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16 Votes

Necrophos, The Unkillable Tank (6.84c UPDATE)

February 15, 2016 by DjAirwolf
Comments: 28    |    Views: 176028    |   

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Howler Phuc | February 16, 2016 9:20pm
yep this build works pretty well....
managed 31 assists in a high skill match with more hero damage than our main carry OD...posting the link to the match
I hate zeus
DjAirwolf | February 15, 2016 2:58pm
ChiChi wrote:

I know this isn't exactly about your guide (which I think is good, btw) but are you Portuguese? :)

And also, where are the Guardian Greaves? Oh wait, you've talked about it, but haven't put it in your items in the top of the guide. I would advise to do it. Anyways, +1

I'm Scottish :D
DjAirwolf | February 15, 2016 2:32pm
Fixed the grieves, ill try and get some replays up of me on necro. I took a break from playing him for a while.
he's not really changed in this patch. Not much to do.
SeaGrave | September 15, 2015 12:55am
Good guide but a farmed juggernaut would have at least one or two survivability items (not including ultstick) and not just pure damage so that is a bit misleading imo besides that a good alternative to the other builds
Thifiell | September 8, 2015 2:40pm
It would be great to see some of your videos to see some detailes like do you disassembe arcane boots to buy mana booster or you keep them even with octarine and so on. I found your profile but you did not play recently as necro and any replays are expired. But I see items in your game and you really follow your own guide. But I would really like to see some of your games, and better several, because 1-2 times can be just a luck.
ChiChi (47) | June 3, 2015 10:23am
I know this isn't exactly about your guide (which I think is good, btw) but are you Portuguese? :)

And also, where are the Guardian Greaves? Oh wait, you've talked about it, but haven't put it in your items in the top of the guide. I would advise to do it. Anyways, +1
HaylingZar | May 7, 2015 6:30am
Saxman21 wrote:

What all did you build prior? And it could also be that you didn't last hit as often as you could/should have.

All I bought was tranquils, mekansm and bloodstone. I didn't have an exactly difficult lane, so I had a decent amount of farm.
Saxman21 | March 26, 2015 7:47pm
HaylingZar wrote:

Great guide! I did instead take ulti at 6, 11, and 16, but other than that I followed it exactly and went 14-0-7. One question, how do you get such a fast bloodstone? I got my boots and mek but then I went straight bloodstone. However, even with 7 kills (at that point) it took me until 28 minutes to get it. Do you have any advice?

What all did you build prior? And it could also be that you didn't last hit as often as you could/should have.
Saxman21 | March 26, 2015 7:46pm
Another thing I do for Necro, is I usually go for Arcane boots in the early laning phase, so I can support my carry while in-lane and keep my mana pool filled. I disassemble them once I get the point booster and vitality booster so I can get the soul booster quickly. I never use tranquils on Necro, because I use my sadist to fill my health. The only reason I can see for getting tranquils is the increased movement speed for catching up to escaping heroes.
HaylingZar | March 22, 2015 2:12pm
Great guide! I did instead take ulti at 6, 11, and 16, but other than that I followed it exactly and went 14-0-7. One question, how do you get such a fast bloodstone? I got my boots and mek but then I went straight bloodstone. However, even with 7 kills (at that point) it took me until 28 minutes to get it. Do you have any advice?
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 22, 2015 2:46am
DjAirwolf wrote:

thats not relevant to the test. If you read it you would understand. and we found that for ***** and giggles juggernaut leaves about 100-300 health on necro after his ultimate with that amount of farm. Just as a wee side note there.

I agree, it isn't relevant to the test, but the point I am trying to make is the test is not relevant itself and proves nothing.

Expecting an enemy hero to stay near you and not hurt you is just impractical.Also, it is to be noted that even though necrophos can deal the ridiculous amounts of damage, the time taken to deal it reduces it's effectiveness by a lot since most carries can regenerate that damage taken by the way of lifesteal.

also, on a different note, i have to disagree with your choice of ignoring Aghanim's Scepter.The main reason it is purchased is to disable buyback, something that is so game-breaking it's not even funny.

Just the ability to create a 90 second no-carry team 30 minutes into the game is so unfair that it warrants the purchase of aghs in every possible scenario.

TheGooGaming wrote:

that's enough.
TheGooGaming (29) | March 22, 2015 2:15am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

the photo representation is so lame i almost cried.

you won't be alive if Juggernaut has that much farm dude.

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