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6 Votes

My Guide to Sniper

January 7, 2015 by wangyuphing
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wangyuphing (9) | January 13, 2015 7:23am
akhokhay wrote:

I don't want to quote but about blinkdagger vs forcestaff
1- YOU NEED MANA to spam ulti I think you have mentioned.
2- Consider lots of heroes got some means to reach distance. Like blink(AM,QOP), OR long range spells (heat seeking missile)
3- windwalk.
4- You are right a 3 second cooldown after damage is not too much time the problem is they will hit you after you cannot blink

so I think dagger is not that safe

EDIT: I saw you have added forcestaff already.

Also can any1 tell me how to use items' names clickable?

Like this? Force Staff? You can go here and check it!
akhokhay (1) | January 10, 2015 12:52am
I don't want to quote but about blinkdagger vs forcestaff
1- YOU NEED MANA to spam ulti I think you have mentioned.
2- Consider lots of heroes got some means to reach distance. Like blink(AM,QOP), OR long range spells (heat seeking missile)
3- windwalk.
4- You are right a 3 second cooldown after damage is not too much time the problem is they will hit you after you cannot blink

so I think dagger is not that safe

EDIT: I saw you have added forcestaff already.

Also can any1 tell me how to use items' names clickable?
wangyuphing (9) | January 7, 2015 11:30pm
Lol thanks!

Kindly hit that small green symbol on the top page, if you guys will XD
R-Conqueror (24) | January 7, 2015 1:17pm
I feel like in honor of Pu12e I'm going to say that Dagon should be core.

Just kidding, nice guide and you might get an upvote just for not telling people to get Shadow Blade.
wangyuphing (9) | January 7, 2015 9:58am
To Hamstertamer, well it's pretty okay, i guess? Conclusion! I will add Force Staff into situational, hows that? XD

To Fedorable, i thought you are kyphoid. If i hadn't saw the name, i might write "kappa" in the end of my sentence XD. Regardless, I will add him. Thanks!!
Fedorable (23) | January 7, 2015 9:05am
Chaos Knight is possibly Sniper's worst knightmare. Reality Rift is a great gap closer for both ck and all of his illusions (regardless of them being Phantasm or Manta Style illusions), pair that with Phantasm (the illusions from Phantasm deal full damage and he can summon up to 4 of 'em) and the fact that Chaos Bolt can dish out a 4 second stun... yeah.

Basically if Chaos Knight gets Reality Rift off on Sniper, it's a guaranteed kill. Be sure to add him in the foes section.

But you already get +1 from me for not having Shadow Blade as a core item on Sniper.
Hamstertamer (89) | January 7, 2015 6:40am
Nah, what I'm saying is that I think forcestaff is better than blink on Sniper most of the time.

Last time I played him I just rushed forcestaff first item to avoid feeding and have more mana to use ulti, and then I built full DPS with deso/maelstrom/crit/manta/etc. Survivability comes from hiding in the trees using Shrapnel to get vision, having longer attack range than the cast range of almost every spell, and forcestaffing away in case you get jumped by a gap closer (and juking him).

What I'm saying is that force is really the item for escaping gap closers and kiting, while blink is an item designed for gankers/initiators to jump on people, something Sniper actually sucks at. Sniper doesn't needs to initiate, he can just walk in and right-click, what he should be worried about is gap closers jumping him.

Also, Sniper needs BKB but he can get a late/very late BKB after 2 or even 3 DPS items. Generally the best option because BKB only starts being useful once you have high damage output because it allows you to manfight.

I was always really happy with forcestaff rush on Sniper, of course I don't pick Sniper anymore because right now everyone instapicks the current OP heroes like Slark/Storm/CK/etc making Sniper completely unplayable in the current meta xD
wangyuphing (9) | January 7, 2015 5:54am
Hmmm..... hm hm hm hm hm hm...

So it's like BOTH force and blink on him? Well, it's pretty viable, but isn't it kinda put a hold on his cores like maelstrom or yasha? Still, thanks for the response!!!!
Hamstertamer (89) | January 7, 2015 3:28am
Yep, guide makes sense. +1

I'm still not entirely convinced by Blink Dagger over Force Staff on him. Most Snipers I play against go blink these days and honestly I'm not really convinced by this item. As soon as I see a Sniper pick in the enemy team the first thing I do is build a blink/shadowblade of my own to jump on him, and in that case Sniper can't blink out.

Forcestaff >> blink as a defensive item. And Sniper *does* need the int to use his ult more. For example using ult on full HP heroes is great on paper but in practice he only has mana to ult twice or at most 3 times so it's just not viable.
wangyuphing (9) | January 7, 2015 3:05am
Thanks guys! **** why am I missing SOOOOOOO many things abt sniper??? I will change them ASAP thanks!!

To KEEP CALM AND FEED, I don't know about manta, so I will change it

To kody, thanks I saw you on almost all my guides, so thanks.

To akhokhay, I put blink cause sniper doesnt benefit from the extra INT, and positioning is always better with blink. You wont be close to the battlefield, so you rarely take clean hit. Well, it's another story when a long range nuke hits you like heat seeking missiles. But 3 sec delay is not a prob too much from him, cause the enemy still needs to walk towards him to kill him so 3 sec is enough to blink away again. About MKB, yeah i put it on the wrong place. sorry. will change it asap. About rapier, i listed blink dagger as a core, so in every game you have blink. that is his escape mechanism. Well, it's more like a 6th slot item on sniper.

KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | January 7, 2015 2:06am
What i like is that he listed some good friend combos.He Also enlisted quite some foes.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 7, 2015 1:44am
the critical is when doombringer eats it
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