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My Guide to Shadow Fiend

January 2, 2015 by wangyuphing
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TheGooGaming (29) | January 3, 2015 7:14am
Havent finished reading yet. But its nicely formatted and makes the reading much lighter.
wangyuphing (9) | January 2, 2015 4:16am
Thanks guys for the feedback!!
Well it makes sense to make a connection between items and skills. Buying bottle but not using Shadowraze is just no sense. And finally, a Prominent guy comments me!! XD

Sitting the points eh? Never tried it, I'm not even a semi pro player, and sometimes looking at that points really TEMPT me y'know XD
But I will take that advice and will try it tomorrow maybe? Thanks!!

And I know it's off topic, but I really wanna ask this q!
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Kyphoid returns (42) | January 2, 2015 2:57am
wangyuphing wrote:

Thanks for the feedback guys!
To Unscathed: Yeah maybe I will add a little bit on the Shadowraze section. It's just that I never have too many problems even without Shadowraze. I even rarely use it, only to secure kills and stacking double camps (like the medium camps on dire) but I will still add it!

To Kyphoid returns: I think it's not he never, but he rarely. Sometimes, initiating first is pretty good, but risky. That's why you need setups like I mentioned in the Friends and Foes section.
About Necromastery, REALLY? I will change it then thanks!
About the PotDL, I just max it because it synergize well with Desolator and (-)armor stuff. Well you can just follow the 1st build if you think 2nd is not viable. But I've been playing not so bad with 2nd ^^v

Anyways, thanks for the feedback guys!! I will apply it ASAP!

Just dont put in points in PotDL while laning or it pushes the lane very hard. If you don't want razes and have skilled necromastery, just sit on the points without skilling PotDL until you leave your lane for roaming.

Killing a hero gives 10 souls, i think.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 2, 2015 2:45am
A quick tip: if you go for the Bottle rush starting set, always start with Shadowraze so you can secure the first 3-4 last hits for your Bottle. On the other hand, if you start with a Wraith Band Necromastery first is more beneficial since you have a higher damage for last-hitting.
wangyuphing (9) | January 2, 2015 2:28am
Thanks for the feedback guys!
To Unscathed: Yeah maybe I will add a little bit on the Shadowraze section. It's just that I never have too many problems even without Shadowraze. I even rarely use it, only to secure kills and stacking double camps (like the medium camps on dire) but I will still add it!

To Kyphoid returns: I think it's not he never, but he rarely. Sometimes, initiating first is pretty good, but risky. That's why you need setups like I mentioned in the Friends and Foes section.
About Necromastery, REALLY? I will change it then thanks!
About the PotDL, I just max it because it synergize well with Desolator and (-)armor stuff. Well you can just follow the 1st build if you think 2nd is not viable. But I've been playing not so bad with 2nd ^^v

Anyways, thanks for the feedback guys!! I will apply it ASAP!
Kyphoid returns (42) | January 2, 2015 2:15am
Okay, you have a good guide here.

But you have to clear some points up really really underlining them.

First, he never initiates first. Even if you get a blink, you never initiate first or you die unless you have monster farm and noob enemy. In some situations where you face squishy carries, an Ethereal Blade makes up for a situational purchase.

Second, it is the Necromastery skill that makes you lose half of your souls when you die.
Meaning, when you use your Requiem of Souls , you wont lose the souls you have captured using necromastery, unless you die.your description of the ulti kinda confises that you still lose the souls.

Lastly, if you are bad at razes and want to roam you still should put in 2 points in it rather than skilling Presence of the Dark Lord. Why you may ask? Because a single point in his 3rd skill gives you 3 armor reduction and only 1 reduction post that. Whereas shadow raze increases in multiples of 75 and even a hit of raze will hurt.
A small advice for new players is that first raze, the short one has literally 0 range. This raze is point blamk and hits those a melee range. So keeping this in mind, if you think a medium raze is gonna hit the hero, use the long raze instead and medium raze for those beyond melee range.
If you think a long raze is needed just dont use raze at all.
All this still depends on whether you face your opponent in a str8 line which can be usually remedied by right clicking on them.

Thats all for me, i dont play sf too much so i have only this much to add.

You end with a very nice comic strip, it made me think of why really he needed a remodelling exercise.

Unscathed (47) | January 2, 2015 2:07am
The thing about shadowraze is not just to secure farm, but to flashfsrm and controlling the lane.
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