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7 Votes

My Guide to Centaur Warrunner

January 8, 2015 by wangyuphing
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wangyuphing (9) | January 8, 2015 7:00pm
Okay then I will change it.kappa.

Um about bloodstone, yeah I forgot to remove it. It isn't in the item explanation but i forgot to remove it from item build sorry (=.=)a

About hood, yeah me myself is not sure about it. I build hood on him in many games, and it worked pretty well. i was about to put both VG and hood, but i think hood's better. still, i will do some changes. thanks for the feedback!!



MrLocket (16) | January 8, 2015 8:53am
Usually I will go Double Edge 1st, maxing Hoof Stomp is better if your team needed more stun and set-up, or when maxing Double Edge will makes yourself too squishy to tank enemies' spammable nukes, but most of the time 400 nuke is much better than extra .75 second of stun.

If you need more mana regen, buy a plain Sage's Mask! Or Ring of Basilius if no one else is getting that aura.

I like your idea of getting Eul's but you should leave it to other better carrier as that much of mana power is not needed on Centaur Warrunner .
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | January 8, 2015 4:46am
Enough with harsh criticism.
What they mean is simple. The stun is 2 seconds at level one and 2.75 seconds at level 4, so you see no good scaling in the disable department and you wont be landing double or triple stuns until you get blink dagger, or have used Stampede (pretty rare with stampede).
Its kinda like venge's Magic Missile, you take it for stun and
not damage. While venges nuke scales, centaur has a better nuke in his Double Edge.
Granted you take recoil but let e quote centaur himself : "hurts you more than it hurts me".

There is no nuke that is not an ulti and does this kind of damage so early in the game or any stage for that matter. What they advise you is to get nuke at 400 damage and stun at 2 seconds rather than stunning for 2.75 seconds and getting very less damage from Double Edge. As you can see, the tradeoff is quite favorable.

Now you can explain what you intended with your build.
You literally need 230 mana so dont even make an Arcane Boots, let alone bloodstone unless you are thinking that he may die lategame and in doing so you heal the team(thats some neat stuff then).

Good item choice and good explanations. Your guides are getting better and better everytime you make one. Maybe next year we might call you Editor WANG.

After you explain your skillbuild choice i will hit you an upvote.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 8, 2015 4:45am
my homies commin to support me nigga.Kappa.
ElDiablo (10) | January 8, 2015 4:33am
Pretty sure Retutn doesn't block damage...
I might still be wrong.
Also Return damage is based on your STR not your HP.

About skill build.
You need to max Double Edge on level 7 because you need that 400 damage nuke asap.
Timminatorr (57) | January 8, 2015 4:23am
wangyuphing wrote:


didn't i max it on level 10?

he means before hoof stomp.
double edge gives more damage then hoof stomp. and since your whole purpose is setting up kills and getting solokills maxing double edge is much better.

i also dont like leveling dual edge second in the offane, since it wont be usefull and only cost you HP before you have tranquils.

also i dont consider hood core, yes it blocks some self damage, but it isnt core every game, often force staff after blink to make yourself extremly mobile is really good.
i would move the mjollnir to situational too, since you need other items that make you tanky to make it usefull, or an other tanky hero on your team.

also i dont know why you would ever get bloodstone, you dont need much mana at all, especially so late.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 8, 2015 4:20am
wasting early game potential.biggest nuke on level 7.reported.noob.kappa.
wangyuphing (9) | January 8, 2015 4:00am

didn't i max it on level 10?
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 8, 2015 3:52am
no max second skill.reported.
wangyuphing (9) | January 8, 2015 3:49am
Well, in my experience Blink Dagger is already enough. But feel free to buy both!
And thanks for the feedback!
caine1232 (3) | January 8, 2015 3:17am
One complaint. You say you should choose beetween Dagger and Force, force is actually pretty good in combination with dagger because it gives insane mobility and it's worth buying even if you have a dagger.
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