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My Guide to Riki

December 24, 2014 by wangyuphing
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[deleted] (1) | December 27, 2014 4:52pm
As one of the easiest hero to master, I rarely saw people play Riki the wrong way. But, I often found players who builds wrong items on Riki, like Manta Style, or Ethereal Blade??? I can't comment on their item builds, but I don't feel right afterwards, so I think I should make this guide.

From the words of BigDaddy:
"Everything can work."

Manta Style is a nice item to use given the proper situation. It's a great item to escape and purge any debuffs on you. Track, Amplify Damage, Dust of Appearance are kissed bye-bye. The Manta can help in escaping like a true ninja.

Ethereal Blade is a very underrated item.
75 + 2x your Primary Attribute as magical damage.

Take Riki's Primary Attribute, Agility.

Mask of Madness is icky on Rikimaru. Just like on Troll Warlord. You really shouldn't buy it, but hey. Just like BigDaddy said:
"Everything can work."

This is a really simple guide. Mostly for pub-destroying. Given the perfect situation if they don't buy any detection.
wangyuphing (9) | December 24, 2014 8:32pm
porygon361 wrote:

You called?

My stand on Riki Ethereal Blade is that it is situational (duh). We can find out when and when not to get it by studying the following scenario.

Rikis nowadays usually play as number 3 offlaners. In this case, the farm allocation does not go to Riki, and should be ganking once he gets level 6. This money could be used to fund a traditional Diffusal Blade, but I find the new Riki to be more flexible in terms of his item build (if we're talking about a utility Riki), so perhaps items like Orchid Malevolence, even dagon and Ethereal Blade, may have some relevance in the game. Right now, we'll just be looking at Orchid and Eth blade. Sometimes, it's difficult for Riki to get a kill against good teams, even with diffusal. And in all balanced teams, there will be heroes that deal magic damage, usually the supports or the mid. With Orchid and/or Eth blade, you can greatly amplify your team's damage while still doing a significant amount yourself.

Some may question Orchid's usefulness, since Riki already has a silence, but to kill particularly elusive heroes like Puck who constantly build Force Staffs, it is sometimes necessary. With a teammate's (especially Skywrath Mage) help, the Diffusal slow is probably not as necessary. The Orchid's attack speed and damage boost also makes up for the agility not gained when skipping the Diffusal (though your backstab damage won't be as high).

For Eth blade, it is good in my opinion on a utility Riki if it complements your team line-up. For example, if your team has a Lion or a Skywrath Mage or a Pugna (i.e. Heroes that deal a lot of magic damage in a short period of time), then an Eth blade pickup might help them destroy enemies.

In conclusion, I'm not saying that Diffusal is ****, nor am I saying that Orchid or Eth blade are game-changing items on Riki. I'm just saying that every item has its place, and that sometimes we should base our items on what suits our team line-ups (especially for utility heroes, whose purpose is, well, for utility). I am also advocating number 3 offlane Riki because it's good and it works well with the new Permanent Invisibility.

Also, Dagon + Ethereal Blade is a ****py KS build that deprives your teammates of gold and ruins your already-bad scaling with an item that doesn't go through BKB (you can still use Eth blade on yourself to avoid being hit by physical damage, so its still useful). You should never go this build unless trolling. Not even when you're stomping. You'll throw the game.

Here it is master number two. You covered everything! Thanks!!
porygon361 (46) | December 24, 2014 8:26am

Actually, i dont mid fighting with pory.

You called?

My stand on Riki Ethereal Blade is that it is situational (duh). We can find out when and when not to get it by studying the following scenario.

Rikis nowadays usually play as number 3 offlaners. In this case, the farm allocation does not go to Riki, and should be ganking once he gets level 6. This money could be used to fund a traditional Diffusal Blade, but I find the new Riki to be more flexible in terms of his item build (if we're talking about a utility Riki), so perhaps items like Orchid Malevolence, even dagon and Ethereal Blade, may have some relevance in the game. Right now, we'll just be looking at Orchid and Eth blade. Sometimes, it's difficult for Riki to get a kill against good teams, even with diffusal. And in all balanced teams, there will be heroes that deal magic damage, usually the supports or the mid. With Orchid and/or Eth blade, you can greatly amplify your team's damage while still doing a significant amount yourself.

Some may question Orchid's usefulness, since Riki already has a silence, but to kill particularly elusive heroes like Puck who constantly build Force Staffs, it is sometimes necessary. With a teammate's (especially Skywrath Mage) help, the Diffusal slow is probably not as necessary. The Orchid's attack speed and damage boost also makes up for the agility not gained when skipping the Diffusal (though your backstab damage won't be as high).

For Eth blade, it is good in my opinion on a utility Riki if it complements your team line-up. For example, if your team has a Lion or a Skywrath Mage or a Pugna (i.e. Heroes that deal a lot of magic damage in a short period of time), then an Eth blade pickup might help them destroy enemies.

In conclusion, I'm not saying that Diffusal is ****, nor am I saying that Orchid or Eth blade are game-changing items on Riki. I'm just saying that every item has its place, and that sometimes we should base our items on what suits our team line-ups (especially for utility heroes, whose purpose is, well, for utility). I am also advocating number 3 offlane Riki because it's good and it works well with the new Permanent Invisibility.

