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Nature's Prophet - Cowardly Pusher

August 16, 2012 by blaze#272035
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pebblecamp (2) | September 4, 2012 4:08pm
Aghanims is super situational on prophet. It's great if you're the only farm dependant hero on your team or the enemy is going mass split push, but otherwise it just pushes lanes out so your carry can't farm safely while concentrating farm on a hero who only needs sheepstick/Mek for his lategame.
blaze#272035 | August 17, 2012 9:49am
Because every second that goes by without having midas is a loss of 2 reliable gold AND even if you jungle slower (which isn't true and I'll show you some maths to explain), the first use of Midas can get you from level 5 to level 6 allowing you to gank right after you use your midas. Usually at this stage your teammates are all dying from the 4v5 they had to endure and you should of spent all your unreliable gold on the midas so you're free to go risky gank if you so will it.

The maths - Ring of B gives 2 armor, 6 damage, and 0.65 mana regen = (24mana/160 every 37s)
2 Clarity gives you 200 mana buffer. You have 273 starting mana. = 473 mana
473 mana = Killer trees 3 more times + 70 mana from the ring for one more trees.
This would make teleport less useful for teleporting back to base and instead you ought to get sprout for ganking because you have so much floating mana. If you do gank you will lose mana as well as time slowing you down again from getting Midas unless you KS your carry.

Glove gives at least +10% aspd in the beginning, and the additional 2 branches will push the damage over that of the ring Clarity build. Also that's 500 gold, roughly 90~100 seconds of midas time or 200 reliable gold.

Another build to go is 2 Clarity + glove to give +200 mana so you can use trees 3 times anyway from the 473 mana but I think having your port and not using it to go back to base is just stupid.

The only good reason to get the ring and two clarity is if you gank, and any failures in ganking would result in a loss of 30~60s, maybe more, which is another 100g as well as exp. You can start with that build, but that's like a 8~11min midas as opposed to a 6:30s midas. 90~240second difference is worth 400+gold, the refunded branches is worth 50g, the ring just sitting there (helps pushing though) is worth 500gold. That's a Staff +10 int. With the staff, you'll have no more mana problems and 10 bonus damage. The earliest I've ever done was Midas my first creep at 5:53. This build is meant to prioritize getting all the necessary items to be an uncatchable pusher and as a result, total map control. For this build ganking is second priority and I wouldn't even recommend early pushing as that would delay things.
Hades4u (296) | August 17, 2012 4:29am
Why you don't start with Ring of Basilius and two Clarity?

It makes your jungling way easier.
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