This is my first guide here, and I hope you guys enjoy it.
Ember Spirit is a carry hero, and is popular to use him at the solo mid position but I myself prefer to put himself in the safe lane and farm till I get phase boots and drums.
Ember Spirit can be very deadly if used properly in teamfights and ganking but, if not used properly the hero can be quite useless.
- Very strong from early game till late game
- Very Strong in team fights
- Flame Guard strong to harass melee heroes
- Can escape smoke ganks easily if fire remnant is used properly
- Can destroy squishy heroes in teamfights with only Battle Fury and
- Most spells have low cooldown
- Fire Remnant saves so much time
- When silenced, the hero becomes almost useless
- Very weak to physical damage
- Very low stats gain
- Can be easily ganked in early game before level 6
- Not the best right clicker
- Very mana reliant
Phase Boots
The one and only boots Ember Spirit should get early game due to
Phase Boots letting you kill enemy heroes with
Flame Guard and
Searing Chains
Drums of Endurance
Optional, I usually skip this and go straight for Battle Fury but if you are having a hard time surviving early game, you should get this. The extra move speed can be quite useful as well.
Battle Fury
The best item you can get on Ember Spirit with Daedalus . It helps u farm faster, and the cleave damage improves your
Sleight of Fist damage by quite a bit, the health and mana regen helps you a lot too.
Sleight of Fist with this and
Battle Fury is one of the deadliest combos in game.I usually get another
Daedalus after getting
Desolator or
Eye of Skadi as my 4th item after
Phase Boots
Battle Fury and
Makes your Sleight of Fist even deadlier with this. I prefer
Eye of Skadi if your team doesn't have a natural
Shiva's Guard carrier.
Eye of Skadi
A decent item to get, not the best but can slow every enemies caught with Sleight of Fist
Linken Sphere
I naturally prefer this than Black King Bar since [Linken Sphere]] gives more all round stats and mana/health regen and the fact that
Ember Spirit isn't a natural
Black King Bar carrier.
This item is decent, but I prefer Battle Fury than this anytime since you don't really need the attack speed.
Divine Rapier
A risky item to get but it is a game changing item if used properly on Ember Spirit. A good item to get if your team is losing, and you need to do something crazy. Be careful though,
Ember Spirit can be killed easily if silenced.
Searing Chains
Good skill to chase enemy heroes, and good skill to harass in laning phase with Flame Guard. I don't usually skill it till level 5 though, I prefer maxing out
Flame Guard and
Sleight of Fist as soon as possible.The problem is it is only on two targets, and is random .. so not the best skill to use when there are too many enemy creeps around.
Sleight of Fist
This skill allows Ember Spirit to hit enemies without them hitting you, plus you can use
Searing Chains during
Sleight of Fist. You can dodge most spells with
Sleight of Fist if there are enemies nearby.
Flame Guard
Max this out asap especially if you are in the solo mid position, this skill works very well with Phase Boots and is useful vs spells like
Viper's ulti. Use this spell and
Searing Chains to harass ranged heroes out of lane if you have boots and they don't.
Fire Remnant
One of the best escaping and chasing skills in game. Don't forget, this skill can deal damage as well. When low on hp/mana you can always put your Fire Remnant at your lane, port back and then
Fire Remnant back to your lane. (Free Tp Scroll lol). Make sure you manage your 3 charges well in team fights or it can cost your death.
Solo Mid
level 1 - Flame Guard
level 2 - Sleight of Fist
level 3 - Flame Guard
level 4 - Sleight of Fist
level 5 - Flame Guard
level 6 - Fire Remnant
level 7 - Flame Guard
level 8 - Searing Chains
level 9 - Sleight of Fist
level 10 - Sleight of Fist
level 11 - Searing Chains
level 12 - Fire Remnant
level 13 - Searing Chains
level 14 - Searing Chains
level 15 - Stats
level 16 - Fire Remnant
level 17 - Stats
level 18 - Stats
level 19 - Stats
level 20 - Stats
level 21 - Stats
level 22 - Stats
level 23 - Stats
level 24 - Stats
level 25 - Stats
Safe Lane
level 1 - Sleight of Fist
level 2 - Flame Guard
level 3 - Sleight of Fist
level 4 - Searing Chains
level 5 - Sleight of Fist
level 6 - Fire Remnant
level 7 - Sleight of Fist
level 8 - Flame Guard
level 9 - Flame Guard
level 10 - Flame Guard
level 11 - Searing Chains
level 12 - Fire Remnant
level 13 - Searing Chains
level 14 - Searing Chains
level 15 - Stats
level 16 - Fire Remnant
level 17 - Stats
level 18 - Stats
level 19 - Stats
level 20 - Stats
level 21 - Stats
level 22 - Stats
level 23 - Stats
level 24 - Stats
level 25 - Stats
Solo Mid Position
Iron Branch
Iron Branch
Iron Branch
Rush Bottle asap.
If vs harassing range heroes like Sniper,
Queen of Pain
Stout Shield
Safe Lane
Stout Shield
Iron Branch
Iron Branch
Iron Branch
Stout Shield
Quelling Blade
If two supports are babysitting you
Boots of Speed
Quelling BladeTango(shared)Tango(Shared)
When to solo mid
Vs Heroes like..
Invoker (Mainly on the fact that most
Invokers do not get
Tiny (you can destroy tiny with your
Flame Guard and
Sleight of Fist due to his low armour)
Dragon Knight (Due to the fact that, he is extremely weak early game . You can just harass him out of the lane with
Flame Guard .)
Ember Spirit will have a good time vs most melee heroes in the solo mid position but, will need good warding to watch out for ganks.
When not to solo mid
Vs Heroes like..
Drow Ranger (Frost arrows will harass you without drawing creep aggro)
Outworld Devourer (Will take your mana from your already low mana pool and the high physical damage can harass you quite badly)
When to go as Safe lane carry
When you have heroes that can babysit you in the early game laning phase and your team has a hero like Outworld Devourer / Queen of Pain /
Shadow Fiend.
Never go solo offlane as Ember Spirit.
Always leave a Fire Remnant behind to escape.
Always use Flame Guard before the start of a teamfight.
DO NOT GO 1v1 right click war vs right click carries like Troll Warlord
Anti-Mage unless if you have supports to help u.
- Magnus (Great ulti usage can let Ember Spirit
Sleight of Fist all 5 heroes)
- Dark Seer (nearly all his spells works really well with
Ember Spirit in team fights]]
- Elder Titan (Reducing resis aura)
- Shadow Fiend (Armour reduction aura)
- Dazzle (Ulti makes
Ember Spirit tanky and enemy heroes more vulnerable to
Sleight of Fist)
- Doom (
Ember Spirit's biggest fear is
- Silencer (his name explains it all)
- Bloodseeker (silence and rupture)
- Skywrath Mage (his low cd spells can break
Flame Guard in a blink of an eye and his silence ofc)
Overall Ember Spirit is a very deadly hero with the right items and the right spell usage. It isn't too hard to use
Ember Spirit but it is hard to master the usage of
Fire Remnant and to master the solo mid position. Feel free to criticize since this is my first guide :) . Hope you guys enjoy it.
P.S Still need some editing and adding though.
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