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12 Votes

N'aix - guidelines for mass destruction

August 18, 2014 by eeon
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eeon (6) | December 29, 2014 12:37am
Devymetal wrote:

Thanks for the guide! Never played Naix that much in dota2 but started to see it�s fun together with a friend who only plays Bara.
Only my problem was how to sustain myself in the jungle, because I kept loosing too much hp on lvl 1. Now I understand the mechanics of the lifesteal a lot better, thanks for the explanation on that and the advice to attack the bigger creeps for more lifesteal! + from me and merry Xmas :)

wow, people still read this..thanks! I should update it since patch 6.83 modified some stuff for Naix. There is one more trick you can do: if the jungle creeps are melee (centaurs, ursas, wolfs, golems etc) you can cut/eat a certain tree and you can position yourself in that space so that only one creep will hit you at a time, the other ones will just circle around trying to hit you and then return (you can watch some clips on youtube about jungling to see what trees on what camps). Remember to ALWAYS check your map while clearing camps and carry a TP so you can help if necessary.
Devymetal | December 23, 2014 7:33am
Thanks for the guide! Never played Naix that much in dota2 but started to see it’s fun together with a friend who only plays Bara.
Only my problem was how to sustain myself in the jungle, because I kept loosing too much hp on lvl 1. Now I understand the mechanics of the lifesteal a lot better, thanks for the explanation on that and the advice to attack the bigger creeps for more lifesteal! + from me and merry Xmas :)
eeon (6) | August 19, 2014 10:32pm

wait what? wards?

"Important:If you don't have a support or he is a bastard and he is farming his own Hand of Midas, you must buy Observer Ward so you don't get ganked in the jungle."

Don't tell me you have never played a pub and you had no vision the entire game.. if you jungle, you absolutely must have vision. YOUR jungle!:)
baloneyhambacon (2) | August 19, 2014 8:21pm
wait what? wards?
neutr4lion | January 22, 2014 6:45am
I personally like Eye of Skadi on Na'ix as sixth item. It gives you a lot of tankiness, nice stats and slo that will make you absolute beast in 1v1 fights. If you are thinking about HoT, I would say Eye is better alternative on him.
Captain Propane | January 17, 2014 4:01am
A nice guide, but add Blink Dagger in the "Other useful items" section, cause sometimes it is VEEERY useful (escape after Infest / chasing Anti-Mage/QoP/Windranger etc).
samukobo (28) | January 14, 2014 6:38am
Much better guide now, well done.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 14, 2014 6:30am
eeon wrote:

Better? Thanks for all the help guys

I LOVE the second build. I usually go 2-1-2-1 for level 6 since the range of Open Wounds is really low with only one point, then I max either Open Wounds or Rage depending on what I want to do: the former for ganking (maybe with a teammate I can Infest), the latter for better teamfight versus teams with heavy disables; but it's still the best guide up-to-date for a laning Lifestealer in my opinion. The first build should also be pretty good for jungling as other people say, though I don't recommend doing so with Lifestealer because he has a huge impact when laning. +1 from me.
eeon (6) | January 14, 2014 1:13am
Better? Thanks for all the help guys
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 12, 2014 10:17am
eeon wrote:

- third - I never said to prioritize Mjollnir over Assault Cuirass, I mean yes, this is an intense attack speed build to proc bash and Feast but IF you have a Slardar or any other tank on your team, you should go for DPS, rather than tankiness. IF not, Assault Cuirass it is the best item for you.
- fourth - and I am sorry about this (I sound like a canadian) I don't agree with Peppo about the Armlet of Mordiggian issue, I believe it should be rushed, the sooner the better: the +5armor and +7HP regen, not to say the 31+25 damage while active are huge in the early stages of the game but loses its potential later. I usually get it after plain Boots of Speed.

About the first thing: I didn't explicitly say it either, I just implied that someone might build Mjollnir more often than the Assault Cuirass since the former costs less if you already have a Maelstrom. But we talked about it earlier, so I won't go in-depth.

About the Armlet, well it's your choice: I try to look at it as a very cost-efficient late-game item like the Desolator or Manta Style but with a higher priority than a Black King Bar (which Lifestealer doesn't need, but other Heroes that build an Armlet like Chaos Knight or Wraith King do). I think finishing Boots is better though: I do so on any Hero, from Battle Fury flash farmers like Void and AM to Linken's Sphere rushers like Weaver and Morphling; it can count as personal preference I guess, so nothing wrong with it.

And I also wanted to talk about the Hand of Midas: I think it's strictly required on a jungle Lifestealer because as he doesn't farm very quickly (and the creeps give less experience past 6.79) you would - most of the time - end up underlevelled without it. You can try to get some levels by ganking and forcing early fights, but if you don't manage to snowball you're in a really bad spot without a Midas.
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