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NOOBCAKE's Guide to Rubick

February 2, 2013 by Prome
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El Capitano (1) | February 19, 2013 11:35am
i love playing rubix oh there s sniper hello! snipe me then i dare ya!
Prome (2) | February 3, 2013 11:55am
Mirror wrote:

When you steal a spell its power is equivalent from when it was stolen. If they cast level 2 of a spell you will steal level 2 of that spell. If the other person casts there ulti when that have scepter and you steal it you will gain the scepter skill.

I played a game once were my mid player stole Luna's ultimate and when he used it he dealt zero damage. This was not because he had no points in beam but because Luna had no points in beam. A few levels later when Rubick stole the ultimate again he melted their team with it. By the logic that scepter powers up ultimates that you steal, Rubick should never deal damage with Luna's ultimate.

Other than that a really good guild +1

Luna has no points in beam
Eclipse does no damage
Luna casts eclipse, stolen by rubick

eclipse deals no damage, because of no points in lucent beam. Rubick is independent; kind of just using it the same way luna does.

The same thing happens when Rubick steals Death Prophet's spells. Rubick has no witchcraft, and it is unstealable; yet if death prophet does, and her crypt swarm and ulti are improved by it, then Rubick's stolen swarm/ulti will be improved just the same.

A bit hard to explain after an all nighter, hope it doesn't just sound like gibberish

thanks :)
Mirror (22) | February 3, 2013 11:37am
When you steal a spell its power is equivalent from when it was stolen. If they cast level 2 of a spell you will steal level 2 of that spell. If the other person casts there ulti when that have scepter and you steal it you will gain the scepter skill.

I played a game once were my mid player stole Luna's ultimate and when he used it he dealt zero damage. This was not because he had no points in beam but because Luna had no points in beam. A few levels later when Rubick stole the ultimate again he melted their team with it. By the logic that scepter powers up ultimates that you steal, Rubick should never deal damage with Luna's ultimate.

Other than that a really good guild +1
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