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124 Votes

Nothing Can Stop Our March: Phantom Lancer

September 27, 2013 by Burma Jones
Comments: 95    |    Views: 1225900    |   

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ChuahHM | July 29, 2015 2:46pm
Loved it. Works well for me!
alterose15 | May 20, 2015 10:14am
no battlefury and no maddness
KoDyAbAbA (65) | April 2, 2015 11:23am
hey afclegendz!

the original poster of this guide has not been online for 2 years now, i don't think there is going to be answer to this one, so let me :

the tango and salve pretty much ensure that your laning stage is a breeze.

the picking up of aquila, combined with your astounding agility gain means that you have so much armor that creep hits don't really bother you anymore
afclegendz | April 2, 2015 10:20am
How do you keep your health up on the lane with no regen item at all (before you get heart..)?
Blubbles (13) | July 27, 2014 11:36am
Wait so why do you pick up juxtapose on 9 12 13 14? Isnt it good to grab at least one level of it earlier on?
Deano | January 4, 2014 11:27am
Man this build!!! i just randomed a hero in a pub match, got this guy, never seen him before, read this guide in the 50 odd seconds i had until game start. WOW. My greatest game yet, i finished lvl 25 with 29-1-3, the second highest hero was 17 (enemy riki) i was constantly getting triple kills when they tried to team fight against me alone thanks to my copies. I was gaining so much gold for the late game i went for butterfly, other than that i had the diffusal blade, yasha, HoT and boots. I would have upgraded yasha to S+Y but i ended the game too fast, i pushed their ancient with a bunch of mirrors of myself from creep waves, got an ultra kill in their base and they were still dead when i took down the ancient. Cannot braise this guide enough!!!!
DemonBalls123 | November 25, 2013 3:40am
I played my first ever Dota 2 game against a Phantom Lancer, and needless to say, I fell in love with him since then. This guide has helped me a ton with my PL. +1
GamesForGods (1) | September 28, 2013 5:09am
pls make the soulring tranquil the Standard build. it´s much better and especially for beginners (and thats the ppl that Need guides). apart from that well done!
LiLPr0 (9) | September 27, 2013 6:31am
Mirror wrote:

Even though Burma Jones is no longer active on dota fire I wanted to make my 300th post something meaningful and not something random. This is the guild that got me addicted to dota. I idolized it and it tough me how to play the game. I have come a long way from back them to be an Editor with 300 posts but it started right here on this guide a long time ago. Thank you Burma Jones for giving me such a great time in this game.


It's spelled guide not guild.
Zhon | September 2, 2013 9:12am
I liked this guide.

And I may remember that MKB is situational for every dps hero against dodge-ones.

I would swap the abyssal for HoT, tho.
Azkron | August 10, 2013 10:09pm
Very nice guide, specially regarding all the data about illussions. Thanks !
Azkron | August 10, 2013 10:04pm
Very nice guide, specially regarding all the data about illussions. Thanks !
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