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18 Votes

Morphling the Moving Water??? ''One Hit Combo'' (Dead)

May 5, 2012 by Hanzskii
Comments: 4    |    Views: 74930    |   

Carry ''One Hit Combo''

DotA2 Hero: Morphling

Hero Skills

Accumulation (Innate)


1 3 5 7

Adaptive Strike

8 10 12 14

Attribute Shift (Agility)


Attribute Shift (Strength)



16 17 18


2 4 6 9 11 13

Morphling the Moving Water??? ''One Hit Combo'' (Dead)

May 5, 2012


Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Laurence
This a Guide for Morphling

I'll Just say that Morphling Isn't My Favorite... ^_^
But Morphling is the Best carry hero for me!Because Morphling Hits hard and and hard to be killed...


This skill is used to eliminate enemies or escape from enemies.
It can be used to dodge a skill like Assassinate(Kardel Sharpeye) and Stuns

2.Adaptive Strike
This is a skill that deal so much damage when Morphling has so much Agility
It used to eliminate an enemy when Morphling doesn't have the range to hit the enemy

This skill is used if you want to higher your Agility or Strength
It can be used to what role do you want Morphling to do. Hitter (Agility) or Tank(Strength
I prefer to higher up the agility of Morphling because Morphling is a Hitter (Not a Tank)

This skill can make a replicate of any hero
I use this for escaping or It can be used to frustrate an opponent


Leveling first yourWaveform can be used so you can farm easily and then You can Level yourAdaptive Strike so you can now Gank.When you maxed out yourWaveform andAdaptive Strike go for yourReplicate but if you haveEthereal Blade already just level 1 yourMorph so you can higher up your Agility.Then if you already maxed out your[/img] Replicate.Go for theStats then your[/img] Morph


First BuildPower Threads because it gives agility and attack speed for you farming.

Second Build isEthereal Blade because this the most important item for Morphling it can combo your opponent and can fast kill the enemy.When you got this item and use yourMorph to higher up your agility but leave 1000 hp

Third BuildManta Style so you can hit hard in Team fight and you can push fast.

Fourth BuildLinken's Sphere so you will be hard to kill and it prevent you from being gank

Fifth BuildButterfly because it can give you much more attack speed so you can hit hard and hit fast.

LastSatanic because it grants you lifesteal so you fight One on One with another carry hero.
But I just put this so you know How Full the item slot on Morphling.
For me I buy aScroll of town portal orAegis


1.Laning-Stay in your lane if you still don't have an Item to kill or gank someone.Just keep on farming till you get anEthereal

2.Ganking-Just what I just said don't gank if you have no item.Gank if you have aEthereal already because you can Combo your opponent withEthereal +Waveform +Adaptive Strike when the enemy still have life that is the time that you need to hit it

3.Pushing-Push if your Opponents are dead or if they are not they taking notice at you

4.Avoid being gank-Always bring aScroll of Town Portal If you notice that you enemies are not in the mapWaveform to the trees and Teleport

5.Team Fight-Go for the opponent that has the highest damage then kill it first so it can be a lot easy now to kill others

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