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Morphling The Watery Alien

October 14, 2012 by darkoneboy
Comments: 4    |    Views: 15878    |   

Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Morphling

Hero Skills

Accumulation (Innate)


2 9 10 12

Adaptive Strike (Agility)

4 13 14 17

Adaptive Strike (Strength)

4 13 14 17

Attribute Shift (Agility)

1 3

Attribute Shift (Strength)

1 3


6 11 16


5 7 8 15 18


First of all... hello to my 1st guide... any positive feedback is accepted with open arm..

This Guide is for users to use morphling to its fullest of its 3rd skill, and power thread, which requires a lot of training...

this Guide also for speed morph farm which can alternate between lane and jungle at latest lvl 10 (usually i prefer to alternate lane at lvl 9)...

Users of this guide need to carefully predict enemy from map awareness as you dont have enough nukes to kill at low level...

Gurantee: If you done this correctly, at clock tick 15 to 20 min, you usually have mid game item.. start from that, killing is priority... (ganking is the most effective way)

Play Style

First of all, based on my skill build and item build, 3rd skill is important part of farming, as you will be using that to maximize agi, increasing risk ( high risk, high return )..

by alternate agi to increase dmg and reduce hp, last hit can almost be guranteed.. also by lvl 7 you may have over 100 dmg! last hit almost easy as pie..

to add safety in this gameplay style, 1 waveform is enough to run away and 1 adeptive strike is enough to stun for few milisec, which can turn disaster to chance... also 2 level of morph is enough for over 1k hp early game ( speed conversion of agi to str, vise versa ), thus increasing suvivability..

early map awareness can be used to converse agi to str for early prepare of enemy gank on you..
( more hp and try to wave inside of unpassable terrain and tp out )

do not go for gank as this style is for HARDCORE farm!! except you already have all core item..

Skill Build

Pick lvl 2, 9, 10, 12
picked at lvl 2 for running purposed, as the manacost is high for early game 140/155/160/165... later at lvl 9, 10, 12, it can be picked for killing purposed..

Adeptive Strike
Pick lvl 4, 13, 14, 17
picked at lvl 4 for stun - a chance of get away-, as the low level is totally useless with low point of agi or str except for milisec stun.. later lvl 13, 14, 17, at this point, agi is almost high as that this skill can be used for killing blow to enemy...

Pick lvl 1, 3, 20, 21
picked for early conversion, his unique ability for epic dmg on last hit early game! usually 2 lvl of morph is speedy enough to save life.. ( i usually left 17 base str for safety against nuker ) also it is picked at lvl 20, 21 for late game, which intense clash could happening and mana is long enough to support it...

Pick lvl 6, 11, 16
picked for escape, kill low hp imba dmg enemy ( for example Phantom Assasin - let him feed his own power ) saving tp scroll, time saving, bait and many more.. this skill can be used based on your own imagination as the image duration is quite long...

Alternate laning

ok this topic will be explained as far as i can..

alternate laning is a technique that can be used after T1 tower of your easy lane is destroyed..
(try open image in new tab.. seems cannot be shown here)

the technique is to farm enemy pushing creep that pass T1 tower or the coloured line and yourself do not bypass the coloured line (red for dire , blue for radiant )...

after your creep bypass the line, yourself waveform all those neutral creep...

with high right click dmg with 3rd skills, ensure of fast creeping as creep respawn every 1 min...

to be more speeder farm, when the clock sec ticks to xx:50, try to move away from camp, as yourself will pull the creep thus stacking the creep (moar money)..

also you need to spend or ask the support to spend money for ward.. and place those ward at yellow coloured place... (radiant place at radiant jungle, dire place at dire jungle)
this for ensure of safety jungling from possible gank..

then push back enemy creep after they reach purple coloured line, and the process is repeated..

this alternate laning can be used for any other carry heroes, as long 3 principle of this laning is obeyed... 1st- do not pass coloured line, 2nd- ward placing, 3rd- repush...

Item Build

Start of game

1 tango (3 charges), 2 slippers (additional dmg and ingredients for wraith band), 1 gg branch and 1 salve (for staying in lane)

Early game

always ensure tp scroll is in inventory

try finish 1st 2 wraith band as they give 6 str, 24 dmg, and 6 int giving total of
hp => 6 * (19) = 114 hp
mana => 6 * (13) = 78 mana
even seems low, this is giving morph an advantage as hp does not count in base str thus 114 hp is always added even with 1 str in base str..
6 point of mana add its regen by around (6*0.4=2.4).. even seems low, 2.4 is quite high for morph of this build as he use waveform only for run early game thus making 2 wraith band is pretty enough in early game...

after 2 wraith band buy 1 boots
for movespeed, what else..

after boots, buy health ring
to regen hp as your regen item is depleted and you dont want to waste money buying more regen item

after health ring, buy void stone..
for mana regen,as at this point you probably already use clarity, and higher mana regen means you can play 3rd skill with ease...

