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85 Votes

Nessaj - The Chaos Bringer

May 25, 2012 by borodin
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majestic as puck | January 16, 2016 3:38pm
great guide best I have seen for chaos knight even tho it was made 4 yrs ago
points to add are;
*sny is semi viable if u plan on dissembling to make a halbeard and manta out of it otherwise just go straight manta if good farm or armlet- low farm.
*a single point in chaos strike earlier is a good choice not so much for the crit but the 8 second -5armr debuff which works well with reality drift as it's currently 180dmg at lvl 4 that is added as raw dmg so really takes advantage on low armr targets
Satanhammer | March 29, 2015 9:41pm
Hey, I am a new player, I just started playing DOTA2 3 days ago. So far I have played CK, Lion, Clinkz, Life Stealer, Legion Commander and Abbadon, but my favourites are definitely CK and Lion. I find that CK is a pretty tough toon to get used to for a newbie like myself but it is a lot of fun once you get past lvl15 and have your items build right. Anyway, sorry for rambling, your guide is awesome and worked really well for me. Really well written and easy to understand. Thanks!! +1.
in fact i plan on making another account and giving it another +1 :D
Satanhammer | March 29, 2015 9:41pm
Hey, I am a new player, I just started playing DOTA2 3 days ago. So far I have played CK, Lion, Clinkz, Life Stealer, Legion Commander and Abbadon, but my favourites are definitely CK and Lion. I find that CK is a pretty tough toon to get used to for a newbie like myself but it is a lot of fun once you get past lvl15 and have your items build right. Anyway, sorry for rambling, your guide is awesome and worked really well for me. Really well written and easy to understand. Thanks!! +1.
in fact i plan on making another account and giving it another +1 :D
Lord Markov | January 6, 2015 1:59pm
The Satanic section is actually wrong. Unholy Rage adds 175% lifesteal+the 25% from the item itself
DemonBalls123 | December 11, 2013 5:32am
I usually just go armlet drums and then proceed to a straight up halberd then an AC or Heart, because whenever I go carry my early game is pretty ****ed up so I farm like mad during mid-game. Other than that, good guide! +1
Hi-Breed (3) | November 6, 2013 5:23am
370HSSV wrote:

This build is amazing, there's no doubt about it. However, I feel that with the Armlet (of Mordiggian)some lifesteal item like the Mask of Madness would pair well. I'd like to hear any thoughts on that.



In my opinion, lifesteal is a good thing for Chaos Knight.

It is very good in continuing pushing after your Phantasm illusions are out.

I even introduced the pushfarming principle that allows you to farm for HP regen and gold while pushing in the same time. ^^

(At least) until you get a Manta Style, which allows you to have a 35 seconds cooldown ability that spawns illusions 400% faster than your ultimate.

Hi-Breed (3) | November 6, 2013 4:27am

As I can see, this current build goes for a mid-game Chaos Knight ganker that did well and got to lategame ( Heart of Tarrasque, Assault Cuirass), where he can still be a feared presence on the battlefield.

This is one of the best Chaos Knight guides out there and it was my stepping stone in building my own CK guide.

I like the neat introduction of the Medallion of Courage in your build for both MP regen and Armor gain. Not to mention its active.

The things I don't agree in yours are the following:

(I) Skill Build

I came up with a 2301 to 2401 CK build that effectively allows me to go for the PRC... combos that I fathered, even starting level 6.

(II) Item Build

1. Drum of Endurance is no good. I replaced it in my guide with a 74% cheaper Null Talisman which sets me back 3 STR to gain 3 INT for 55 less gold than a Bracer.

2. Some early lifesteal/HP regen items ( Morbid Mask/ Helm of Iron Will) would be good to avoid (40-120 seconds) trips back to your fountain after successful ganks. Lifesteal is so good in the new pushfarming process I came up with, as it restores your HP WHILE gaining gold in the process.

3. You lack the Manta Style item in your lategame. In my opinion, this item is by far a (lategame) core item for Chaos Knight as its 35 seconds cooldown for spawning 2 illusions of yourself is 400% better than your 140 seconds Phantasm cooldown. Furtehrmore, they work with Reality Rift. ^^ Not to mention it gives additional 10-26-10 STATS which translates to (built-in!) +10 DMG, +190 HP, +26 AS, +3.7 Armor and +130 MP which are fully inherited by your ( Phantasm) illusions.

