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16 Votes

My Girl, My Girl, My Girl, Talkin 'bout my Girl | A DibsMid Guide

September 15, 2012 by DibsMid
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DibsMid (6) | September 15, 2012 6:07pm
perhaps the orchid build you can let some players now that an early oblivion staff is excellent side lane item, good mana regen, attack speed, int gain. and you don't need to finish off the orchid right away! your dps and kite damage will be felt if you are still in the first 10 mins of the game..

That's a fantastic idea, I didn't even think about that. I'll find a way to incorporate that into the guide. As for Maim, I didn't know that they removed the orb effect from it, making it a much better item in my eyes. I used to NEVER get it, but now I'll start to use it and see how well it works.

Why are people downvoting this?? Seriously WTF DOTAFire...

Haters gonna hate, it's nbd.
jaslam (21) | September 14, 2012 6:57am
here's an interesting one for you - MAIM.
apart from no longer being an orb effect, when you maim someone (assuming they don't have an escape skill, like blink)
They cannot dodge your arrow. food for thought.
+1 all around!!

but you've covered everything. perhaps the orchid build you can let some players now that an early oblivion staff is excellent side lane item, good mana regen, attack speed, int gain. and you don't need to finish off the orchid right away! your dps and kite damage will be felt if you are still in the first 10 mins of the game..
DibsMid (6) | September 14, 2012 6:06am
I promised a man a Huskar guide, and if I do remember correctly that man was you. My guide after that was going to be on Kunkka, but after that I suppose a Viper guide would be feasible.
Numeta (27) | September 13, 2012 3:44pm
Too many unfunny attempts.
DibsMid (6) | September 13, 2012 1:32pm
Though I see no mention of Phase Boots, would you recommend these boots and why?

I wouldn't recommend Phase Boots because the primary reason to get them is the speed boost. The speed boost is for escaping, positioning, and chasing. With PotM, she has Leap to accomplish all of these things. Obviously she can jump around, but its also the buff she gets after using Leap. It's a speed and attack boost that lasts for 10 seconds. At full level it is the same as the 16% you get from the Phase Boots, but lasts 6 seconds longer. So the Phase Boots would be a little redundant with your skill set.

really had no idea that POTM was so versatile. Guess I will have to try her out.

I've never seen another woman as versatile as her (wink wink)
NotSureIf (16) | September 13, 2012 11:53am
Very well done. Keep it up! +1
DirtGrub (13) | September 13, 2012 11:14am
really had no idea that POTM was so versatile. Guess I will have to try her out. +1 :D
Nubtrain (58) | September 13, 2012 10:47am
Ah the titles of your guides amuse me greatly, +1 for providing detailed amount of information and a well structured guide!

Though I see no mention of Phase Boots, would you recommend these boots and why?
DibsMid (6) | September 13, 2012 9:42am
The introduction image doesn't work tho. ^^

I completely forgot that I had an image link, and got it fixed n back up. Thanks for letting me know. And thank you for liking my guides so much, it makes me feel all tingly inside. I'm considering you a my first groupie, as I think you have complimented me in the comments of all of my guides. I really wish I coulda put video up for everyone but maybe for the next guide if I can get it worked out.

In build 1, seice you're building towards more of a carry, recommend Black King Bar in either Core, or Situational. And in Build 3, Necro Book over the Sheep Stick in my opinion.

You're completely right, sadly I completely forgot about both of those. I made revisions to include them. I don't necessarily agree with necro over sheepstick, I personally would say get necro if someone else is getting or already has a sheepstick. I'm really not confident with my micro though, so maybe if I was better with it then I would agree with you. In any case, it's good to hear from the PotM master of DotaFire himself. Thanks for taking the time to read my guide and comment.
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