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6 Votes

My Stomach Rumbles...

July 6, 2012 by Wulfstan
Comments: 6    |    Views: 16559    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Death is only the Beggining

DotA2 Hero: Undying

Hero Skills

Ceaseless Dirge (Innate)


4 9 13 14

Soul Rip

2 8 10 12


1 3 5 7

Flesh Golem

6 11 16


15 17 18

Opening Remarks


This is Wulfstan here,an average DOTA 2 and Undying player,with his own vision over this hero.Please note that this is the first build I ever create,my primary language is not english and that I am not a super-uber pro player.

Everyone might have diferent opinions on how to play each hero,these work out for me for the best.Constructive criticism requoired,but not in a mean way please.

Without further due,let's get this build over with.

What is Undying?

Undying is a hero first of all,added in the most recent patch DOTA 2 received,along side with Disruptor.

What role can Undying fullfil?From a 1 to 5 scale
-A sami-tank semi-initiator(4)
-a support(3)

So there we are,our undead guy is actually good at supporting and semi-tanking-initiating.He can also be considered a good pusher,because his 3rd skill Tombstone,is beautifull at doing this.However,it has a high cooldown.

In the supporting period,you should stay on a trilane with the hard carry and another support with a disable(so you might be sure that you land a good Tombstone)

Pros 'n Cons

Pros:Good synergy between skills
A heal and a damaging skill all in 1
Strength sapping,with a spammable skill
2 Slows and a increasing damage aura,that also heals,while under the effects of his ultimate
You cannot kill what is already dead!
He has cool armor and CLAWS!!
He Rumbles and Mumbles

Cons:No real disable
Mana hungry
Lackluster in certain aspects
He has a limp leg
Atrocious agility gain

Skill Analysis

Key Bind: Q

Dirge saps away the strength of enemy heroes and retains it for a period of time.

Radius: 300
Duration: 21 / 24 / 27 / 30 seconds
Strength Sapped: 4
Damage: 40 / 80 / 120 / 160

Mana Cost: 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 Cooldown Time: 10 / 8 / 6 / 4

A pretty good skill,used for mostly the strenght sap,you could potentially absorb 20 STR from the enemy every 5 seconds.The AoE is decent,and at max level the damage gets good enough too.
FUN FACT:If Meepo is clumped up,as most lvl 16 players do,you drain each of the Geomancers 4 STR,leading to a 16 STR drain from all out once.

-Soul Rip
Key Bind: W

Redirects the flow of living energy through a target friend or foe, damaging them or healing them based on how many units are near it.
Radius: 975
Maximum Number of Units: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20
Amount Healed/Damaged: 25

Mana Cost: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 Cooldown Time: 25 / 20 / 15 / 10

A powerful spell that can either heal friends or nuke opponents. At level 4 it has a nice 10 sec cd and can potentially heal or hurt for 500 damage.This also heals the Tombstone.

FUN FACT:This skill drains off 25 HP from every unit arround the affected one,however this damage is non-lethal.

Key Bind: E

Unholy powers summon a cursed tombstone. Zombies will frequently spawn near each enemy unit and attack them.
Radius: 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200
Duration: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds
Deathlust Threshold: 100 / 200 / 300 / 400
Slow: 7%

Mana Cost: 120 / 130 / 140 / 150 Cooldown Time: 60

Zombies! It has a major AOE at level 4 and lasts for a strong 30 seconds. The massive amounts of Zombie spawned create a lot of confusion and will continually respawn as long as the Tombstone is active. Zombies slow by 7% and get the Deathlust when their target is below 400 hp giving them 50% more attack speed and therefore,more slow.

FUN FACT:Pugna can decreptify your Tombstone,making it undestructable while under the decreptify's effect.

-Flesh Golem
Key Bind: R

Dirge's hatred for all living beings allows him to transform into a monster. While transformed, he carries a plague that affects nearby enemy units. The plague amplifies damage the units receive and reduces movement speed. When a plagued unit dies, its essence is transferred back to Dirge. The closer units are, the stronger the plague becomes.