That's pretty much it, so to wrap it up it's a good guide and you definitely deserve the '+1' and 'Favourite' I gave you.

I invite you to come check my guide (the 'I A-M HoT PRC Chaos' guide) and I'll gladly answer any questions you might have.


Hi-Breed (3) | November 6, 2013 3:34am
f0rld wrote:

I wonder if my build on CK is good enough:
1. PT
2. Battle Fury
3. Skull basher
4. HoT/BKB
5. MKB
6. Desolator


In my opinion, your build goes for doing a lot of damage, which is nevertheless a good thing.

I've played a build pretty much similar to yours and I obliterated the Hard Level Bots (14-1-something).

But against REAL players, I went 2-7-something. Or something like that.


But still, you can go two ways:

(1) 'I still want DMG!!!'-way:
1. Power Treads (1400)
2. Null Talisman (470)
3. Armlet of Mordiggian (2600)
4. Black King Bar (3975)
5. Daedalus (5550)
6. Assault Cuirass (5250) or Butterfly (6000) or both (sell your Null Talisman in the process)
6'. Abyssal Blade (6750) or Heart of Tarrasque (5500) to replace your Armlet of Mordiggian now

I don't consider Battle Fury (4350) such a great item on CK but it's still a DMG output item so you can have it right before (6.) or after.

Adding up, the (PT, BKB, D, B, AB, BF) goes for around 30,000 gold! Farming for that means 750 gpm for a 45 minutes game and 500 gpm for a 60 minutes game. Good luck with that, gosu.

(2) 'I want to play CK to the best of his abilities'-way:
1. Power Treads (1400)
2. Null Talisman (470)
3. Armlet of Mordiggian (2600)
4. Black King Bar (3975)
5. Manta Style (5050)
6. Heart of Tarrasque (5500)
6' Assault Cuirass (5250) to replace the Null Talisman

for a total of 24,010 gold (400-534 gpm).

I usually ditch the Black King Bar as its use give me a yellowish glow that puts a target on my back when fighting along my illusions.

Manta Style is also a great asset as it gives two more additional illusions that perfectly synergyze with his Reality Rift. Not to mention they stay around for 20 seconds out of a 35 seconds cooldown! So you can cast it 4 times between your Phantasm! It also gives both AGI (+26 AS and + 3.7 Armor) and (a bit of) INT boost, so it's quite a LATEGAME MUST-HAVE ITEM.

Heart of Tarrasque gives you +40 DMG and +1060 HP to you and your Phantasm illusions. Not to mention the 50 seconds full HP regeneration passive.

So a cheaper and more straightforward MINIMUM mid to late game build would be:
1. Power Treads (1400)
2. Armlet of Mordiggian (2600)
3. Manta Style (5050)
4. Heart of Tarrasque (5500)

For a total of 14550 gold (242-323 gpm). Check that out!

Or go check my 'I A-M HoT PRC Chaos' guide. Google it. =)

370HSSV | October 2, 2013 1:58am
This build is amazing, there's no doubt about it. However, I feel that with the Armlet (of Mordiggian)some lifesteal item like the Mask of Madness would pair well. I'd like to hear any thoughts on that.

knor force staff imba | April 30, 2013 10:48am
KingWOLF wrote:

isit the Abyssal blade and Monkey King Bar a good investment on CK?

abbysal blade isn't that effective because your attack speed isn't that high and you dont need to build it unlike lifestealer because of your ult. MKB is only an option if the enemy carry gets a butterfly. But most of the time there are better items to build that improve your damage and survivability at the same time (heart/satanic) that are better value for money.
knor force staff imba | April 30, 2013 10:44am
you should note that if you lane with wisp you dont need the bottle and mana regen, i've played about 50 ck games and won 85%, when i lane with wisp i'll almost always go treads - armlet - drums - dominator - satanic/bkb (bkb sometimes earlier when i get overwhelmed with disables) - and lategame heart - rapier (occasional because with heart satanic you'll have about 4800 hp with armlet at lvl 25 and are basically unkillable).
KingWOLF (2) | March 9, 2013 7:07am
isit the Abyssal blade and Monkey King Bar a good investment on CK?
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