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UH....apart of the fact that you are questioning the great Hamstertamer, one of the gods of Dotafire
And what can you do to help in lane?
Sure you got a heal. But this heal is pretty weak comparing it to other heals from guys like
So if you want to participate and be useful in early fights why not just pick a
I don't see the point. So maybe you can clarify why
He's one of the best laning heroes in the game. If you play him purely as a lane support, sitting in lane, harassing, denying, and keeping the creep equilibrium close to your tower by pulling...
Necro support is all about winning your lane. He's one of the best lane supports in the game, however he can't roam or set up kills in any way. He's essentially like
If you want a lane support to win your safe lane, and that goes really well into the late game, Necro is by far the best pick. And he can get his farm with stack-farming jungle and assist/kill gold with his ult.
You say that you should participate in early fights. But Hamstertamer just told u the same thing.
He said get a
If you are on sidelane and not last-hitting at all (cutting out neutrals) what items will you have after 15 minutes?
Brown boots and a
And what can you do to help in lane?
Sure you got a heal. But this heal is pretty weak comparing it to other heals from guys like
So if you want to participate and be useful in early fights why not just pick a
I don't see the point. So maybe you can clarify why
Thank you for your opinion. Especially for part with death pulse and invisible units, you are right, and I will change that in the guide.
About Necro mid ... I dont think necro is good at staying at mid and farming while enemy mid is ganking and changing the tide of a game. Necro should be present in fights since the start with his death pulse in my opinion.
And about
anyway thank you for your post and interesting thoughts
About necro mid, I think it is really terrible idea. Necro is slow, and his only skill is death pulse, which is extremely short ranged. Necro lacks any slow skill, he is just slow char himself. Also he has only one stun, his ulti, which is extremely useless at level 1, since it only stuns for 1.5 sec and also it dont provide damage (talking about level 1 now). So necro lacks skills mid char needs.
A few comments also :
Look at it this way : what is
This IS a support build. end. This is a semi support build and as far away from carry necrophos as you almost can get.
Necro doesn't have a "support" build and a "carry" build. he has only one build, which is a tank build. No matter how you play this hero you need to tank up.
Anybody who plays Necro as a right-click hero needs to get their brain examined xD
Anyways cheers on the guide and +1 from me.
This IS a support build. end. This is a semi support build and as far away from carry necrophos as you almost can get.
Noone said this is ultra late game carry guide. It is caused by the fact that necro is NOT a late game carry. If you need right click char, dont pick necro, otherwise you will get crushed by true right click chars.
Adding to what they said, I always grab 2 Iron Branches on Necro to be built into Mek later.
I'm a little confused by some parts of this guide. You make a point several times that Necro isn't and shouldn't be played as a support, but you mention needing to buy wards and sentries for dewarding. Also you say that you'll be laning with your carry, but also trying to get last hits. In lane, the carry should be getting every possible last hit. Usually Necro does well on his own in mid so he can get all the last hits he needs as well as a fast level 6.
I'd also recommend Phase Boots as an option. You have really good mana sustain with Sadist, so I think the mana boots are kinda unnecessary on you. Your supports can usually cover a couple of pairs of arcane boots for you. Phase Boots make last hitting way easier, and more importantly give you a speed boost that will let you stay near your opponent, keeping them in range of your aura and your death pulse.
I'm glad you have scepter as core on him, though. I always buy Mek and then Scepter because honestly that's all he needs to function until the mid-late game. It makes him incredibly useful later on.
Well, thank xyou for your opinion. However, I think you should read more carefuly, because some of the things you mention are already said in the guide. Anyway about wards: I am no sure which part of guide are you responding to ... in items sections I said that in case other support bought cour, you should buy wards, and later you shoudl focus on your own core items.
I mentioned last hitting, as if you are for example pulling, you should last hit neutrals there. However, always there is written denying/lasthitting, and denying is in first place. That is because of the fact denies are the main source of your mana and hp regen. I hope we are clear now :-) .
About necro mid, I think it is really terrible idea. Necro is slow, and his only skill is death pulse, which is extremely short ranged. Necro lacks any slow skill, he is just slow char himself. Also he has only one stun, his ulti, which is extremely useless at level 1, since it only stuns for 1.5 sec and also it dont provide damage (talking about level 1 now). So necro lacks skills mid char needs.
About phase boots. Arcane boots give you massive MP boost and also mp restore skill (2 death pulses together). Those 2 death pulses are much more useful for Necro then some right click power (simply necro is not right click char, count with it).
About your last part: you wrote there that you buy meka first and then scepter. However, that is just the thing how it is in the guide. I recommend reading carefuly, and I am sure you will find it there :-).
Thank you for post, I hope everything is clear now.
I'm a little confused by some parts of this guide. You make a point several times that Necro isn't and shouldn't be played as a support, but you mention needing to buy wards and sentries for dewarding. Also you say that you'll be laning with your carry, but also trying to get last hits. In lane, the carry should be getting every possible last hit. Usually Necro does well on his own in mid so he can get all the last hits he needs as well as a fast level 6.
I'd also recommend Phase Boots as an option. You have really good mana sustain with Sadist, so I think the mana boots are kinda unnecessary on you. Your supports can usually cover a couple of pairs of arcane boots for you. Phase Boots make last hitting way easier, and more importantly give you a speed boost that will let you stay near your opponent, keeping them in range of your aura and your death pulse.
I'm glad you have scepter as core on him, though. I always buy Mek and then Scepter because honestly that's all he needs to function until the mid-late game. It makes him incredibly useful later on.
I would swap one of the Mantle of Intelligence to some stat.
Branches let you live longer in lane and you can build the Headdress from it.
You are right, it is one of the possible options.
On the other hand, Mantle + tango + 3 branches + observer wards = 6 items. That way you will not have any more space for any other item (for example sentry ward for dewarding, or TP scroll). That is why I prefer to save some spaces at start...just in case.
Branches let you live longer in lane and you can build the Headdress from it.