaining)

April 25, 2013 by GGnet.Ace
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#1 role AKA carry Hardcarry Right clicker

Heroes who need to be given space to farm in order to be able to have a great impact on teamfights.Generally carry heroes are agility heroes (but NOT necessarily) since their damage,attack speed and armor source is their primary attribute .
What defines a carry hero is clearly his skills and most of times the passives the hero has.
The main objective of carry is to farm better and participate in more kills than the enemy carry,so that he can have a huge impact on winning the game.
For example Drow Ranger's Ultimate Passive (AKA marksmanship) giving her 80 agility (equal to 2 Ethereal blades in stats) proves that the hero does great amounts of damage.

#2 role AKA solo (mid or I feed etc)

Heroes who desperately need the levels and some farm as well.These heroes need to have an eccentric presence in mid game and will make the enemy team to focus them.Most of solo heroes have at least 3 active skills and high ganking potential.
Their main objective is to outlane and outfarm the enemy solo (or kill him which will lead to outlane as well).Their 2ndary objective is to gank the sidelanes and put pressure on enemy carry.
For example Storm Spirit is a great solo hero because of his great ganking potential (after he reaches level 6) and his ability to initiate on a single enemy (Vortex).

#3 role AKA hardlaner/longlaner

Heroes with escape skills who need the levels but arent farm depedent.These heroes aim for the mid game, helping their team to get kills and trying to find some farm which they lacked earlier.
Their main objective is to put pressure (haras/deny creeps) on enemy carry without dying.
The most typical example of hardlaner is Dark Seer due to his standard runaway mechanism and his ability to farm safe.

#4 role AKA support

Heroes with great teamfight skills who will lane with carry or will go to jungle but will try to gank and give kills to carry.Such heroes shine in early/mid game.
Their main objective is to get some early items which will be proved useful for teamfights
and ganking.
Their 2ndary objective is ganking on mid/easy lane to give a kill on your allied solo/carry.
Example of support hero is Chen,

#5 role AKA lane support/ward bitch

Heroes with good laning abilities either for helping the allied carry or for harassing the enemy heroes.
Their main objective is to keep their carry alive and safe even if they have to die for this.
Their 2ndary objective is to get wards,smoke,flying courier etc.
An example of support hero is dazzle,his heal n grave make carry job easier versus harass of enemy heroes and his poison makes sure he can punish enemies if they get out of position.


Roles arent clear sometimes and a hero can be both of them or potentially all of them and its matter of choice then.
For example Outworld Devourer (Obsidian Destroyer FML d2 with this name) is a #1 and #2 at the same time.He is the greatest solo hero in 1v1 matchup and he has great carry potential.
For example Gyro can be used as #1/#2/#5 lately support gyro is used very effectively.
Also remember to be open minded to new idea.Dazzle should be used as support but DTS tried to use it as a solo mid and managed to win versus EHOME of 2010.
VOD: Also this thing isnt a guide its more like an explanation to the other guides.

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