SCEPTER UPGRADABLE: Increases amount healed on plague death, damage amplification, and reduces the effects of distance.
Radius: 750
Duration: 30
Damage Amplification: 20% / 25% / 30% (25% / 30% / 35%*)
Damage Amp Minimum: 5% / 10% / 15% (10% / 15% / 20%)
Amount Healed on Hero Death: 6% (10%*)
Amount Healed on Non-hero Death: 2% (3%*)
Slow: 9%

Mana Cost: 100 Cooldown Time: 90

Lowest of his mana costs at 100 mana. Provides a 750 aoe damage aura. Can cause up to 30% damage amplification and a 7% slow.Any unit under the effect of the plague will also heal you for 6% if hero or 2% if it�s a non hero. This is nice because you don�t have to kill the unit,it just has to die arround you.

FUN FACT:Radicance damage also gets increased.

Early Game

This is when your rotten *** shines.A good Heal/Nuke,Strenght sap,an AoE skill that brings chaos all over,helps you pushing a bit and a good ultimate that will make that Lina/Lion ult hit like there is no tomorrow.

Always help your allies!!No matter when,you should jump in and join a clash.That is right,that ultimate of yours can turn arround the result of the clash in your favor.The Tombstone brings chaos and havoc,the STR sap cries out for a kill and the heal/nuke can save and ally/kill an enemy that is fleeing.

Mid Game

This is when your badass core is done.Now you are much more effective in clashes,as you can shield your allies with the Pipe and tank a bit of damage with Vanguard.You should keep helping your allies all over the map,push,fight,kill Roshan eventually.

You still shine,flies still eat your corpse,but that does not mean that you are less effective.Try jungling a bit to get at least 1 luxury item,that would help you immensly in latter teamfights.

Late Game

This is the point when you lacklust.You don't deal any real damage with your skills,enemies get bigger and stronger,the only thing you still have its your flesh golem and the tombstone that still creates havoc and destruction.

Do I have a hole in my boot?

Why Phase Boots?Why not Arcane boots?Why not other random boots?Here goes the explanation:

-Arcane boots:All in all good.Gives you mana,incresed movespeed,and a sweet mana replenish.However,this item will make you lack something that you will most likely need:PHASE.

-Power Treads:A good item,that gives some stats and allows stat manipulation.Gives decent movespeed too.

-Boots of Travel:This is not so bad,while the enemy team presses on a tower and you are sure that your team can hold them back,teleport on the top or bottom lane and start pushing.They will be forced to back off just to fend you off,so make sure that you can teleport back,and make sure you do expect them for comming for you.

-Tranquil boots:The cheapest boots.These are the boots that give you the most MS(assuming you are not Phasing with the Phase boots,which you should obviously do).Gives a nice regen early,gives armor that you need,however it breakes,turning back into normal boots.

-Phase boots:Best pickup on Dirge,in my opinion.Gives damage,decent movespeed,cheaper than treads by 50 gold,gives extra damage and gives that JUICY PHASE THAT YOU NEED.Why do you need Phase that much?Let me explain:

-You can keep them near you,making your aura more effective.
-You can phase through units,and ZOMBIES which will sometimes block you
-You can chase an enemy
-You can run away from an enemy,this thing does save your life.

Supporting as Dirge

As the name of this chapter goes,this is how to support efficiently with Dirge.Dirge is a second layer support.What is that?Its the guy that usually follows up with his skills after the 1st dissable has been cast on a trilane.

EX:Rylai casts Frostbite,you cast Tombstone
Rhasta casts Shackles,you cast Soul Drain and Tombstone to follow up.

Usually he is the one that gets the courier,because he will need more gold latter in the game than the regular support that will get wards.
He may do pulls,stack jungle camps while the 1st rank support is babysitting the hard carry.

Who is my pal and who is not?

Best friends:Crystal Maiden
Anyone who has Orchid Malevolance

Enemies:Basicly anyone who shuts you down based on your skillsed,people with channeling spells because you have no stuns,guys that burn that precious mana of yours,and long silences

Arch-enemies:EARTHSHAKER-beware this dude at all costs-if you use your tombstone before he ultimates,chances are that you won't see yourself stand for another 4 seconds or less.
DOOM BRINGER-here he is,the universal counter to all,the guy that gets a special mention in everyones guide,because of DOOM.

Ending Remarks

This is my guide for Undying.Nothing more else to add.My first guide ever,hope you enjoy it,leave your suggestive comments bellow.

This is my way of playing undying,and it might not be on everyones liking,becaue everyone has his own playstyle.


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