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Nice Mask! - A guide to Yurnero, the Juggy

November 5, 2013 by TheGooGaming
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TheGooGaming (29) | November 11, 2013 6:07pm

Don't worry! I may have seemed a bit harsh with my comment, but there are a lot of guides for Juggernaut that are exactly like yours (not to say worse than yours) and people continuously use them when playing: they're not that bad, but most of the time you expect a mid-game focused build on this Hero. I just find it annoying.

Ya, I will eventually get used to what people need and not what the site already has, in near future.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | November 8, 2013 9:55am
Don't worry! I may have seemed a bit harsh with my comment, but there are a lot of guides for Juggernaut that are exactly like yours (not to say worse than yours) and people continuously use them when playing: they're not that bad, but most of the time you expect a mid-game focused build on this Hero. I just find it annoying.
TheGooGaming (29) | November 6, 2013 1:45pm


Also, you're using an outdated skill build: as you have a Bottle, getting those extra stat points is completely useless (nowadays people don't put stats on Jug anymore because of the mana from the Drum of Endurance/ Battle Fury, anyway) and getting Blade Dance before Healing Ward is also a big mistake because you will be pretty useless for all the mid game, the stage in which Juggernaut shines. Keep in mind that Jug is mainly picked as a pusher or mid-game carry: your guide shows a hard-carryish build that may work, but it's still a very old playing style and doesn't cover his weaknesses (also, with a BF build you always want the safe lane; I wouldn't recommend going mid).

You seem like an experienced uploader and this is my first upload, so thanks for reading and taking some time to leave a comment, it'd really help me to make my next guide better :)
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | November 6, 2013 12:23pm
wallensteiN wrote:

if you really want to go mid you dont want that bfury and u can go for a racecar build(phase, drums and manta). also, on late game bottle isnt going to help you that much, because you already get the regen from items.


Also, you're using an outdated skill build: as you have a Bottle, getting those extra stat points is completely useless (nowadays people don't put stats on Jug anymore because of the mana from the Drum of Endurance/ Battle Fury, anyway) and getting Blade Dance before Healing Ward is also a big mistake because you will be pretty useless for all the mid game, the stage in which Juggernaut shines. Keep in mind that Jug is mainly picked as a pusher or mid-game carry: your guide shows a hard-carryish build that may work, but it's still a very old playing style and doesn't cover his weaknesses (also, with a BF build you always want the safe lane; I wouldn't recommend going mid).
TheGooGaming (29) | November 6, 2013 9:47am
wallensteiN wrote:

if you really want to go mid you dont want that bfury and u can go for a racecar build(phase, drums and manta). also, on late game bottle isnt going to help you that much, because you already get the regen from items.

Yes, the reason you keep the bottle is just for storing runes at that point, the regen of the bottle charges themself are not going to help certainly, but at that point of the game people are not concentrated on camping the runes anymore, you can get some haste, invis or even regen, so it can be handy to save those for when you need it, for pushing or escaping for instance.

I dont like personally skipping the bfury because it gives you the ability to push lanes with ease or hide in the jungle, with nice both hp and mana regen.
wallensteiN (1) | November 6, 2013 9:29am
if you really want to go mid you dont want that bfury and u can go for a racecar build(phase, drums and manta). also, on late game bottle isnt going to help you that much, because you already get the regen from items.
TheGooGaming (29) | November 5, 2013 6:42pm
pabzlol wrote:

I love the guide so far! Who would you recommend avoiding? Would you say he's good at every point during the game for example where does he shine more, late, early , mid game?

Can't wait to read more of your stuff man! Definetly will be trying your build!

Well, dominating early game is relatively easy, if you can land good blade furys, for all the damage it deals to low hp pool heroes. Mid game is a great time for ganking, since your omnislash is lvl 2, and you get 6 jumps, plus at that point your movement speed is amazing, and yea, late game is not as good, but if you got to your satanic, or vladimir's you should be able to push lanes and survive ganks, but even with the Scepter upgrade, your omnislash doesnt do that amazing damage since people have already got their final items, for instance, you can completely destroy a sniper early in game, low hp, blocking most of his spells with your blade fury or even instakilling him with and omnislash if he is alone, but in lane game or late mid game, when he gets a shadow blade or something like that, it can really **** up your combo. At this point you should concentrate more in pushing lanes and taking down towers with fair ease.

:) protip, kill the creep wave with bladefury, then go in for the kill with omnislash without worrying to jump over to a creep, and feel confident with invulnerability.
pabzlol (1) | November 5, 2013 6:08pm
I love the guide so far! Who would you recommend avoiding? Would you say he's good at every point during the game for example where does he shine more, late, early , mid game?

Can't wait to read more of your stuff man! Definetly will be trying your build!
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