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56 Votes

New(ish) Player's Guide to Death Prophet

June 20, 2012 by bluedevil99
Comments: 19    |    Views: 488362    |   

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Spain2001 | March 3, 2015 11:06pm
I think Eul's Scepter is also a good item providing death prophet with 40 movement speed for chasing, good mana region to spam spells, and the active, which allows death prophet to use her let while being safe. (Your ghosts will still dmg people while you twirled up by the tornado.
AbangGorengan | February 25, 2015 3:37am
I've never used DP before and I am a new dota 2 player.
But by using this guide, the very first time I play DP, I got 12-0-15.
bobrockstar | March 19, 2014 2:49am
Voted. So far DP is the only hero I can play well but I regularly go 15ish-0-15ish for K/D/A whenever I use this build and have a decent team. Thanks for the great guide!
Greatfedora | October 24, 2013 8:09am
A very good guide! I just have a quetoon about rod of atos. Would it be useful to make up for the loss of cc? Every patch I see it getting better and better ans wonder how dp would work with it?
bluto | September 15, 2013 8:45pm
This guide is so great I got a dotafire account just to comment on it. I've played many heroes and read many guides, but this is the best. The build is good, considering everyone will modify according to needs ... but I found your general role comments to be most useful. Folks always underestimate DP lolz. As you say, late game gets tough, but if you are tearing down towers and winning teamfights it rarely gets to that point. The Bloodstone is so key.

You save folks a lot of time with learning DP and I love that she is rarely picked so I can take her last and PUSH!
Yasutsuna (51) | May 1, 2013 7:38am
Short and simple.

But wouldn't getting a lv1 Silence early compare to a Lv2 Witchcraft better to avoid getting ganked early?

+1, anyway!
Andromeda | March 9, 2013 5:52pm
You almost have to have 2 skill builds for her she's so diverse. I love it when I get dps heroes like Phantom Assassin, I go drum + assault curious and laugh when players can't run from my ult or a max dps PA while also having reduced armor.
bluedevil99 (1) | January 31, 2013 7:20am
Hi folks- I updated this guide recently but am not sure how to make it appear 'fresh' when searching for guides. If anyone knows please advise.
Willsay | January 23, 2013 7:49pm
I would suggest Refresher Orb as a situational item on DP. The double ulti can be a lifesaver and the extra damage, hp and mana regen don't hurt either.
Chief Sosa | December 19, 2012 7:49pm
Fantastic build! +1
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 10, 2012 9:57pm
Very nicely done bluedevil, your guides have great information and learning context.

I rarely play DP, but if I ever do I will defenitely try out this build, it seems to be able to work wonders, and as the title said: I'm a new DP player, so it must work.

Nice job, make more nice write up guides! +1 :)
bluedevil99 (1) | September 11, 2012 9:42am
Draconie wrote:

I cant understand the point of maxing out locust swarm at lvl 8, since the damage boost/mana used is just so puny that it makes almost no difference. Is it not better to max out wc and have a couple points in silence first so that you can spam it more?

This is a decent point--the scaling between levels 3 and 4 of swarm is pretty bad. I tend to max the skill simply because I'm using it so often, especially if things are going well and bloodstone is up early. Sticking with level 3 swarm for awhile and maxing witchcraft earlier is certainly viable. I generally am NOT looking to 'spam' silence. I will very rarely get multiple points of silence early--only against opposing lineups heavily reliant on spell damage or against multiple 'escape' heroes such as Dark Seer, Riki, or AM when I feel our team lacks enough disables to lock them down.
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