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July 19, 2017 by Crucial Dude
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Ryuzard | April 11, 2016 9:33am
you can use HotD to control your creep and get 920HP and 92 damage instantly, so you don't need to find a nice creep to Death Pact
kianmir | February 28, 2016 11:44am
well... great guide for a person i never saw in dotafire before. its a lot better than new guides full of grammar errors and stuff. indeed you wanted your first guide to look nice... and it did :D
anyways, i think orchid rush is viable.but as ali_baba97 pointed out, against illusion heroes, a maelstorm or mjo will be good enough
those mjo bounces are 12 i think... which is HUGE. thanks to that, you can identify the real hero and kill him/her before he/she can answer
TheOnlyDeregor | February 2, 2016 4:59pm
Just finished a game with this build. I got 3 early kills on pudge and just snowballed out of control. Great guide ty.
ali_baba97 | January 13, 2016 1:55pm
For illusion heroes I would say an Mjollner, if you use the active on yourself, the illusions will be wrecked, and the passive is undeniably strong with strafe
Crucial Dude | January 13, 2016 4:48am
I suppose it comes down to different builds being effective for different skill levels. I'm at 4400 MMR and very rarely do I come across teams that are competent enough to deal with pure DPS builds on Clinkz, but I do agree with most of your points when playing against more skilled opponents. I actually used to purchase Diffusal all the time in my old builds but it got to a point where I realised that I only used the active 3 or 4 times per game because if you're playing him properly, you won't get initated on and will never get dusted (etc) anyway.
Sanvitch (18) | January 12, 2016 6:16am
I would reconsider your opinion about Diffusal Blade - You don't really need to value it for the mana burn element, but the purge. A) It means people can't run away from you, which is semi relevent depending on the hero but more importantly B) You purge Ghost Scepter and Ethereal Blade. You are strictly a physical damage hero, those items makes your life significantly harder in team fights late game. Oh and purging off Dust as well, which is incredibly relevent.

The point of the Soul Ring isn't to fill in the gap between lane and Orchid, it's to allow you to replace Orchid entirely and rush Desolator instead. On a hero like Clinkz the sooner you get Deso the better because you get more kills earlier, and can split push more effectively. All things that help you snowball faster. Like Deso is an item that depreciates quickly.

Eul's Scepter of Divinity is a semi-viable pick-up in really specific situations. Like against Spirit Breaker.

Oh and Satanic is crazy good on a late game Clinkz; You don't need to buy that much damage to have a silly amount of DPS, and it gives you needed sustain in late game fights where you can't afford to play the pick-off game so easily.
Crucial Dude | January 12, 2016 1:39am
SlaNe wrote:

Nice guide dude. Im a long time fan of Clinkz and always enjoy reading about him.

Here are my two cents:

1 - While the Orchid build was my standard go to build at the start of my "Clinkz career", I gradually shifted towards a Soul Ring -> PT -> Desolator -> Scythe of Vyse -> MKB/ Deadlus/ Butterfly (+ situational bkb) build. The reasons being that:
- An early desolator makes you hit like a truck, especially with Death Pact on
- Soul ring + void stone can resolve your mana regen issues
- Most importantly, Scythe addresses the biggest issue that a clinkz faces - namely mid-late game in higher MMR brackets. This is where Orchid will be completely shut down by the likes of BKBs, Manta style, Ghost scepters, blademail, force staffs, Eul scepters, Fast heroes, etc.

2 - I completely agree with you about typical mistakes clinkz players usually do. Namely, underestimating the power of death pact (basically, never engage without this lovely ulti on) as well as not being aggressive enough post lvl 6. Clinkz is a snowball hero. If he has a bad start, its quite difficult for him to recover

3 - Id suggest to add spirit beaker to the list of foes.

4 - One final piece of advice is to be very careful when you find a ganking target but cant see the remaining enemies on the map. Smart players will typically be nearby ready to counter you. during team fights, you should also rarely initiate. Your role is to provide an uninterrupted, continuous source of pure damage from the back. If you initiate, you will be focused down in seconds.

Overall great guide and an enjoyable read!

Thanks for the kind words! Completely agree with Spirit Breaker, he can be a nightmare because once he starts his charge, you can go invis and he'll still hit you. I'll add him to the list :)

I've attempted builds without Orchid before with varied results - I think the main reason I love it so much is even the buildup to it is decent, and you can farm it so fast. You literally become the scariest hero in the game within 10 minutes. I'll give your suggestions a shot though - always open to new CLinkz builds!

Again, thanks for your contribution :)
SlaNe (1) | January 12, 2016 1:12am
Nice guide dude. Im a long time fan of Clinkz and always enjoy reading about him.

Here are my two cents:

1 - While the Orchid build was my standard go to build at the start of my "Clinkz career", I gradually shifted towards a Soul Ring -> PT -> Desolator -> Scythe of Vyse -> MKB/ Deadlus/ Butterfly (+ situational bkb) build. The reasons being that:
- An early desolator makes you hit like a truck, especially with Death Pact on
- Soul ring + void stone can resolve your mana regen issues
- Most importantly, Scythe addresses the biggest issue that a clinkz faces - namely mid-late game in higher MMR brackets. This is where Orchid will be completely shut down by the likes of BKBs, Manta style, Ghost scepters, blademail, force staffs, Eul scepters, Fast heroes, etc.

2 - I completely agree with you about typical mistakes clinkz players usually do. Namely, underestimating the power of death pact (basically, never engage without this lovely ulti on) as well as not being aggressive enough post lvl 6. Clinkz is a snowball hero. If he has a bad start, its quite difficult for him to recover

3 - Id suggest to add spirit beaker to the list of foes.

4 - One final piece of advice is to be very careful when you find a ganking target but cant see the remaining enemies on the map. Smart players will typically be nearby ready to counter you. during team fights, you should also rarely initiate. Your role is to provide an uninterrupted, continuous source of pure damage from the back. If you initiate, you will be focused down in seconds.

Overall great guide and an enjoyable read!
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