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Dude, this guide was published in 2012, I'd be surprised if it didn't have this many views
Hahaha, yeah, you're right, :D, but sure its pretty good guide
First guide and you got 1 million views, not a bad start i think, :D
Then lets go to the main thing
First, this is a great guide, I do understand the guide, but can I ask you to go more detailed about "farming" that the guide talk about, because i think more detailed matters will do good in application in the game itself
Second, I play FV and I love this guy, but recently, idk because there is a patch or whatsoever, but I think FV is nerfed. He used to be the most fearsome carry in DotA, if you know please tell me. And could you add more comparison with other carries as well. Some like why pick FV over AM or FV over Medusa, ext
please add some bbcode, for your next update, you know the reason
Thanks, waiting for your reply +1
Dude, this guide was published in 2012, I'd be surprised if it didn't have this many views
Then lets go to the main thing
First, this is a great guide, I do understand the guide, but can I ask you to go more detailed about "farming" that the guide talk about, because i think more detailed matters will do good in application in the game itself
Second, I play FV and I love this guy, but recently, idk because there is a patch or whatsoever, but I think FV is nerfed. He used to be the most fearsome carry in DotA, if you know please tell me. And could you add more comparison with other carries as well. Some like why pick FV over AM or FV over Medusa, ext
please add some bbcode, for your next update, you know the reason
Thanks, waiting for your reply +1
Yes the orb doesnt stack but u can pick (usually i use deso's orb and MoM's attack speed)
To do this, you need to take the orb you want first then take the other item
For example you want deso's orb over MoM :
Drop your MoM > pick up deso > pick up MoM (here you will hit with deso and without lifesteal) and you can activate MoM for attack speed . Deso's orb is useful sometime
And i see this guide doesnt list some important info about how to use chrono, and what you must trap inside chrono.
There are some specific hero with specific skill or item that you must trap inside chrono, and that is the real enemy of void (drow, zeus, QoP isnt that bad).
They are :
● Omniknight (his ult makes you nothing)
● Pugna (decrepify, cheap version of omni)
● Ethereal Blade and SoV (everyone could use it, and its effective)
This is just few example, make sure to trap heroes like this is inside instead of trapping they're strongest carry or hardest tankers.
Hope this will be useful
It is situational though, it also increases the damage you take by 30% and we all know that if a farmed sniper is targeting you, youre gonna fall. Deso is the better item in my opinion, but you have to know that you are more vulnerable BUT hit a little harder than with mom. Also, IMO, deso is way better with HoM, Daedelus, AC, and moljnier(however its spelt) xD