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3 Votes

NOOBCAKE's Guide to Enchantress

February 2, 2013 by Prome
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Prome (2) | February 2, 2013 7:23pm
Faith and Enchant both maxed out.
Chen has 3 creeps, Enchantress can have 80/15 = 5.3
level 4 enchant lets you have 5 NEUTRALS at any given time.
Obviously that would be hard to maintain, but my point is that Enchant is her bread and butter skill; I feel that you should not be taking much damage to justify getting early points in heal, and you should have your urn so at the early levels use that instead. You don't have enough hp to take advantage of the massive heal, urn's 400 will be more than enough.
I agree, Chen is more midgame; but he's a hard support, where as Enchantress is more gank oriented, as she has a lot of killing power with Impetus; and the 5 creeps gives her a lot of push.
Thanks for the comment, maybe I should put in a section of "Chen vs Enchantress"..
Mirror (22) | February 2, 2013 12:21pm
When I play Enchantress (I can finally comment on I hero that I play and not my team YAY) I get one level of Enchant and leave it at that because of her attendants is a "get our of jail free" card and are amazing. I will not disagree about the strength of Enchant but to jungle effectively you only need one level of it.

When ever you pick Enchantress you have to ask the question: Why not pick Chen and vise versa. Chen is an early game hero. Enchantress is an earlier game hero. Pick Chen for mid game and Enchantress for early game. When playing both you should NOT be a passive jungler. Think about it like you are tri-laning and are farming the jungle on the side

Good guild +1

PS: You shall not pass!
PSS: OMG! They have an Enchantress set now! She can your soar over the other team now!
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