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My Glass canon IO.

August 14, 2013 by CZKL
Comments: 0    |    Views: 6460    |   


DotA2 Hero: Io

Hero Skills

Sight Seer (Innate)


1 4 10 14


2 3 5 7


8 9 12 13


6 11 16


15 17 18


Hello and welcome everyone! This is my crazy build to the DPS IO!
This IS my first build so please bare with me if it is REALLY bad, but please understand the main Idea.

Your role.

You are the bruiser.
You to not last hit the enemies, hell no one cares if you live. just DPS enemies, tether to the other carry, and carry the game the best you can.

Skill explination.

Point in tether early, you can tether a far off minion to GTFO a situation, (very hard to do, but can SAVE you)
Tether also helps you push lanes, and stun your enemies, and gank (tether a friend from behind and enemy, stun them, appear there, bruise up their face)

The MAIN reason you want to max out the spirits is to POKE and push the lane. remember you can send them really far way (to last hit running enemies) or really close. (to mess up melee people who want to mess with you) be careful though, it does cost a bit of mana.

After that Overcharge to help with ganks, survive (yes, remember the 20% damage reduction) and pokes.

Relocate as you can, its your ult. use it to gank, shop, run to full HP, save people, save yourself, or bring the other carry to the front lines.

What you buy, and when.

This build is very new, and very fun.

Buying bracers for stats, helping with last hitting/poking. (you are ranged, poke all you can) Tango, healing salve and clarity is at your will. it is what I do, and I sometimes buy more tango's, or just buy into damage things, depends on the game.

Maelstrom (last hitting, damage, attack speed, builds into mithrol, for that shield you kinda need, and more attack speed and damages)

Power treads for more strength, attack speed, and all that fun stuff that people buy it for.

Crystalis for Crit, damage, DPS.

Helm for lifesteal, and creep steal. Try to steal the bigger ones, like the Wolfie leader who has a nice damage aura!

Preserverance for sustain, buy it whenever. I often buy it 2nd or 3rd. Makes your tether do more, and makes everything just better. also helps you with mana.

Skull-basher is for Damage, strength, and that passive which you can proc a BUNCH.

Goodbye everyone hope you enjoyed my crazy idea!

I am open to suggestions, I know my spelling is bad, and this is my first build. I WILL be improving apoun it.

Also, FOR THE LOVE OF THE RADIANT, try the build. Actually try it a bit and experiment a bit before you just say "LOL BAD IO GO KILL URSELF"

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