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When you say troll does not have a escape that is ******** he has a escape, his escape killing the moron that dared to chase you down
lol this happened today...had to run for a bit to get mana up then turned around and destroyed the bh and slark chasing me...was called a hacker:)
Also when your int gets to 33 or more, can be disassembled to sage's (gives more regen) and ring of protection for possible vlads.
I thought I mentioned doing rosh? first paragraph in "Gameplay - Mid Game"? I believe Troll can roshan at level 7/8, but I haven't tried myself. Usually, me and my team push a T2, go for rosh, then push T3.
Two thing I noticed was your boots and lack of rosh. From personal games (AKA the other team killing me with it) you can take Roshan really early. Like under 20 min.
The other thing is your boots. Treads give attack speed and phase give raw damage. Well troll has that attack speed covered so I would think phase would be better. If you wanted some health you could pick up something like a bracer.