Mid Game/Core Item

core item for this build of morph is thread and linken..

the reason linken is for it infamous spell block.. thus saving yourself from nukers.. this build emphasis on dmg thus having low hp, which a happy time for nukers if you dont have linken.. not only that linken have alot of stats and also regeneration power.. making morph can stay longer in lane, harassing with pushing the lane... try to roam for kill as usually at this point enemy is roaming for kill with low number of item... thus giving advantage on your high dmg build morph for 1 on 1 on them...

when you use skill with full mana, try to change thread to int.. then rechange it barck to str... i prefer to stay on str except using skill on full mana as this giving hp to morph...
the only time i use agi is when i use ethereal blade or adeptive strike for kill as dmg multiplier is awesome while when used on right click is not worth it compared to hp..

Luxury Item

shotgun is most probably famous item on morph ( shotgun = ethereal blade)... i dont usually use eb except few cases which is :
1) enemy is low on magical resistance with low hp
2) enemy carry is right click heroes ( phantom assassin )
3) enemy has less nuker
if all this cases is set, i highly propose to use ethereal blade because:
1) eb amplify magical dmg -waveform, adeptive strike is magical dmg-
2) eb can shut enemy right click heroes as eb turn enemy into ethereal which they
cannot and cannot be attack with right click
3) eb also amplify magical dmg on yourself, using it with a lot of nuker is suicidal

manta is the contervisional on morph, some say it core while some say it luxury... for this build it is luxury as, your core item is more than enough for killing... manta can be build at anytime after core item is completed.. but it totally depend on yourself... whether you like it or hate it... it totally up to you.. cases for consideration when using manta is:

1) enemy has less aoe skill or item ( eg: battle fury)
2) you is pro enough to dodge skill using manta
invulnerbility window
if any of this case is set, you can use manta...

eye of skadi probably one of the forgotten luxury item on morph (his water hits already painful, then why not change it into ice?) eye of skadi is used for slow, stats boost and lil hp and mana boost... his slow is enough to chase with 1 waveform and hit enemy as his slow enemy thus giving longer time frame for kill with right click... this luxury does not have case of consideration as it totally depend on yourself...

satanic is most powerful lifesteal item in game... activate it and you can almost guranteed full hp within seconds with morph... the condition to use this demon item is:
1) game is prolonged and enemy carry is getting fat, you
might get killed when clash with them
2) hate to go to fountain for hp regen
and if case 1 is set, and you one hella rich person.. always, ALWAYS use satanic and skadi combo... you will be almost immortal in game fight (i use this combo on 5 v 1.. rampage I was get )

How To Kill with Core Item

This chapter on how to kill after core item..

1st) try to ambush enemy from behind.. pincer behind and infront is better with teeammates..

2nd) hit as much as possible... try not to attract tower aggro..

3rd) enemy running? behind or infront? whatever.. go waveform him and hit few more.. or enemy
tping out? adeptive strike him.. he mini stunned, his scroll cd and wasted 1... and hit
him more..

4th) consideration - enemy backup is nearing.. are they can kill you? if yes press morph to
str immediately...

5th) go roam and find more kills... if they stick.. try to farm some luxury...

Hero Choice of Laning Together

Choice of hero laning is as following:

Venomancer, Omniknight, Rhasta, Jakiro, Crystal Maiden, Lina

(this choice is for early attempt of early kill, veno with slow, omni with healing dmg, rhasta with disable, cm with disable and slow, lina with nukes and stuns -all of this is good choice for your high dmg and mobility with waveform... and survivability with 3rd skill if need to do tower dive.. this is for advance player of morphling... otherwise this choice is for harrass enemy... also this is choice of the ensure last hit is yours)

Bad enemy pick laning against morph:

Nyx, Bounty Hunter, any disable and dps skiller (eg: venomancer)..

he was prone to dmg as his hp is low... dps can kill him easily if not carefully laning and disable can almost gurantee kill if hit... Nyx mana burn is dangerous for morph as he cannot morph str and wave back... BH also dangerous as his invi jinada combo can hit over half of max hp of morph...

Last Say

thanks for reading those guide i wrote... if you got any question you can contact me whether through my emails or pm... any correction and positive feedback for both of party is more than welcomed!!

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