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4 Votes

My Healing Girl

September 6, 2013 by Arart7
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Wisdomseyes1 (8) | September 5, 2013 8:30pm
Just wanted to throw out that if you get a Dark Troll warlord in the Jungle, or even 2 in a row early.. you are set for a getting 6 minute level 6. Those summons are extremely useful for jungling.

Not that you should AFK jungle, nor is this guide even about jungling enchantress and more on the laning enchantress, but still... thought I would throw it out there because it was mentioned in the guide

Oh, and a point on the skillbuild... if you are supporting in a lane and choosing to lane her, Enchant is still extremely useful for killing things
Sando (118) | September 4, 2013 8:51am
If you absolutely have to lane her, I'd probably start with a point in Enchant, grab the nastiest harassing creep available (dont feed it to them!) ASAP, and set that on them. Cyclone or the Satyr nuke are pretty horrible for them to deal with. Level Nature's Attendants at 2+3 for your heal, and grab a new creep every time you pull - if needs be, even make a Tango hole in the trees so you can get a hard camp creep quickly and still be around to get the last hits on the pull camp.

The Soul Ring is just a suggestion for your style of play, it's definitely not standard on her. You'd have to be very careful not to use it when actually being attacked - more to keep your mana up when dropping back to heal yourself/partner - so ideally you'll have mana available without it if you are being attacked.
Arart7 | September 4, 2013 8:09am
I don't know, it's good to see someone being inventive, but jungling Enchantress is so good - even one big Satyr could chuck out 6 reasonable nukes for you at an enemy hero and only costs 65 mana to convert.

I agree that jungling Enchantress is the bomb. Its just a little difficult in pub games when they say...."Oh. You are our Support!" I get kinda steamed. So I made this build for that.

I like the Soul Ring idea! I will try it out this afternoon!
Yasutsuna (51) | September 4, 2013 7:24am
Like said above, early levels of untouchable is useless because theyre not suppose to touch you at all in early games because youre squishy.

Worst case is you get only 1 level of untouchable then max out your enchant and attendants.

Although i never agreed to enchatress laning, this is indeed a solid guide. Good job.
Sando (118) | September 4, 2013 2:06am
I can see where you're trying to go with this - Nature's Attendants does provide very powerful and reasonably cost-effective healing. There's two issues I have with this really though:

1) Even though it's efficient, it has a high mana cost, which is difficult to replace if you're harassing and can't use clarities. Maybe you could even try a Soul Ring?

2) It has a long cooldown so won't necessarily be available if you need it.

I don't know, it's good to see someone being inventive, but jungling Enchantress is so good - even one big Satyr could chuck out 6 reasonable nukes for you at an enemy hero and only costs 65 mana to convert.
Ancient Hero (17) | September 3, 2013 5:39pm
You don't need early levels of untouchable. Its useless with your low hp pool.I go 4 levels of attendents 2 levels of enchant and stats until around 14 or so once you get a decent healthpool that untouchable will actually lower their DPS and make you survivable.
Arart7 | September 3, 2013 4:07pm
Thank you very much.
Will adjust accordingly.
T1mmay (6) | September 3, 2013 3:31pm
Whenever I see Chen or Enchantress laning, I want to cry.
Ignoring that fact, I think the items at the top of the guide need a bit of adjusting.
If this guide is for the only support in the team, I think you should incorporate the courier at least into your starting items instead of having separate items for starting and for supporting.
Core items for a hard support seem a little hopeful, that's a lot of gold you need to get. And upgrading Ring of Basilius just doesn't seem worth it as you get the item for the aura it provides.
I think you should talk about the jungle creeps a little bit at least. I mean, quickly grabbing an alpha wolf for a late game fight can be game changing.

Managed to restrain myself from raging about non jungle chant :-)
Arart7 | September 3, 2013 11:53am
I have seen that build and used it.
Yes, Assault Cuirass is a nice item when she is a semi-carry.
I find that with Enchant, there is a LOT of Micro managing, especially if you have multiple creeps at a time. To the point that I get dizzy. @.o

Usually with this build, if my team is doing well, I will move to a Semi-Carry. But I just wanted to keep this build simple for my first.
atlis (1) | September 3, 2013 11:37am
Quite a good guide, gets a +1 from me.
Have you considered about adding Assault Cuirass?
Gives you pretty much Attack Speed and makes Enchantress a cute tank.
I'd recommend you making a Support build and also a Semi-Carry build with Enchant maxed first.
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