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8 Votes

My soul is black with frostbite.

December 28, 2012 by
Comments: 6    |    Views: 12245    |   

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[-] | January 3, 2013 10:19am
Thanks for all the constructive comments, been a little busy recently, but when I'm free I'll do the edits with your comments being noted down :D
chenboy3 (2) | January 1, 2013 5:15pm
Disagree with the skill build, it should be max Sacrifice, then Frost Blast (picking up Chain Frost at level 6 ofc) simply because denying creeps is much more important early game than late game, and the slow/radius of Frost Blast doesn't increase over levels, only damage and if your using it to harass, the slow is fine since your laning partner can easily harass with the slow. Every level of sacrifice also decreases the cooldown, so a faster maxed Sacrfice = more creeps denied of your opponents. Item build is ok, boots of travel should be in luxury as late game when Chain Frost has a cooldown of 60 seconds you should be with your team at all times, and you can push out a lane, then tp over to your team for a fight.

Also maybe explain an ideal situation for when to chain frost (even though it is pretty easy to tell when to, note in your guide that it hits creeps as well)

Otherwise, pretty good, +1
Ancient Hero (17) | December 29, 2012 7:38am
Lichen doesn't need a bkb whatsoever. I'd go either refresher or sheep stick if it every gets to that point. Lich with tranquil boots can chase down Heros and hex them. He isn't much of an initiator though as none of his spells stun. Depends on whether u play the 4 or 5 spot. I like an urn in the early game as well. You should add a section to which Heros Lich is good against and bad against. He's also very good against defensive trilanes. I'd rather go for a ring of regen instead. Good guide though, just needs a little editing.
[-] | December 29, 2012 5:29am
@SCRUBDESTROYER : I'm still learning how to write guides so I'll probably edit it somemore and stuff
@Jayfeather : Usually in most games, it would be two different heroes building this stuff, the only time I'll get pipe on lich after meka is when I'm unusually very fat or when my team has better stuff to get in a situation that may be seen in pub games like 4 carries and 1 support.
Jayfeather | December 28, 2012 4:48pm
Can't see the pro's on having Pipe and Mek on the same guy.
SCRUBDESTROYER (1) | December 28, 2012 1:25pm
Downvoted, too short and needs some pictures
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