Also, Dagon + Ethereal Blade is a ****py KS build that deprives your teammates of gold and ruins your already-bad scaling with an item that doesn't go through BKB (you can still use Eth blade on yourself to avoid being hit by physical damage, so its still useful). You should never go this build unless trolling. Not even when you're stomping. You'll throw the game.
Kyphoid returns (42) | December 24, 2014 7:00am
Actually, i dont mid fighting with pory. REST IS SITUATIONAL LOL!!!!!

Ah, take the upvote. WHY?
because the comments section have good explanations on item choices, specifically what hamster said.
wangyuphing (9) | December 24, 2014 3:09am
Lol, damn it. Don't summon the golems please.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | December 24, 2014 2:28am
Actually i'm the only one who can argue with kyphoid,apart from porygon that is.
wangyuphing (9) | December 24, 2014 2:16am
Okay guys, peace peace. Every item has it weakness and uselessness. Butterfly vs Monkey King Bar, Ethereal Blade not so strong as a nuking item, but it's always depends on the games. I rarely see a 6 slotted Riki wins against a 6 slotted Anti-Mage in a 1-1 duel. So, conclusion is Riki is a hard mid-game hero, which scales well but fell a little bit on late-game.

Thanks to Hamstertamer for explaining about Riki, you saved me there XD. What you said abt both blade is true, however, that is not always applied in game. There are times when you need Butterfly, it's not trash, it's just depending on how the game goes. That's why I put it in the Luxury. As for Ethereal Blade, I also said "Recommended when you buy dagon. It doesn't means "only buy this when you have dagon", but it also doesn't mean "always buy this for the high nuking ability". I don't know what I'm talking abt please don't scold me XD

Thanks for the feedback Master Kyphoid. Abt your 1st comment here, is it directed for me or Tigerre? If it's for me, I will answer it. Ethereal Blade is always a situational item on Riki, that's no doubt. It's not a real core on Riki, since it doesn't amplify Riki's skill. I don't hate it, just doesn't suit me. But I will do some change abt E-Blade description some time. I already include Manta Style inside. It depends on the player's decision, whether to go Sange and Yasha or Manta Style. And yeah, about Daedalus, I've tried it and it doesn't crit so I will make some changes too. Thanks master!! XD

To KoDyAbAbA, please don't fight with Kyphoid or I will summon my golems to flatten you!! XD nawww jokes.
wangyuphing (9) | December 24, 2014 1:55am

Nice guide, I think you should add Lycan to the list of enemies. With the necro 3 and his ultimate, he will simply chase you down and tear you to shreds. Also, I may be out of date here, but isn't Smoke Screen one of the best aoe spells in the game???! I don't really see a reason to max out permanent invisibility first, as Smoke Screen combined with Backstab will set you up with a lot more early game potential.

Well, I have added Necronomicon there, but I will still add Lycan. Well, skill build always depend on the lane, friend, and enemy heroes. XD
KoDyAbAbA (65) | December 24, 2014 1:37am
Hamster tamer be doing it right.

I didn't say that Butterfly is a good item on Riki (in my defence).I just said that its better than Ethereal Blade if you are snowballing out of control.
Hamstertamer (89) | December 24, 2014 1:19am
I think there are a few misconceptions here...

Riki is a mid-game snowballing hero, he's as far away from a hard carry as you can get. He is insanely strong 15 minutes into the game when he gets his Diffusal Blade because he can solo-kill anybody, but he hardly scales beyond this. As the game goes past 30-40 minutes he drops off a bit because he's getting easier and easier to counter since every carry has Black King Bar and Monkey King Bar which essentially makes Backstab useless because everyone can manfight him under his Smoke Screen, not to mention mass invis detection like Necronomicons. Backstab is his only ability that scales into late game but it's essentially useless in carry vs carry fights anyways as soon as enemy carries start manfighting with BKB/MKB instead of running away. Essentially a level 25 Riki with 6-slot items isn't much stronger than a level 10 Riki with diffusal as only item. And he's really weak in teamfights so he can't carry. Riki is a position 2-3 hero not a position 1. Don't take me wrong, he's really good at what he does : sniping isolated heroes, being annoying with his silence and snowballing out of pickoffs. But he's not a very good carry : he's supposed to get an early diffusal, gank all the time and either end the game early or leave the carrying to an actual carry, not throw the game with a safe lane midas. This hero should make space for an actual hard carry not carry hard himself.

Ethereal Blade is useless for the nuke, no matter how high his agility is it's only 300-400 damage and it's really not worth it. Only reason to get this item is to use it like an agility version of Heaven's Halberd to disable enemy carries or to save people from Juggernaut or Faceless Void.

Butterfly is kind of trash on Riki honestly. Monkey King Bar is already one of the hardest Riki counters in the game. Don't push your luck by buying a butterfly. If you want attack speed get a Mjollnir or something.
Seriously, MKB makes Smoke Screen useless AND it makes Backstab useless. Don't buy an item that says "please make MKBs".
Kyphoid returns (42) | December 24, 2014 1:04am
Riki comes, with his ****ty mask of madness?
Frostbite into ghost scepter into freezing field = daed riki. Winner Winner riki dinner
KoDyAbAbA (65) | December 24, 2014 12:59am
lol i can 1v1 Riki with Crystal Maiden (no joke)
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